Television We didn't all go to Gudger College

'Hey, wait; if I don't finish this last bite, you don't get my soul, do you?'
Well, technically, no, but..
'I'm smarter than the devil! I'm smarter than the devil!'


Always loved this:


"I am evil Homer! I am evil homer! I am evil homer! I am evil Homer!"

Saw this one today, gave me a good chuckle:

"Do you have anything by Robert Ladlum?"
"Get out!"

"In that case, I sentence you to a lifetime on Monster Island...Dont worry, its just a name"


"I thought he said it was just a name!"
"What he meant is that Monster Island is actually a peninsula!"

The stars of The Simpsons are to make a guest appearance on Family Guy next year (2014), US network Fox has confirmed.

Family Guy's Griffin clan will end up in Springfield in an episode titled The Simpsons Guy, scheduled to air on Fox, home to both shows, in autumn 2014.

According to Fox's episode synopsis, the Griffins and the Simpsons "get along famously" and Homer "welcomes his new 'albino' friends with open arms". Marge and Lois apparently ditch housework for a heart-to-heart, while Lisa becomes a mentor to Meg and Stewie gets obsessed with Bart and his pranks. However, Homer and Peter do squabble over the best beer in town: Pawtucket or Duff.

"Fox hasn't spent this much money since they took Simon Cowell tight T-shirt shopping," said Family Guy's Peter Griffin in a press release.

Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane guested on an episode of The Simpsons earlier this year (2013). Homer Simpson made a previous cameo on Family Guy in 2012, while Peter Griffin briefly popped up on The Simpsons back in 2002.

May be if they put both writers rooms together we might actually get one decent episode out of them.
Cameos can be good. Can't think of a crossover episode. Besides Family Guy and Cleveland Show. Which was poor.
Which is incredible considering they're wrote by the one guy, featuring the same characters, and both basically the same show anyway.

You'd think that'd be impossible to feck up.
Which is incredible considering they're wrote by the one guy, featuring the same characters, and both basically the same show anyway.

You'd think that'd be impossible to feck up.

I was always led to believe MacFarlane's involvement with the Cleveland Show was minimal, other than the voice of Tim The Bear. I don't think he is involved in anywhere near as much of the writing as he is with Family Guy and American Dad, other than the pilot.
I was always led to believe MacFarlane's involvement with the Cleveland Show was minimal, other than the voice of Tim The Bear. I don't think he is involved in anywhere near as much of the writing as he is with Family Guy and American Dad, other than the pilot.
You might be right there, I didn't really take that much notice. Just assuming, really.
I thought Family Guy and American Dad were both good enough to begin with, until they both became shit parodies of themselves. Pretty much what happened to The Simpsons, except The Simpsons was better for longer.
Family Guy has good characters but is just so terribly put together. Lois' dad is a great character, as is the Doctor whatshisface. Stewie - once they stopped doing the shitty shitty evil genius stuff - became great. But the writing could be so much better. It's just bad. I get annoyed watching it.

American Dad is pretty decent, though it suffers almost in the opposite way to Family Guy, it is well written in terms of plots, but it has some fecking awful characters. Pretty much all of Stan's family are unbearable, except for Stan himself. Principal Lewis became the standout character from Season 4 onwards. They should use Father Donovan more too.

Cleveland Show is utterly forgettable. I don't think I either like or dislike it. It exists, and very little seems to happen.
I thought Family Guy and American Dad were both good enough to begin with, until they both became shit parodies of themselves. Pretty much what happened to The Simpsons, except The Simpsons was better for longer.

I agree with Family Guy there, but I think they were a bit smarter with American Dad. They've almost dropped all of the whole ultra right wing patriotic CIA stuff, and it's a completely different show to what it used to be. They kept it alot fresher than they did with Family Guy, which just gets more and more pointless. Stan's character development has been very good, where as Peter Griffin is just an awful take on the big dumb fat guy character, that was already perfected in Homer.
Family Guy has good characters but is just so terribly put together. Lois' dad is a great character, as is the Doctor whatshisface. Stewie - once they stopped doing the shitty shitty evil genius stuff - became great. But the writing could be so much better. It's just bad. I get annoyed watching it.
The downside with the adjustment of Stewie is they replaced the evil genius with going more and more to the bone with his possible homosexuality.

