US Politics

The slaughter in Gaza and the actions of US cops have both painted US troops in a positive light ("the IDF are unprofessional indiscriminate killers compared to us"/"our RoE is stricter than the average sheriff dept"), but this was a nice reality check

The slaughter in Gaza and the actions of US cops have both painted US troops in a positive light ("the IDF are unprofessional indiscriminate killers compared to us"/"our RoE is stricter than the average sheriff dept"), but this was a nice reality check

Who are these people?
Who is most likely to be the Republican VC nominee? Sounds like it's a 2x horse race between Scott and Burgum
Marge is getting desperate for attention after her failed attempt at ousting Johnson, which involved Johnson outflanking her by kissing the ring at Mar-a-lago, followed by her getting humiliated by Jasmin Crockett.

There was also a poll of Jewish students on US campuses where the crosstabs showed about 20% of them were ... Christian. Can't find the link now. But Harris, maybe Morning Consult, and many smaller pollsters are just garbage.
Taylor Greene is symptomatic of what is wrong with ‘heartland America.’

it’s rotten to the core, racist to the core.

ignorance and bigotry are a very dangerous combination.

She makes Suella Braverman look intelligent and that’s saying something
I didn't expect Kelly to be so sycophantic to Trump, but turns out she is, she simply can't stop defending him, no matter how many times he insults her to her face.

Female version of Ted Cruz, standing up for yourself is not a feature of modern-day conservatism, it seems.
I'm genuinely curious; when a US funded, smouldering corpse of a child is presented before Biden, does it even register in the grey matter anymore. He seems to have like three settings: stuttery, shouty and staring off into the abyss.

Then you've got Haley over here signing her name in the ashes of the aforementioned body. The moderate salve to the Trump torment.

The level of degeneracy of these US politicians, from across the spectrum, trying to keep up with Israel's depravity, has got to be having an affect on those of us watching along.

Being POTUS you have to have nerves of steel. Calling the shots on drone strike, sending millions of soliders abroad, sanctioning guantanamo where you know people will be subjected to harsh cough... Interrogation technique, arming rebels and oppositions that they know will subjugate the other party cruelly and god knows what phamacist lobby they took

For the first time in history Ukraine and Palestine are broadcasted live that we all seen first hand the horror, but this has been nothing new for politicians.
Being POTUS you have to have nerves of steel. Calling the shots on drone strike, sending millions of soliders abroad, sanctioning guantanamo where you know people will be subjected to harsh cough... Interrogation technique, arming rebels and oppositions that they know will subjugate the other party cruelly and god knows what phamacist lobby they took

For the first time in history Ukraine and Palestine are broadcasted live that we all seen first hand the horror, but this has been nothing new for politicians.

Call it have nerves of steel call it being a piece of shit. And yes, nothing new. I am for one happy that people not interested in politics and history are aware and might have an impact in future politics. The morals an values of the west are being exposed as what they are: a sham. Hopefully it will galvanize the new generation of politicians, because this one and the one before are driving us to the brink of a worldwide crisis
She's fuming...

She obviously doesn't believe anything she herself is saying and is only making things up to generate controversy that she can then fundraise off of. Its a self-reinforcing grift for the likes of her, Gaetz, and a few others.
She obviously doesn't believe anything she herself is saying and is only making things up to generate controversy that she can then fundraise off of. Its a self-reinforcing grift for the likes of her, Gaetz, and a few others.

Maybe? She's definitely a grifter, but I think she's also both a true believer and one of the dumbest people in politics worldwide.
None of those have banned Israelis from entering the country, nor will they.

They recognized palestina. And i guarantee that if they would, US would not do a thing
They recognized palestina. And i guarantee that if they would, US would not do a thing

It's fine if that's what you believe, but you can't point to them taking action on a country for doing something some other countries haven't done and go "see, they didn't do that to those other countries". It's unrelated, because Norway, Ireland and Spain simply haven't banned Israelis from entering their countries.