US Politics

Fine: build a barebones apartment complex of 1/1 units and charge just enough in rent to cover operating expenses. Guarantee it would only need to be a 50 unit building because the rest of those feckers would not be caught dead in such a place.
But don't want to raise minimum wages for people to keep up with the most minimal standards of living.

Also, wtf is Anna Eshoo wearing at 0:37? She looks like Dana Carvey's turtle character.

Used to take 2 generations to make Republicans from immigrants...2 minutes now!
That proposed GOP platform for the Texas GOP is insane. Another platform based on hate, revenge, political power grab and racism. They always hide behind the bible, but hypocritically wield it as a weapon for their hate.
It will be interesting to see if he is (hopefully) primaried in 28. Shapiro would be halfway through his second term as Gov if he is reelected in 26.

I can't imagine he would be primaried given that he is pretty much an establishment guy who holds the line on most of Biden's policies. He's just overtly over the top in criticizing progressives which irritates the likes of the squad and those that agree with them.
I can't imagine he would be primaried given that he is pretty much an establishment guy who holds the line on most of Biden's policies. He's just overtly over the top in criticizing progressives which irritates the likes of the squad and those that agree with them.

I think if he keeps it up a challenge from the left would emerge. Might not be successful because its PA but I definitely think he's on the path to burning enough bridges that it will be a challenge at least.
I think if he keeps it up a challenge from the left would emerge. Might not be successful because its PA but I definitely think he's on the path to burning enough bridges that it will be a challenge at least.

I think it would be hard to challenge him given that its PA. Also, he was previously endorsed by Bernie Sanders and supported Medicare for all as recently as 2018, and still claims he supports universal healthcare on his website now (irrespective of what name its given in the present). He seems to be more of a John McCain style "maverick" on the Dem side in that he has rebuffed the progressive label, become very pro-Ukraine and Israel, is for border entry restrictions and openly mocks Bob Menendez as needing to resign. He basically marches to his own drummer in a similar way to McCain and more recently Sinema did.

All things said, PA is an odd state. Shapiro apparently has 1/3 support of all Trump voters at the moment, so Fetterman isn't likely to lose much sleep over annoying progressives.
I think it would be hard to challenge him given that its PA. Also, he was previously endorsed by Bernie Sanders and supported Medicare for all as recently as 2018, and still claims he supports universal healthcare on his website now (irrespective of what name its given in the present). He seems to be more of a John McCain style "maverick" on the Dem side in that he has rebuffed the progressive label, become very pro-Ukraine and Israel, is for border entry restrictions and openly mocks Bob Menendez as needing to resign. He basically marches to his own drummer in a similar way to McCain and more recently Sinema did.

All things said, PA is an odd state. Shapiro apparently has 1/3 support of all Trump voters at the moment, so Fetterman isn't likely to lose much sleep over annoying progressives.

Which is a shame because as soon as Manchin is gone, it looks like Fetterman is going to be the new Manchin. I doubt Bernie would endorse this current version of Fetterman though.
Fetterman is the perfect example of why the "we have to vote democrat and enact change little by little" crowd will guarantee there is never real change.
Fetterman is the perfect example of why the "we have to vote democrat and enact change little by little" crowd will guarantee there is never real change.

You're right, Dr. Oz would definitely been a better choice to make progress.
You're right, Dr. Oz would definitely been a better choice to make progress.
I don't care much for cosmetic progress. Those fooled by this con artist must be extremely motivated to keep voting for democrats.
I don't care much for cosmetic progress. Those fooled by this con artist must be extremely motivated to keep voting for democrats.

Exactly, people should all just not vote, then the tooth fairy can float down and make all the wonderful things happen with magic.

Seriously though, we've had this discussion countless times, and even though I tell myself each time "Never Again!"... well here I am.

In the US there is a process, it's a bad one, but the only one we have:

Step 1: Each major party has a primary to elect their candidate. Dem candidates in the primary can range from very progressive to conservative curious. Repub candidates can range from "Hitler was a softy" to "light authoritarianism is my jam". Once the primary is over there are only 2 candidates that have any chance of winning that office.
Step 2: The general election happens where voters have to chose one from those 2 candidates. They can stay home and not vote, they can write someone in, or they can chose a third party, but 1 of those 2 candidates is going to win.

The time to choose the best possible candidate is step 1, but, (shockingly!!!!) voter turnout for primaries is shit. So, this means the general election is about damage mitigation in most cases.

You want to make a difference? Motivate and coordinate around that step, because if you want to make progress you sure as shit ain't gonna do it at step 2 if you skip the one chance you have to select the right candidate.
Exactly, people should all just not vote, then the tooth fairy can float down and make all the wonderful things happen with magic.

