Last year's circumstances are not this year's. We both know that.
Yes. And what Ford is doing is, IMO, is devaluing what these victims have suffered through. Every woman who lies about rape and ruins the life of innocent people does that. I don't know if you've watched the Hunt, but it is a pretty good depiction about what happens to these men who are falsely accused of raping someone without any single shred of evidence, besides the word of the woman. It just ruins the whole thing. If a woman is raped, she should come out. Not 36 years later, not as a political tool and she better have some evidence for it beside her word.
If I remember correctly, Anthony Rapp has been speaking about it for years and only recently it caught up. Furthermore, Spacey himself shot himself in the foot when he semi-admitted it. Spacey also got shut down for PR reasons than anything else. And call be sceptical, but I doubt he's going to be out for very long now. Give it a couple of years and it will be swept under the rug
People where? Here? Let's be honest, the political threads here are full of liberals whose only care in the world is to go left, left and more left. You have your agenda and you will never listen to me, I'm at peace with that. But at the end of the day, facts are facts. You can't go around supporting someone who is accusing someone of raping her when she has virtually no evidence to support her.
I'm entirely reasonable here. I don't know why you're acting as if I'm saying some crazy shit. You people just live in your own imaginary world where your side is always right and never wrong, regardless if the facts slapped you right in the face, as it is now.
I can't get over how ignorant this reply is. I understand that you think you're reasonable, but simply put you're not.
Firstly, she didn't just come out as a political tool, she brought this up 5 years ago to her therapist. She did the right thing there, seeking help for this issue. You are not the person to tell people they should just come out. That's bullshit and reeks of white man privilege. You may not be a privileged white man, but you sure as hell sound like one the way you talk. There are many many many reasons why women don't come out, verified and published by professionals and that's not all undone because Dumat12 on the internet has a difference of opinion on what people who go through a traumatic experience are supposed to do. What an ignorant and stupid thing to say. Secondly, it is absolutely appropriate that if somebody heinous does something, and they're about to be put in a position of power that this allegation should negate that they speak up. I mean, just listen to yourself ffs. Imagine if at a job interview the employers asked me about my history and I said "

if I did anything bad previously it should have been dealt with then, not years later and not as a tool to stop me from getting this job". What a ridiculous point to try and make. The whole reason that you have to be vetted for your job, especially in public service is precisely because these kinds of things are important to know. This is common sense to most people. Have you ever heard of the saying 'better late than never?' what's important is whether this happened or not, not whether the timing was ideal or not (which it was, because that's why they ask these fecking questions when vetting you, because at that time, in that timing, they need to know).
I refuse to believe you're this ignorant, and unable to understand simple sense so I'm willing to bet that if Clinton had won the election, and if this was a Democratic senator up for the Supreme Court you'd just be posting reasonably that anyone accused of sexual assault should be investigated and not blindly cast it aside just so that you can have your person in power. You mention that the opposite side has their own agenda and will never listen to you, at least have the goddamn common courtesy to realise that you're no different, be a man and own it. You might not like what it says about you, but at least stand by your convictions instead of talking bollocks trying to cover it up as something else.
Or answer me this, if this is true, and if he tried to rape her, and she didn't report it - in your mind is it her fault and she has to stay silent and live with it forever? Her time has passed? Tough shit, you missed out? Yes or no, no bullshit trying to worm your way out of it, yes or no. If the answer is yes, then wow. At least say so so we know where you really stand, if no then I don't really see what course of argument you have because timing is irrelevant. The important thing is whether it's true or not. Any question about timing is just as much Republicans turning this into a political weapon as Democrats who may have used it politically themselves. What people like you are missing is that that's semantics, the important thing is whether or not it happened.