Watchmen - The Movie


Full Member
Jul 12, 2005
The Watchmen Trailer premiered before The Dark Knight and fan-boys as well as newbies to the world of the Watchmen are creaming their pants in anticipation for what is definitely going to be one of the coolest movies ever.

The trailer is fantastic ... can't believe how well he's adapted the visuals from the Graphic Novel. I don't think anyone is going to be disspointed with this.

We're All Watching The WATCHMEN Now In Glorious Quicktime HD!!!

Holy Shit It's Awesome At APPLE!!!

Hey Folks, Harry Here... I'm ready. I'm so ready. In fact, I can't really talk right now - I'm watching the trailer repeatedly. The crazy fecking thing is... it looks like a WATCHMEN movie. Watching Manhattan move is bliss, the Martian palace forming, Rorschach's mask moving, just... well everything. Zach has really made a WATCHMEN movie. It's very real and so friggin far away. But it is in fact a very real and actual thing. Giddy doesn't cover it. I'm just praying that when I see DARK KNIGHT tonight at the Imax, that we get to see this trailer - cuz if so, I'll need a catheter.

If EMPIRE apparently wasn't supposed to have the trailer up yet, and Warners is shutting down the YouTube spot. Seems the filmmakers want you all to experience the trailer in the theater tonight. I get that. I've only seen the trailer about 40 times today - and ya know... when it plays tonight at the sold out screening of DARK KNIGHT - and the audience loses its shit... I will be seeing it for the first time. With an audience - on a screen the size of which dwarfs my pants.

What watching the trailer a billion times on the internet does for me - is it trains my eye to absorb the detail and richness of a trailer on the big screen. I literally can not wait to see Manhattan in Vietnam zapping that guy! That said - look for the HD debut of the trailer on APPLE at some point shortly - we'll have it added onto this page as soon as it comes up! "

Links to Trailer from AICN :
For those who haven't read the novel, I beseech you to get a copy straight away.

For those of you who have read it and not been blown away by it, I beg you to read it again ... it just gets better and better with repeated readings.
I never rated it that highly. Thought it was good, but the sort of foaming-at-the-mouth fanboyism it inspires (just read that review in your opening post for God's sake) always makes me laugh.

It's not one of the best things ever, in the whole history of the world.
The Watchmen

Read the book - see the trailer - and get exited. It might just slash The Dark Knight down as the coolest comic book movie ever when it arrives.

Fantastic story and it looks like they're getting the visuals and feel spot on for the adaptation.
I don't think The Watchmen has a large enough following. The book itself is brilliant but I'm not expecting anything from the movie.
I don't think The Watchmen has a large enough following. The book itself is brilliant but I'm not expecting anything from the movie.

I don't mean it will match Batman in marketing and revenue - I just mean in quality.

It does have a very nice following though, and there will be some hype before it comes out. It definitely has more of a following than Sin City, V for Vendetta and 300 did.
I never rated it that highly. Thought it was good, but the sort of foaming-at-the-mouth fanboyism it inspires (just read that review in your opening post for God's sake) always makes me laugh.

It's not one of the best things ever, in the whole history of the world.

Lol. Oh yeah AICN is famous or infamous for its fanboy-ism, and as far as the Watchmen is concerned, all fanboys/comic geeks consider it the holy grail.

I liked it after first reading it, but didn't see why it was considered by, for instance, Time Magazine to be in the top 100 Novels of all time. I did a fair bit of research to see what the fuss was about and realized the complexity of the story, multi-layered meanings, the amazing characterization, the superb artwork etc etc.

Even though there are better sites dedicated to the GN, wiki is not a bad place to see what makes 'The Watchmen' tick -
Is it a Novel or a series of comics?

I'm going to do a bit of research because that trailer looked uber-coolio, L.L. Cool J. even.

Edit: You seem like a man of my own heart what with your liking of Fantasy Novels and such. I'm definately going to take your word for it and give this a go.

Too bad I'm now backlogged with the Wheel of Time series, then there's Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal that has to be read. Bah!
Is it a Novel or a series of comics?

I'm going to do a bit of research because that trailer looked uber-coolio, L.L. Cool J. even.

Edit: You seem like a man of my own heart what with your liking of Fantasy Novels and such. I'm definately going to take your word for it and give this a go.

Too bad I'm now backlogged with the Wheel of Time series, then there's Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal that has to be read. Bah!
It was a series of comics which are now gathered as a graphic novel. In terms of superhero type comics it's streets ahead simply by virtue of the depth of character and plot it managed to get in.