Seriously though, we've had this discussion countless times, and even though I tell myself each time "Never Again!"... well here I am.

In the US there is a process, it's a bad one, but the only one we have:

Step 1: Each major party has a primary to elect their candidate. Dem candidates in the primary can range from very progressive to conservative curious. Repub candidates can range from "Hitler was a softy" to "light authoritarianism is my jam". Once the primary is over there are only 2 candidates that have any chance of winning that office.
Step 2: The general election happens where voters have to chose one from those 2 candidates. They can stay home and not vote, they can write someone in, or they can chose a third party, but 1 of those 2 candidates is going to win.

The time to choose the best possible candidate is step 1, but, (shockingly!!!!) voter turnout for primaries is shit. So, this means the general election is about damage mitigation in most cases.

You want to make a difference? Motivate and coordinate around that step, because if you want to make progress you sure as shit ain't gonna do it at step 2 if you skip the one chance you have to select the right candidate.

We're not going to change each others mind on this.

Voting for progressively shittier candidates because the other team is also getting shittier just means you'll have a shit future.

If you tell me this is only thing left then the country is already finished.
We're not going to change each others mind on this.

Voting for progressively shittier candidates because the other team is also getting shittier just means you'll have a shit future.

If you tell me this is only thing left then the country is already finished.
I agree that we will not change each other's minds, but I would ask (and apologies if I missed it) what you think should be done to generate the change you see is lacking? You say my way of trying to get progressive candidates elected in primaries and/or pressing current office holders to change their voting tendencies is not the way, so what is the way?
I agree that we will not change each other's minds, but I would ask (and apologies if I missed it) what you think should be done to generate the change you see is lacking? You say my way of trying to get progressive candidates elected in primaries and/or pressing current office holders to change their voting tendencies is not the way, so what is the way?
Punish candidates like fetterman by not voting for them ever again. It's the party that needs to adapt to voters, not the other way around. If this means having a dr oz loon for 4 years in congress, so be it. They need to be shocked into aligning with their voters. Currently they say "feck it, what are they going to do, not vote and elect a loon?" and they are right.
Punish candidates like fetterman by not voting for them ever again. It's the party that needs to adapt to voters, not the other way around. If this means having a dr oz loon for 4 years in congress, so be it. They need to be shocked into aligning with their voters. Currently they say "feck it, what are they going to do, not vote and elect a loon?" and they are right.
Agreed on the first part.... that's the point of primaries. As for the rest, the problem is that the majority of the Dem electorate is not "progressive". Pair that with a GOP that is a lock step voting base of around 40% and change has to be incremental because the progressive wing has to drag the rest of the party to the left. On pretty much every major domestic issue you can see how the Dem position has shifted over the last 25 years. For example, the Dem party platform did not support gay marriage until 2012(!). Unfortunately, until the electorate itself shifts to the left this is the way it has to be. Allowing the loons to wreck this place is not going to lead to progrssive policies, it's going to lead to the progressive wing moving back to the right to help stop the bleeding.
Agreed on the first part.... that's the point of primaries. As for the rest, the problem is that the majority of the Dem electorate is not "progressive". Pair that with a GOP that is a lock step voting base of around 40% and change has to be incremental because the progressive wing has to drag the rest of the party to the left. On pretty much every major domestic issue you can see how the Dem position has shifted over the last 25 years. For example, the Dem party platform did not support gay marriage until 2012(!). Unfortunately, until the electorate itself shifts to the left this is the way it has to be. Allowing the loons to wreck this place is not going to lead to progrssive policies, it's going to lead to the progressive wing moving back to the right to help stop the bleeding.
They only need to be progressive enough to grab the necessary votes to win, they don't need to go full bernie. The current strategy of fear of maga gives them zero incentive to move one inch in the direction progressive voters want them to.

Loons are already wrecking the place, it's just a matter of how much. And they are gaining strength, so if something drastic is not done now, it will be two late in a decade or two. The "less of two evils" strategy will only get you somewhere if it's about 1 or 2 elections, if it becomes a permanent feature, then the game is lost.
They only need to be progressive enough to grab the necessary votes to win, they don't need to go full bernie. The current strategy of fear of maga gives them zero incentive to move one inch in the direction progressive voters want them to.

Loons are already wrecking the place, it's just a matter of how much. And they are gaining strength, so if something drastic is not done now, it will be two late in a decade or two. The "less of two evils" strategy will only get you somewhere if it's about 1 or 2 elections, if it becomes a permanent feature, then the game is lost.

