Wayne Rooney | 2012-14 Performances

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What the hell are you even on about? :lol: It's coming off like you're sitting there not having a clue what to say, waiting for other posters to say something before then agreeing with them. You've still not said anything against the general point I'm making, which stands regardless of how funny you think it all is.

The point is easy to grasp. Look at the difference between someone like Mata when he's in central areas and compare it to what Rooney has started offering a little too consistently. In fact, closer to home, look at what Kagawa was providing for Dortmund in central areas and then once more compare it to Rooney. Goetze, Messi, Iniesta.... even Reus who isn't necessarily on the level of some of the very top players technically. There is such a distinct difference in technical consistency here. I judge Rooney against these players because he's proved already that he can be exceptional in what was once a very natural role for him. What he doesn't have, whether it be because of concentration or something else, is the ability to play poorly in strings of games whilst maintaining good technical adeptness. Not only that, but his below par days are frequent and are detrimental to our style of football. Even without watching this happen (which it does, a lot), how could this not be the case? He is the man responsible for linking midfield and attack - the player tasked with keeping order in the centre of the final third. Of course it's going to be detrimental if he's not on his game, it's obvious.

Just to clarify once more, I've said previously in this thread that I'm terrified of the idea that Rooney will go elsewhere and set the league alight - probably as a main forward but perhaps also in the role we currently employ him. Basically then, I don't want him gone because he's shite or because there's no chance of him going elsewhere, that's for sure. It's just that there's a niggling feeling that we can't move on with addressing certain weaknesses so long as he remains playing like he has done in recent times. We can't have a player like that with off form wingers and expect to have our share of possession against the very top teams.

I feel like this is the definition of madness - arguing at someone who laughs at nothing, whilst repeating a point that hasn't been properly contested. I'm gonna go and chew on some furniture.

Very good post and echoes my thoughts.
same here :) gotta say I didn't expect us to be able to have thoughtful debate, what with you being so anti-Rooney and me being so pro-Rooney :D...looks like we can, infact, all get along :lol:
At the end of the day, whichever side of the Rooney fence we are on we are all still Utd at the end of the day, we want the best for the club, we just disagree on how to get there :)
It's exactly what gives me the shits. People coming in and going 'THIS IS WHAT UNITED DON'T NEED. THIS IS WHAT ROONEY ISN'T SEE GUYS THIS IS HOW IT IS'. Which of course most of what you said here sounds like a well thought out and thorough account of your opinion which is fine as well. But a lot of it is focused on the negative and talking about Rooney's time at the club as if it is less than the contribution he currently stands at. Which I think is wrong. Like bright said there is no point arguing about shades of grey regarding his on field performances and his contributions because everyone has a different opinion. One hand sweeps away years of achievements and the other is quick to tell everyone just how shit the player is.

Talking of form and such is all fair enough but when people say things like 'last two years' and 'since the start of last season' it's completely wrong. He's not been 8/10+ for each and every game without fail but his overall performance in all areas has been a solid 7/10 pass and there are other players in there making a name for themselves and if he wants to sook and leave over it then good riddance but if he wants to stay and fight he shouldn't (imo) be getting this much shite from the fans if this thread is any indication.
7/10 overall is probably fair.....but is that acceptable for allegedly our best player, certainly our highest payed player who is supposed to be so vital to us? Especially one who apparently throws a diva fit when he isnt an automatic starter? Id be perfectly happy for him to stay if he either A: Starts putting in regular 8/10 or better or accepts his role in the squad has changed and gets rotated without a fuss.

The reason a lot of people dont want him to stay and fight for his place is he has already shown a tendency to act like a pissy little girl when he doesnt get his own way.......if that happens again just after the window shuts its going to end badly for all concerned, if we could be sure he would man up and fight for his place like everyone else then keeping him is the best option.
What the hell are you even on about? :lol: It's coming off like you're sitting there not having a clue what to say, waiting for other posters to say something before then agreeing with them. You've still not said anything against the general point I'm making, which stands regardless of how funny you think it all is.

