Watchmen - The Movie

Have you seen the trailers also It was in time magazines top one hundred works of lierature in the past century
Can't wait for this Watchmen is one of the only comcis I've read, but it was awesome. They ruined V for Vendetta, and I thought they might ruin this, but Snyder might make it decent.

It is to dense to get into a movie, but I hope this drives people into reading the book.
i'll have to have a look for the novel, going by what some in this thread are saying. Saw the trailer in the cinema a couple of weeks ago. Nice visuals, but didn't really 'get it'.
i'll have to have a look for the novel, going by what some in this thread are saying. Saw the trailer in the cinema a couple of weeks ago. Nice visuals, but didn't really 'get it'.

I envy you
Had it's world premier yesterday in Leicester Square and get a 4/5 star review in the Times.

I read the novel earlier this year and must say it's engrossing. Despite people saying it couldn't be done i thought it was ripe for screen adaptation. Looks good, but my ownly concern is that Zak Snyder seems like a Peen-arse.

Fingers crossed it's good, its got a long way to go to beat TDK
It's coming out on the 5th of March down here. Cannot wait!
I bought the book after reading rave reviews about it...have to say I`m a little underwhelmed at the moment(maybe 75% through it)
I bought the book after reading rave reviews about it...have to say I`m a little underwhelmed at the moment(maybe 75% through it)

gets better

i thought it was abit slow too to start but as it progressed got more and more tied into it
I've just started reading this today. Very good so far. My friend saw it by going to a sneak preview a few days ago. He said it was excellent. I'm unnaturally excited for this movie.
According to wikipedia, the film has been criticized by......critics, for having too much reverence to the source. Bodes well. feck you critics.
I watched this film this afternoon - I had never even heard of the comic before this film and knew nothing about the story whatsoever - I expected it to be some kind of XMen style action film so it was a bit of suprise to get something completely different.

was very slow to get going as it built all the characters (which is necessary for people like me without any prior knowledge) but got more interesting as it progressed - didnt really think it was that great to be honest but it kept my interest until the end at least.
I thought it was fairly excellent, and I've never read the novel.

fairly excellent? what does that mean?

I'll probably give it a 7/10

I reckon fans of the comic book will probably like it
fairly excellent? what does that mean?

I'll probably give it a 7/10

I reckon fans of the comic book will probably like it

I'm not sure, it kinda means that bits were great and others weren't I guess. It was too long for my liking, too many dull bits, but the bits that were good, were very fecking good.
I'm not sure, it kinda means that bits were great and others weren't I guess. It was too long for my liking, too many dull bits, but the bits that were good, were very fecking good.

I would agree with almost all of that - it plods along in parts and just when you start thinking 'there's feck all happening here', it ups the pace and gets interesting. Not sure about the ending and the whole character of Dr Manhattan is a bit strange.
I just got back from watching the movie. I have read the book (twice, now), and the movie pretty much follows exactly what is on the page. Certain scenes are almost re-creations of the panels in the comic.

Overall, I enjoyed it, though it was dumbed down a bit for Hollywood. Dr. Manhattan and Rorschach were top notch. Dr. Manhattan is a great character, because he totally deconstructs the Superman mythology. If a person had god-like powers over matter, space, and time, why would he give a shit about saving people from burning buildings? He doesn't even care about wearing clothes.

Question for you who haven't read the comic: did you guess who the villain was before he was revealed? I've read reviews that said it was telegraphed.
Question for you who haven't read the comic: did you guess who the villain was before he was revealed? I've read reviews that said it was telegraphed.

Well it was definitely clear that the villian had some secret plan going on - thought they should have a got a better actor for that part.
Just come back from watching it (I've read the novel too), and I thought it was fantastic. They covered pretty much everything they needed to do to make the movie propper. I thought the whole atmosphere of the book was underdone in the movie, there wasn't as much a sense of doom and gloom - mind you there was enough to make the point.

Like Chewing said they did dumb it down, but that's obviously because it'd have been boring and drawn-out for a movie if they had gone into all the intricacies. I think he's also spot on about the sheer awesomeness of Dr. Manhattan as a character. Why would he give a feck? How could he possibly relate to anyone when not five minutes ago he could've been walking on the sun?

The characters were all-round excellent, especially Rorschach. And the fight sequences were fantastically done too.

Personally I actually enjoyed the ending in the movie opposed to the ending in the book, more.

In all 8.5/10.
Agreed cesc with all your positive points cesc, really enjoyed it. When I heard how they changed the ending at first I went into a really nerdy fit, but in hindsight the ending is way too comic booky, people wouldn't have taken it seriously.

Dr. Manhattan was really good, the only thing I was disappointed with was them not including the part where he teleports all the rioters to their home.

Also, what was the point of having Ozymandias' pet cat (whose name escapes me) in the movie, if they didn't explain him? He was only at the end, my mates were like 'What was up with the cat thing?'
Also, what was the point of having Ozymandias' pet cat (whose name escapes me) in the movie, if they didn't explain him? He was only at the end, my mates were like 'What was up with the cat thing?'

Yeah, it seemed they put it for the fanboys forgetting that it's fairly obsolete if you've removed the genetic engineering subplot/ending.
Ye I didnt get that cat thing at all - it just appeared all of a sudden - so what is the deal with that in the comic?
i got the feeling that a lot of scenes with Ozy were cut out.
He genetically engineered it, its his pet and companion, in the graphic novel genetic engineering type stuff is important because he and his team of scientists and such build a giant one-eyed meat monster thing that kills everyone in New York, so the US and USSR unite against aliens from another dimension.

Bubastis! Thats his name.