WC Snooker 2013

I love watching Ronnie when he's playing like this. Its just fantastic.
124 break now. His 6th century of this final which apparently is a record. He hasn't had that many centuries in the lead up to this but this is magic snooker. If he's only doing it for the money then who cares when we get to see this?
124 break now. His 6th century of this final which apparently is a record. He hasn't had that many centuries in the lead up to this but this is magic snooker. If he's only doing it for the money then who cares when we get to see this?

He's got a reason to be mature, focus and treat it with the attention it deserves. If only he'd realised the same 10 years ago. It's exactly what he needs.
He can't possibly retire when he's still light years clear of the rest even at 37. He can become the undisputed greatest ever, that's if he isn't already.
He won't though. This may well be the last Championship he enters, let alone wins. You never know with Ronnie.
He doesn't deserve to win it if he's not going to represent the game throughout the year. They should make it some stipulation of entering the comp. It's putting snooker in a shite position and all the players are suffering if none of the other competitions have the world champion playing in them for two years running.

O'sullivan is a prick that only ever thinks about himself.
Don't agree with that at all. It's a single competition that happens yearly. You earn your right to be there and earn your way to victory, if you only want to play that competition each year and are good enough to qualify, that is your prerogative. Snooker officials are a bunch of old fashioned, controlling idiots as it is.
He doesn't deserve to win it if he's not going to represent the game throughout the year. They should make it some stipulation of entering the comp. It's putting snooker in a shite position and all the players are suffering if none of the other competitions have the world champion playing in them for two years running.

O'sullivan is a prick that only ever thinks about himself.

He does deserve to win it when he's not played competitively for over a year and is still miles better than anyone else. People want to see the best player playing the most important event of the year, and that's Ronnie O'Sullivan at the Crucible.
He doesn't deserve to win it if he's not going to represent the game throughout the year. They should make it some stipulation of entering the comp. It's putting snooker in a shite position and all the players are suffering if none of the other competitions have the world champion playing in them for two years running.

Complete nonsense, don't want him to get a free pass into every tournament? Beat him.
Didn't give Hawkins a chance before this considering how he played v Walden. He's been excellent in the final though for the most part. If he can win this next one then it'll get interesting.
Considering we all thought this would be a procession, I've enjoyed the final so far, high quality from both players in fairness. Ronnie always seems to have a 2 or 3 frame advantage though. Hawkins has played brilliantly considering who he's playing against and this is by far his best ever tournament.
Feel sorry for Hawkins really, he's playing some fantastic stuff, but Ronnie can just turn it on almost at will.
Ah well, this one will soon be done. Used to love the matches that went on long into the night.
Oh, not this cnut again. Now I'm going to have to watch pissing Stoke.
So, is this the last time we'll ever see Ronnie at a snooker table?
All over. Well played both players. Hope Hawkins wins it one day.
Great performance from Ronnie. Was wrong about Hawkins. If Ronnie didn't show up he could have won that. Very good final.
And the best simile he could think of for his up and down moods when interviewed live on the BBC was 'like a whore's drawers'. :lol:
And the best simile he could think of for his up and down moods when interviewed live on the BBC was 'like a whore drawers'. :lol:


Hazel Irvine: Do you want to rephrase that Ronnie?
Ronnie O'Sullivan: Bit late Hazel, we're live

He doesn't deserve to win it if he's not going to represent the game throughout the year. They should make it some stipulation of entering the comp. It's putting snooker in a shite position and all the players are suffering if none of the other competitions have the world champion playing in them for two years running.

O'sullivan is a prick that only ever thinks about himself.

The best player doesn't deserve to win?
If he's only doing it for the money then who cares when we get to see this?

He's not doing it for the money, that was just some crazy answer he came out with about paying the school fees, he's always like that in interviews as per the final interview with Hazel, its the rest of it he struggles with as he said. He clearly loves the game hence saying he might do a couple of smaller, unplugged events.

He can't possibly retire when he's still light years clear of the rest even at 37. He can become the undisputed greatest ever, that's if he isn't already.

Easily is already in my view.

He doesn't deserve to win it if he's not going to represent the game throughout the year. They should make it some stipulation of entering the comp. It's putting snooker in a shite position and all the players are suffering if none of the other competitions have the world champion playing in them for two years running.

O'sullivan is a prick that only ever thinks about himself.

You what mate? He's won it back to back and just strolled in after a year off and beat all these "pro's" who've been hard at it getting match practice. He's made a mockery of them, not by mouthing off like Murphy, Judd or Robertson but with his ability alone. The Williams sisters did a similar thing for years in Tennis, not doing the tours then coming in low rank and cleaning up the biggie at Wimbledon.

Taylor just called him the greatest ever, Hendry 2nd and Davis 3rd.

As above, no doubt in my mind and Hendry and Davis would agree with him too. They all know that if he had the mentality for the media stuff and pictures and BS then he would no doubt have 10 buy now.
Taylor is right.

Ronnie is easily the most natural and best of all time, unless this championship was fixed who can argue with that?

He deserves to win this tournament because he is by far the best player in the world, especially when many of his expected rivals for the title were well off the boil. He's miles ahead of the pack at the moment. That in itself doesn't make him the greatest of all time, and nor does a quote from Taylor when players and ex-players are forever contradicting one another (Hendry says O'Sullivan's the best, O'Sullivan says Hendry, etc). I'm just trying to introduce a bit of balance into the debate when posters are saying one player is "easily" or "by far" the greatest of all time, which discredits achievements that in terms of both honours and statistics stand the test of time.
The top players have a responsibility to the sport that pays them their wages. No-one here is arguing that Ronnie isn't the best around by a mile or possibly the best ever, but with that should come respect for the sport and him not going to these tours will reduce the sponsorship income and shit on the other players.
He deserves to win this tournament because he is by far the best player in the world, especially when many of his expected rivals for the title were well off the boil. He's miles ahead of the pack at the moment. That in itself doesn't make him the greatest of all time, and nor does a quote from Taylor when players and ex-players are forever contradicting one another (Hendry says O'Sullivan's the best, O'Sullivan says Hendry, etc). I'm just trying to introduce a bit of balance into the debate when posters are saying one player is "easily" or "by far" the greatest of all time, which discredits achievements that in terms of both honours and statistics stand the test of time.

Yeah I get it, you are Scottish and like Hendry. None of what you just said adds balance either btw.

But I don't care about any of that, I just like watching a bit of snooker. And growing up watching Hendry demolish people and now O'Sullivan and his game, I don't have a preference other than just watching and seeing the frames. Hendry moved the game on from Davis, but Ronnie has moved it on from Hendry. There's no way Hendry or Davis or anyone else at that age could do what Ronnie has done tonight, and as far as pure talent goes there's no one ever in the history of the game that can control the cueball left and right handed like Ronnie does.

Yeah individual stats are one thing, not that I'm sure what stats you are on about. But without his mental issues it's hard to see how Ronnie wouldn't have cantered to more world titles anyway.
The top players have a responsibility to the sport that pays them their wages. No-one here is arguing that Ronnie isn't the best around by a mile or possibly the best ever, but with that should come respect for the sport and him not going to these tours will reduce the sponsorship income and shit on the other players.

You said he doesn't deserve to win it.

And in any case, he was reigning world champion and asked to defend it and agreed to it. It certainly has raised the profile of the game now hasn't it?