In a well-ordered universe...
Kennedy was a historian. His book...Profiles in Courage demonstrates his love for history.
While he would not have resisted using military force, he would have needed to be convinced that American interest were threatened.
He did not listen to the hawks in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Imagine a Bush or Romney in that position. None of us may be here.
On domestic policies he supported Civil Rights even after he was told by his advisers it would not help him in his seeking a second term. Kennedy said it was the right thing to do.
Courage is the word I think of when I think of JFK.
According to Chris Matthews, JFK chose to not use military action in the Cuban Missile Crisis due to a threat received from Moscow that if he sank those ships they'd bum-rush Berlin and slaughter US/allied troops. All 10,000 of them. And bang - WWIII kicks off. Kennedy chose wisely IMO. Today's neocons would have told Moscow to feck off.