The point is easy to grasp. Look at the difference between someone like Mata when he's in central areas and compare it to what Rooney has started offering a little too consistently. In fact, closer to home, look at what Kagawa was providing for Dortmund in central areas and then once more compare it to Rooney. Goetze, Messi, Iniesta.... even Reus who isn't necessarily on the level of some of the very top players technically. There is such a distinct difference in technical consistency here. I judge Rooney against these players because he's proved already that he can be exceptional in what was once a very natural role for him. What he doesn't have, whether it be because of concentration or something else, is the ability to play poorly in strings of games whilst maintaining good technical adeptness. Not only that, but his below par days are frequent and are detrimental to our style of football. Even without watching this happen (which it does, a lot), how could this not be the case? He is the man responsible for linking midfield and attack - the player tasked with keeping order in the centre of the final third. Of course it's going to be detrimental if he's not on his game, it's obvious.

Just to clarify once more, I've said previously in this thread that I'm terrified of the idea that Rooney will go elsewhere and set the league alight - probably as a main forward but perhaps also in the role we currently employ him. Basically then, I don't want him gone because he's shite or because there's no chance of him going elsewhere, that's for sure. It's just that there's a niggling feeling that we can't move on with addressing certain weaknesses so long as he remains playing like he has done in recent times. We can't have a player like that with off form wingers and expect to have our share of possession against the very top teams.

I feel like this is the definition of madness - arguing at someone who laughs at nothing, whilst repeating a point that hasn't been properly contested. I'm gonna go and chew on some furniture.

A very good post and spot on. My fear is that if Rooney goes and gets a new challenge, his appetite for the game will come back, he will have something to prove and along with better fitness levels, will again light the Premier League up, with performances that he is certainly capable of giving. He is only 28yrs old and should now be in his prime!
7/10 overall is probably fair.....but is that acceptable for allegedly our best player, certainly our highest payed player who is supposed to be so vital to us? Especially one who apparently throws a diva fit when he isnt an automatic starter? Id be perfectly happy for him to stay if he either A: Starts putting in regular 8/10 or better or accepts his role in the squad has changed and gets rotated without a fuss.

The reason a lot of people dont want him to stay and fight for his place is he has already shown a tendency to act like a pissy little girl when he doesnt get his own way.......if that happens again just after the window shuts its going to end badly for all concerned, if we could be sure he would man up and fight for his place like everyone else then keeping him is the best option.

If the club deems it so by offering him a new contract of continuing this season before then renewing his contract I don't see why it's not acceptable.

All this other shite to me is superfluous.

From some of the opinions in this thread (similar to that of your 'is it acceptable') he has to be playing 8/10 every game and to me it's not the case. Even with his 7/10 average pass he's had 3's and 4's but also 8's and 9's to counteract that. No matter how hard anyone argues there is no other players in the world that even come close to an 'not had an 8/10 or worse game' than maybe Messi and Ronaldo and even those two have had a few stinkers in their last two seasons. No player is immune to that.

Fans expectations are too high imo offset by their moaning over pointless off-field issues that matter not a jot to his on field ability and performances which creates this strange blend of hatred and contempt when discussing his contribution to United.
If the club deems it so by offering him a new contract of continuing this season before then renewing his contract I don't see why it's not acceptable.

All this other shite to me is superfluous.

From some of the opinions in this thread (similar to that of your 'is it acceptable') he has to be playing 8/10 every game and to me it's not the case. Even with his 7/10 average pass he's had 3's and 4's but also 8's and 9's to counteract that. No matter how hard anyone argues there is no other players in the world that even come close to an 'not had an 8/10 or worse game' than maybe Messi and Ronaldo and even those two have had a few stinkers in their last two seasons. No player is immune to that.

Fans expectations are too high imo offset by their moaning over pointless off-field issues that matter not a jot to his on field ability and performances which creates this strange blend of hatred and contempt when discussing his contribution to United.

So should we not discuss or debate any decisions made by the club as the club so obviously knows whats best?
And no one is saying hes has to perform at 8/10 or higher every game, but as an average over the season that is not too much to expect from an allegedly world class player, and one who apparently demands to be a starter and not get subbed off for one of the biggest clubs in the world.
Rooney is a bigger name, probably a bit cheaper, and perhaps United are more willing to part with Rooney...at least Moyes has potential replacements for Rooney already in his team, how does Liverpool replace a world class forward?
Why would you buy Rooney when you can get Suarez?

