US Presidential Election: Tuesday November 6th, 2012

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Well, yes. My point wasn't that Gingrich doesn't know mathematics. It's that he doesn't know history (ironic for an "historian").

Btw, I always wondered.. why do your quotes have small letters where they weren't in the original (name, first letter)? I thought maybe you manually used the quote feature when posting, but you still have the post link.

That's weird.
Watching last night's debate now. Apparently, the US won the entire second World War in three years.

That's a good oldie that I hadn't seen for a while!

This is South Carolina, where history is learned through film. Even more than the rest of the country, just be glad they know there was a second World War.
That graph seems like a bit of a stretch. Romney is trending down and Gingrich up at the moment. Wouldn't call it a collapse.
Romney was never really going to win in SC anyway was he? I wouldn't think would come out on top in that state. Gingrich and Santorum would be the much more likely candidates there.
He was leading the polls for South Carolina and was expected to win it a couple of days ago. Even Newt was starting to admit Romney would probably be the nominee if he won it. Then it turned out Santorum actually won in Iowa and Gingrich is surging after Romney got raped in the Fox debate.

Has the CNN debate been uploaded in full yet?
To be a republican candidate nowadays with their pledges and platform, is an impossible task. You really have to thread the eye of the needle or walking through a Angolan minefield that its impossible to find an electable candidate.

You make your bed, you have to lie on it now.

Defending capitalism; help the working poor. Cut government taxes; empower the state (to tax increase.) Reduce the federal budget; increase defense budgets.

It must be dizzying times (in a bad way) for the republican primary voter. They must be so over-whelmed by so much information that they can not piece anything together and realise that what is being pitched to them is all pure bollocks.

They cant add 1+1 anymore. As Ann Richards once said, poor George/Repubs..born with a silver foot in their mouths
It is looking ever increasingly like Romney will do a Howard Dean.
First, one note on what Mr. Gingrich’s married life, including his history of infidelity does not mean: It does not mean that Mr. Gingrich would be unfaithful to the United States of America or the Constitution of the United States.

1) Three women have met Mr. Gingrich and been so moved by his emotional energy and intellect that they decided they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with him.
2) Two of these women felt this way even though Mr. Gingrich was already married.

Newt Gingrich's Three Marriages Mean He Might Make A Strong President -- Really | Fox News

Is the BBC dumbing down their coverage?


Democratic President Barack Obama wants a second term in office, but not if Republicans can help it

Stunning analysis there...
Looks like Gingrich has SC sewn up. He could easily win Florida, he had a double digit lead there a month or two ago, I think his poor showing in Iowa killed his popularity with the voting sheep, but when he wins SC they'll jump right back on his hamwagon.
So after tonight there are eight more races before Super Tuesday:

Florida: 31/1 - 50 delegates
Nevada: 4/2 - 28 delegates
Maine: 4-11/2 - 24 delegates
Colorado: 7/2 - 36 delegates
Minnesota: 7/2 - 40 delegates
Arizona: 28/2 - 29 delegates
Michigan: 28/2 - 30 delegates
Washington: 3/3 - 43 delegates

The fact there is a mix of states will likely ensure that nobody can become the nominee-elect before Super Tuesday if tonight it is effectively one win each to Romney, Gingrich and Santorum. You'd expect Maine, Michigan and Minnesota to go to Romney whilst Colorado, Nevada and Arizona will likely be up for grabs but inclined away from Romney.
And on not-so-super Tuesday this year eight states go up, Ohio is what the candidates will be scrapping over.

Alaska: 27 delegates
Georgia: 76 delegates
Massachusetts: 41 delegates
Ohio: 66 delegates
Oklahoma: 43 delegates
Tennessee: 58 delegates
Vermont: 17 delegates
Virginia: 50 delegates

After Super Tuesday a host of states go up quite quickly, mainly in the south and the midwest and it is at this point the race gets very interesting. On 3rd April the primary in Texas will be held with 155 delegates at stake, and the winner will take them all.
Romney just comes across as an insincere smarmy twat. He would literally do or saying anything to be President. Newt has serious integrity issues hanging over him as well.

I just think in a straight race with Obama neither has a chance of winning.
I know, that is a running joke on this board is it not?

I almost feel a little sorry for Romney now. He'll still probably be the candidate but he's been campaigning for years, was looking good to have won the first 3 contests just a few days ago and had an air of inevitability about him.

That sympathy is tempered by the fact that he is the very definition of a political snake and I have no real idea what his actual views are on..pretty much anything.
I suspect Romney donates a hell of a lot to the Mormom church, which will be a problem.
Is that why he doesn't want to release his tax returns till after the process is done?
A time like now would be the best time to do it, once a primary count is underway and as far as possible before the next one, otherwise it will dominate in Florida.
It will be interesting to see what Romney says tonight, or whether he changes a couple of key words from his victory speech in New Hampshire.
You'd think he could spare some money on some speechwriters.
Contrary to popular belief I don't think GW was stupid at all, he was just playing dumb so he could provoke the Dems to looking like judgemental, elitist bullies. Seemed to work too against both Gore and Kerry.
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