American Dad is pretty decent, though it suffers almost in the opposite way to Family Guy, it is well written in terms of plots, but it has some fecking awful characters. Pretty much all of Stan's family are unbearable, except for Stan himself. Principal Lewis became the standout character from Season 4 onwards. They should use Father Donovan more too.
Yeah, I dislike his family, especially the fecking alien, mindbogglingly awful character. I really like the Principal too.

After a while though, it seemed to me like they turned everything up to 100, again like the Stewie is gay jokes, which with the alien..... ugh!

Cleveland Show is utterly forgettable. I don't think I either like or dislike it. It exists, and very little seems to happen.
The fact I can't remember one stand out moment is a problem. For a while I assumed it was just Family Guy reject stories.
Yeah, pretty much agree with all of that. Roger is shite, but he's pretty much the star who everyone loves. I can stomach him more than the rest of his family though, somehow. Steve and Hayley are the worst characters I think MacFarlane has ever put in a show. They should do an alternative prequel episode where both of them are fecking aborted, and then the show continues in the present.
Heh, that already sounds like a vast improvement.

I did like that Roger episode where he shits gold and gems, and everyone's fighting over it like the one ring.

EDIT: Or was that a series of bits that went from episode to episode?
Family Guy takes everything way too far. The scene where they cut to Conway Twitty for like 3 minutes is so unfunny that it's insulting. How is that even comedy? Watching FG and suddenly it cuts to a fecking country music star's entire song. Hahahahahahhahaa, good one Seth, really funny man. You fecking dickhead.

Example below

That's the exact shit I'm on about. They began as short jokes, IIRC, and got longer, and shitter, and longer again.

There was that one season where nearly every single episode had a musical section, I mean, I get it in that one episode that was about the song(Bird is the Word one), but over and over again, feck off..... My very favourite Family Guy episode has a huge musical interlude, but the constant ones were draining.
Yeah, pretty much agree with all of that. Roger is shite, but he's pretty much the star who everyone loves. I can stomach him more than the rest of his family though, somehow. Steve and Hayley are the worst characters I think MacFarlane has ever put in a show. They should do an alternative prequel episode where both of them are fecking aborted, and then the show continues in the present.


I like Roger in American Dad.
Family Guy takes everything way too far. The scene where they cut to Conway Twitty for like 3 minutes is so unfunny that it's insulting. How is that even comedy? Watching FG and suddenly it cuts to a fecking country music star's entire song. Hahahahahahhahaa, good one Seth, really funny man. You fecking dickhead.

Example below

That's the point of it though, he makes a joke that is funny, then overdoes it so it becomes unfunny, then carries on so long that you laugh at how ridiculous it is that the joke has gone on so long.
That's the exact shit I'm on about. They began as short jokes, IIRC, and got longer, and shitter, and longer again.

There was that one season where nearly every single episode had a musical section, I mean, I get it in that one episode that was about the song(Bird is the Word one), but over and over again, feck off..... My very favourite Family Guy episode has a huge musical interlude, but the constant ones were draining.

MacFarlane can sing and I think he likes to remind everyone of that. Over and over and over again.
Anyone who hates on Family Guy or American Dad need to stop taking themselves so seriously. It's cheap, ridiculous and pointless humour - and it's brilliant at it.
Or maybe you just have no sense of humour Scrumps, eh? I bet it's that.
That's the point of it though, he makes a joke that is funny, then overdoes it so it becomes unfunny, then carries on so long that you laugh at how ridiculous it is that the joke has gone on so long.

I know, but it's shit. You end up awkwardly laughing and praying the scene will change.