Put it this way. Who would Ronaldo benefit playing alongside? The guy who he's had a devastating partnership with and who Ronaldo described himself as the guy who gives him great passes and the best player he's played with or the other guy who is more likely to run into defenders and lose the ball than pass to Ronaldo.
I think its also the fact they can take a player from United. Someone who has won things. Suarez, as good a player as he is and much better than Rooney last season, wouldnt grab the same headlines
Put it this way. Who would Ronaldo benefit playing alongside? The guy who he's had a devastating partnership with and who Ronaldo described himself as the guy who gives him great passes and the best player he's played with or the other guy who is more likely to run into defenders and lose the ball than pass to Ronaldo.

He left this partnership and managed to obtain a goal a game ratio. I don't think its that crucial. Do you?

plus Rooney's wages are far higher than Suarez, he is older and quite frankly Suarez is only going to get better.
He left this partnership and managed to obtain a goal a game ratio. I don't think its that crucial. Do you?

plus Rooney's wages are far higher than Suarez, he is older and quite frankly Suarez is only going to get better.

I think it is crucial that a player like Ronaldo plays with more intelligent and unselfish players. A signing like Suarez could have a negative impact on his performances. It may not but with Rooney there is a proven partnership.
I think it is crucial that a player like Ronaldo plays with more intelligent and unselfish players. A signing like Suarez could have a negative impact on his performances. It may not but with Rooney there is a proven partnership.

A partnership from 4 years ago, in a different league and with a different Rooney. That's not a proven partnership by any means in my eyes.

And as it was said above, Ronaldo hardly needs any help to be effective.
You're missing the point. Greedy player Suarez or Rooney who is a passer. You can't have too many greedy players on one team. Rooney is a better fit for Ronaldo.

Ronaldo may not need help but what he certainly doesn't need is another greedy player in the team. That's why they sold Robben.
You're missing the point. Greedy player Suarez or Rooney who is a passer. You can't have too many greedy players on one team. Rooney is a better fit for Ronaldo.

Ronaldo may not need help but what he certainly doesn't need is another greedy player in the team. That's why they sold Robben.

I'm sure Rooney would be thrilled to drop deep and be Ronaldos wingman. Besides, Ronaldo doesn't really need anything, he just does his thing.
I have a feeling that he'll end up staying. Not sure why, at the end of last season I was sure he'd leave, but then recently there was no stories at all with him, and he hasn't come out and said anything about it. If Rooney was truly going to leave, I think there would be much more stories about it, but who knows, we've got over 2 months to go. Just a gut feeling that he'll end up staying.
Rooney is like the Christopher Nolan of footballers: A good director sure, but certainly not a great one, and yet whose militant fan-base is so blindly impassioned with anything he touches that it's impossible to reason with them that he's anything other than one of the greatest filmmakers in the world. Every legitimate flaw that's raised is excused away to keep him atop the pedestal.

Nolan is 41, he has every chance to be greatest director of all time..
United always come first.

No doubt he's world class, but if you think for a second you're bigger than the club, well kiss my arse and feck off to Madrid.

Cant believe he used to be my favourite player before his previous hissy fit.
Tomorrow's newspapers featuring 'Rooney to Arsenal/Chelsea' rumours.
Both of Daily Star and Mirror say that "IF" he quits United then he'd like to work with Chelsea's Mourinho.
Pah, he's more like Lostpyjamas.
I think he wanted a move to Chelsea last time. He seems good mates with Terry.
He seems good mates with Terry.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if they got on great.

Nor would I rule out that Chelsea have tapped him/his agent up and caused all this, if things are indeed deeper than what we have official heard.

Edit: Still think he'll stay.
The only reason for Rooney to leave is if he goes to Real Madrid or Bayern, or if he wants more money Monaco and PSG. Can't see him end up in Chelsea, and Arsenal being in the race seems laughable to me....
:lol: It's best if it isn't publicised much, tbh. :D
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