Just watched this today.
I can appreciate Snyder's efforts, the visuals were excellent and most were extremely true to the graphic novel; I was amazed at the accuracy of some of them e.g. John being zapped. He also kept true to the story (bar the ending) and most (if not all) the script was lifted straight from the graphic novel, which I think is also good, so I found myself knowing exactly what the characters were going to say.
However, the acting was just terrible. The Comedian was a joke (pardon the pun), whenever he said 'It's all a joke' I cringed. Really poor and unbelievable. Doc Manhattan sounded like a pussy, I was expecting a deeper more commanding kind of voice for someone who can manipulate just about anything. Adrian Veidt had none of the gusto he had in the book - this guy was the smartest person in the world and his confidence really shone through in the graphic novel, but in the movie, he just seemed like a snivelling shit. The guy playing Dreiberg was kind of average, I'm indifferent really.
The only character that was anything like I imagined was Rorschach. Even the voice (although one can argue that was slightly overdone). I think he was captured perfectly, but the fact that he was a ginger made me chuckle (he had blood red hair in the novel).
I think for someone, who hasn't read the novel, to say the movie is shit has a good case. There was a LOT of talking compared to the amount of action, and did not live up to the expectations that maybe the trailer showed. As I have read the novel, I can appreciate what the director achieved, but all-in-all I want 3 hours of my life back. I think Watchmen is just one of those stories which is more exciting on paper than on screen.
Finally, that sex scene between Dreiberg and Jupiter

Hallelujah in the background? Yes! Hallelujah Dreiberg managed to get erect! Snyder probably wanted to include the sex scene because it was in the novel, but it seemed it had only been included because they couldn't get off the first time and the audience would have wanted satisfaction. Didn't think much of it.
Bitterly disappointed 6/10.