I prefer V for Vendetta as a straight up story though and think Gaiman's Sandman series was a far better series of Graphic Novels albeit in a totally different genre. Best ever graphic novel by a mile is Maus by Art Spiegelman.
Is it a Novel or a series of comics?

I'm going to do a bit of research because that trailer looked uber-coolio, L.L. Cool J. even.

Edit: You seem like a man of my own heart what with your liking of Fantasy Novels and such. I'm definately going to take your word for it and give this a go.

Too bad I'm now backlogged with the Wheel of Time series, then there's Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal that has to be read. Bah!

Hannibal is shit, don't bother. Unless you like Lector becoming more "human", discovering that he is what he is because Nazis ate his sister, and an entire sub-plot involving man eating pigs then I suggest you steer clear. Or at least don't read it ahead of much better books like Watchmen.
Can´t wait. Must admit that I´m a big comic book nerd...just hope they don´t go and feck it up spectacularly.
feck it, there's no discernable plot in Hannibal anyway.

Yeah true that.

I still enjoyed the movie though, despite some of the more fantastical stuff - and the relative ease in which he could just go anywhere he wanted to go, despite being on the top 10 most wanted list.
Is it a Novel or a series of comics?

I'm going to do a bit of research because that trailer looked uber-coolio, L.L. Cool J. even.

Edit: You seem like a man of my own heart what with your liking of Fantasy Novels and such. I'm definately going to take your word for it and give this a go.

Too bad I'm now backlogged with the Wheel of Time series, then there's Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal that has to be read. Bah!

Cesc, finish the current Wot book that you are reading (Lord of Chaos, wasn't it), burn the Hannibal books and get yourself a copy of the Watchmen. Read it, do some internet research and read it again ... and let me know what you think.

If you liked the trailer and just found the images surreal and need a quick get-into the Watchmen-world, you might find this useful :

A beginners guide to the trailer :smirk:
Cesc, finish the current Wot book that you are reading (Lord of Chaos, wasn't it), burn the Hannibal books and get yourself a copy of the Watchmen. Read it, do some internet research and read it again ... and let me know what you think.

If you liked the trailer and just found the images surreal and need a quick get-into the Watchmen-world, you might find this useful :

A beginners guide to the trailer :smirk:

I went and borrowed the Novel yesterday, and can see what all the fuss is about (I'm up to chapter IV, which I assume is simply the third comic). It's very detailed, and I absolutely love the whole dark political theme it's got going on.

I'll discontinue reading 'Crown of Swords' for now, I've reached a rather tedious bit so this will be a good break.
I went to the wiki link and read this

"Watchmen is set in 1985, in an alternate history United States where costumed adventurers are real "

"Watchmen depicts superheroes as real people who must confront ethical and personal issues, who struggle with neuroses and failings, and who—with one notable exception—lack anything recognizable as super powers."

Think i'll pass on this one.
I went to the wiki link and read this

"Watchmen is set in 1985, in an alternate history United States where costumed adventurers are real "

"Watchmen depicts superheroes as real people who must confront ethical and personal issues, who struggle with neuroses and failings, and who—with one notable exception—lack anything recognizable as super powers."

Think i'll pass on this one.

Why, it's a more 'real' look in on super heroes.

If you enjoyed Sin City, or at least the 'feel' of the movie then you'll enjoy this, same too with V for Vendetta.
Why, it's a more 'real' look in on super heroes.

If you enjoyed Sin City, or at least the 'feel' of the movie then you'll enjoy this, same too with V for Vendetta.

i could take or leave sin city. V for vendetta was shit imo.

A real look on a fantasy character....not my style i'm sure it'll do well in japan.
i could take or leave sin city. V for vendetta was shit imo.

A real look on a fantasy character....not my style i'm sure it'll do well in japan.

Yeah I thought V for Vendetta was shite too.

But I mean if you like the whole dark-political theme; impending doom type feel to movies then you'll like this.

I'm reading the Novel ATM, and so far it's been absolutely fantastic. Things are explained, there's actual character insight & development. And the whole time you feel a sense of forboding. It's an obscure look at 'masked-adventurers.'

I've never ever been a comic fan before, but this one's worth it.
Yeah I thought V for Vendetta was shite too.

But I mean if you like the whole dark-political theme; impending doom type feel to movies then you'll like this.

I'm reading the Novel ATM, and so far it's been absolutely fantastic. Things are explained, there's actual character insight & development. And the whole time you feel a sense of forboding. It's an obscure look at 'masked-adventurers.'

