Your delusions do you no justice. I never justified any kind of genocide. I said that white people should stop being blamed for conquering when every single nation (tribe, city, empire) has done it in one way or another.
Is she not? Furthermore, that's my opinion, I'm not taking her to court with it, or threatening her job or anything.
Why didn't it trigger a reaction the day after she was raped? I don't know. If I was raped, I'm not going to keep quiet for more than 30 years for no apparent reason.
There's nothing the FBI can do that this committee can't do. They don't have magic powers.
And they were investigated, nothing came up. As I said, when you make a claim about something, you should provide some evidence, which she has not. Quite frankly, the fact that she has been given the spotlight is absolutely absurd
That only her husband is able to confirm?
The notes that contradict her testimony? Also, I don't believe Kavanaugh was telling the truth about the drinking problem. But he didn't want to admit it for obvious reasons, because it would be spinned in a direction that accuses him of raping her without knowing.
I call bullshit on that. Imagine you were raped, your emotions, adrenaline all running high from it. Your pain is sharp. You will go as earliest as possible and tell your story, if it is in fact true. If it's not, you'll wait 36 years later, when you've basically have forgotten this whole thing, or at least the details about it, and tell your story to the entire world.
What's your point about combat veterans? PTSD?