Snitches on Tom Hagen
I mean if you take all the fan speculation away, media bollocks quotes or not, our own personal speculated opinions on everything it (to me) boils down to 'contract up in two years; how can I get the best deal for Wayne Rooney'.
The media is a volatile environment and a lot gets lied about, mis-represented and truth construed whichever way possible. I am just saying I haven't really read anything in depth on 'what people are saying, what has been said, what could Rooney be thinking..' he either signs a new contract or he leaves - this year or next. The club as a whole sum benefits more or less in a scale in accordance with him leaving (cash now, cash later, no fee, no bonus to him etc etc).
Financially the club may take a hit but we're talking about a club not stupid about managing it's money. Nothing imo from the club from here (or even when fergus said WR would think about it) will be done in a 'feck it lets just sell him' kind of way which the fans go into forming their opinion already pre-concieving. Like WR is a piece of property in a commercial sense that can be traded like a commodity. There are a world of potential problems from selling him from cash and in the other basket there are problems in the opposite if we keep him.
I think the club is smart enough to work through this and find out what the best course of action is. I still think it's bizarre that every little detail and skerrick of information is being combed over by some fans to find some substance in the 'saga'. It's a bit frightening.