I've never ever been a comic fan before, but this one's worth it.

It kinda was, I have a friend who is big time into this stuff and said they took the film out of it's context into the 2020s, where as it was supposed to take place in the 80s and was in relation to the ultraconservative british government at the time.

That said Sin City was fecking class, and he said they did it basically scene for scene and line for line from the graphic novel. He tells me there are nine stories, they did three in the first, and have already started production I believe on the second so it's setting up for a trilogy. He told me after seeing the trailer that Watchmen seemed to be much more Sin City than V for Vendetta, I sure hope it is
It kinda was, I have a friend who is big time into this stuff and said they took the film out of it's context into the 2020s, where as it was supposed to take place in the 80s and was in relation to the ultraconservative british government at the time.

That said Sin City was fecking class, and he said they did it basically scene for scene and line for line from the graphic novel. He tells me there are nine stories, they did three in the first, and have already started production I believe on the second so it's setting up for a trilogy. He told me after seeing the trailer that Watchmen seemed to be much more Sin City than V for Vendetta, I sure hope it is


I too heard that the word on the street was the next Sin City is underway. I am well pleased about this.

And as for the Watchmen, the trailer has depicted scenes straight out of the novel - exactly as they appear. I have high hopes that they don't stray from the path of the novel too.

Maybe Sin City has set a precedent. I pray it has too, because that will guarantee the movie will be a hit.

I too heard that the word on the street was the next Sin City is underway. I am well pleased about this.

And as for the Watchmen, the trailer has depicted scenes straight out of the novel - exactly as they appear. I have high hopes that they don't stray from the path of the novel too.

Maybe Sin City has set a precedent. I pray it has too, because that will guarantee the movie will be a hit.

Jessica Alba is in it again, more assless chaps please!
V for Vendetta is a fantastic story as an illustrated novel. I didn't mind the movie, although it could have been much better though.

GAngel, you do realise that all characters in fictional creations are fantasy characters... superheroes or otherwise?
Watchmen the graphic novel was absolute class. Back in the 80's, that and "The Dark Night" put the comic book world back in the spotlight and spawned the whole comic book based movie phenomena. The book is absolutely superb. If you let the notion of "fanboys" turn you off, you have little hope of appreciating MUFC.

I would say that though the trailer looks good, I don't have much hope for the movie. The plot itself is pretty dense, and the historical (both personal and national) backdrop even moreso. There's too much in the book to cram into 2 or even 3 hours. They'll wind up having to hack it up and I doubt it can do it justice. Tall order.
Interesting that I didn't see this preview before The Dark Knight when I saw the film last Friday. Was it just opening weekend this preview was shown?
Interesting that I didn't see this preview before The Dark Knight when I saw the film last Friday. Was it just opening weekend this preview was shown?

Nah, I'm pretty sure that they are still showing it. Maybe its just in the states and all I-Max screens.

The trailer is on Youtube in case you want to watch it (which you must).

I too heard that the word on the street was the next Sin City is underway. I am well pleased about this.

I'm hearing it's most likely off. The've not started filming and Frank Miller is busy with making The Spirit plus Robert Rodriguez seems to have lost interest and is trying to put together funding for a bunch of his own ideas including a Barberella remake. It's looking unlikely we'll see it before like 2012 and if you think about it more, it just probably won't happen at all. I read on IMDB that there was never anything concrete on making a sequal just the cast said they'd be willing to and Miller saying there was enough new material. The original was abit style over substance for my liking anyway.
Nah, I'm pretty sure that they are still showing it. Maybe its just in the states and all I-Max screens.

The trailer is on Youtube in case you want to watch it (which you must).

I finished reading the novel a few days ago. Was fantastic I have to say.

I don't know how it weighs up against other comics as I've never read one before, but going by what I've heard on here and at various other places (namely youtube) - it's the king of comics.

But I have to say I now have some reservations about the film - not that the trailer doesn't look awsome - it's just that I don't really know how they'll be able to put it together, and justify the book, properly. There's too much stuff involved (all the flashbacks etc). I can just see sceptics going crazy over it as it will be an extremely hard story to explain.
I possibly see what you mean with the excessive hype and the million trailers/posters etc, but if Zach Snyder has even done a half decent job at adapting the movie, it should easily be the best Comic-to-Screen adaptation so far.

Many people who haven't read the GN might be put of with the surreal images and the general weirdness of the trailers, but let me assure you that there is a great great story behind the action sequences, CGI and explosions.