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I guess that the logic is that if senators vote against everything Trump, then it might make people who are mainly Republican voters but who can vote Democrat to go full partisan. People can be easily trigged to go 'us vs them'.
And if they vote for Trump’s nominees in what is the most politicized judicial appointment in the land, you can be sure that plenty of people who would vote Democrat will be triggered to stay home.
Republicans flat out refused to even entertain the thought of Garland, who they like, being appointed by Obama. There was no blowback, and they are rewarded with the WH on top of that. Democrats should learn that their constituents put more stock on them fighting their corner rather than appeasing the other side out of some misguided notion of being the bigger man. That strategy doesn’t work, 1000 lost seats in the country since Obama was elected and Donald Trump in the WH are the proofs.