Legislation wise this is just not true, but where it is true is in the courts, especially the supreme court. Right now the court is split 6-3, with the 2 oldest members being Thomas and Alito. If Trump is elected and if the Dem's lose the Senate, then you can take it to the bank that they both retire before he leaves office and two judges in their 50's (like Barret and Kavinaugh) take their place, ensuring that the MAGA majority lives on for decades. This is the reality. It feels like it is a battle of attrition because it is. Every election is a stop gap to try and stop the MAGA crazies. You say "If this means having a dr oz loon for 4 years in congress, so be it" (it's actually a 6 year term for the Senate) but that could have catastrophic effects on the country.
Legislation wise this is just not true, but where it is true is in the courts, especially the supreme court. Right now the court is split 6-3, with the 2 oldest members being Thomas and Alito. If Trump is elected and if the Dem's lose the Senate, then you can take it to the bank that they both retire before he leaves office and two judges in their 50's (like Barret and Kavinaugh) take their place, ensuring that the MAGA majority lives on for decades. This is the reality. It feels like it is a battle of attrition because it is. Every election is a stop gap to try and stop the MAGA crazies. You say "If this means having a dr oz loon for 4 years in congress, so be it" (it's actually a 6 year term for the Senate) but that could have catastrophic effects on the country.
Why do you think the democratic party doesn't treat this threat with the same urgency you talk about it?

Because if it is really a fight for certain values and freedoms, can't the democrats expand the SC? I mean, just fight fire with fire. The other side is committed, why isn't yours?
Why do you think the democratic party doesn't treat this threat with the same urgency you talk about it?

Because if it is really a fight for certain values and freedoms, can't the democrats expand the SC? I mean, just fight fire with fire. The other side is committed, why isn't yours?
That would just politicize the court way more than it currently is, it would just moveto the right or left based on the make up of congress and the presidency. Fixed term limits that are set up in a way so that each President gets to nominate one justice per term is a solution that could work.

But as a far as meaningful legislation by congress, that means the filibuster has to be reformed or dropped and the sole arbiter of which bills are actually voted on can't be the sole domain of the majority leader in each house
Punish candidates like fetterman by not voting for them ever again. It's the party that needs to adapt to voters, not the other way around. If this means having a dr oz loon for 4 years in congress, so be it. They need to be shocked into aligning with their voters. Currently they say "feck it, what are they going to do, not vote and elect a loon?" and they are right.

One problem here is I don't think it actually punishes the candidate. A Fetterman would just get hired in the private sector and make tons more money without the scrutiny and happily never run for office again. A Biden will just retire to a life of luxury and speeches. So it doesn't really punish the candidate in these cases, it punishes hundreds of thousands or millions of everyday people who will have to live with the policies a Trump or Oz would install.

Another problem that we've seen with 2016 is that it ends up pushing the Overton window even further to the right.

So it really comes down to WI's point about the energy to mobilize around the primaries (and the need to completely change Dem mindset of seniority meaning no primary challenges) because at the stage you're talking about, you're not going to punish anyone but the everyday people.
They only need to be progressive enough to grab the necessary votes to win, they don't need to go full bernie. The current strategy of fear of maga gives them zero incentive to move one inch in the direction progressive voters want them to.

Loons are already wrecking the place, it's just a matter of how much. And they are gaining strength, so if something drastic is not done now, it will be two late in a decade or two. The "less of two evils" strategy will only get you somewhere if it's about 1 or 2 elections, if it becomes a permanent feature, then the game is lost.

That wouldn't really work in PA since Fetterman already has a good rating on certain progressive advocacy websites (probably before he began wrapping himself in Israeli flags). Overall, his policies across the board often overlap with progressives on healthcare, but not on border or foreign policy, where he is more aligned with the establishment. Therefore there wouldn't be much room for progressives to gain traction on him in a state where they haven't been able to take any relevant political jobs. The same applies to other states like AZ, GA, and various other states that could go Republican if independents view Dems as going too far left.
I'm genuinely curious; when a US funded, smouldering corpse of a child is presented before Biden, does it even register in the grey matter anymore. He seems to have like three settings: stuttery, shouty and staring off into the abyss.

Then you've got Haley over here signing her name in the ashes of the aforementioned body. The moderate salve to the Trump torment.

The level of degeneracy of these US politicians, from across the spectrum, trying to keep up with Israel's depravity, has got to be having an affect on those of us watching along.
I'm genuinely curious; when a US funded, smouldering corpse of a child is presented before Biden, does it even register in the grey matter anymore. He seems to have like three settings: stuttery, shouty and staring off into the abyss.

Then you've got Haley over here signing her name in the ashes of the aforementioned body. The moderate salve to the Trump torment.

The level of degeneracy of these US politicians, from across the spectrum, trying to keep up with Israel's depravity, has got to be having an affect on those of us watching along.
Yep. Don't forget Trump promising to deport/prosecute any protester/decent human who dares to support the Palestinian cause. The political calculus over here is barbarically insane.