US Politics

Didn't see anything about a relationship but either way I agree. I spoke poorly-I meant to say that if/as his staffer had knowledge that in itself is an issue, even internally. If Cuomo doesn't know or didn't agree to this (I have my doubts)...well if I were Cuomo I'd be pissed

I should have worded it differently but either they are in a relationship and live together or are roommates. She's only been in the job for a few months as well.
I should have worded it differently but either they are in a relationship and live together or are roommates. She's only been in the job for a few months as well.
Certainly a connection. Why not at least get friends to do it so there's not this link :lol:
These latest scandals will haunt Cuomo when he runs for the presidency. His opponents will nail him on this.

Same guy that was leading delegation to show solidarity with Netanyahu. Primary this cnut.
He is being challenged but he's still gonna win. He's an incumbent plus his father was legendary in New York politics and his brother is a TV host so the last name gets even more recognition. The fact it's a celebrity challenging him seemingly counting for little.

Generic ballot is looking good for the Dems at the moment

This article is spot on IMO in highlighting one of the errors that liberal media is making

Salon said:
In the wake of Donald Trump’s election in 2016, MSNBC had at least two clear options: It could respond to a swelling progressive viewer base by moving left, or it could keep playing the Beltway game and move right, loading up with #NeverTrump Republicans and dumping actual progressives. In choosing the latter — albeit with a head-fake — the news channel has significantly skewed its coverage, to the detriment of progressive politics and its own viewers.

Oh, there’s plenty of Trump-bashing to please MSNBC's booming viewer base. But it’s often a cheap thrill, giving scant or no attention to what made Trump's presidency possible in the first place, let alone the challenge of building a coherent alternative. The channel is currently enjoying a ratings high, despite its leadership’s centrist intentions, but that's no formula for the long haul, either for MSNBC or America...

A healthy political dialogue, free of corporate dictates, would allow the dominant voices in the lower-left liberal-progressive quadrant to be fully heard in their own terms, rather than constantly being "balanced" with Republicans who do not represent a significant base, even within the Republican and/or conservative coalition. Instead, it would allow liberals and progressives to engage with thoughtful representatives of the upper-left quadrant, who, believe it or not, actually exist.

What’s more, that would involve a much richer, more diverse mix of progressive voices, who are now virtually invisible on MSNBC: rural progressives like Nebraska Democratic Party chair Jane Kleeb, for example, or leftist women of color like Current Affairs contributing editor Briahna Joy Gray.

A striking example of what’s missing at MSNBC can be seen in how the network virtually ignored the wave of red-state teachers' strikes. On March 2, FAIR published an article noting that except for "one two-minute throwaway report" on a daytime show, MSNBC had not dedicated a single segment to the West Virginia teachers' strike, including on the programs of supposed progressive stalwarts Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell. Hayes did a short segment later, after the FAIR story posted, but MSNBC returned to generally ignoring the issue since then.

To say that's underselling the importance of these strikes is to put it mildly. A month later, as teachers’ strikes had spread to Kentucky, Oklahoma and Arizona, political scientist Corey Robin called them “the real midterms” and described them as epochal. Looking back to the watershed year of 1978, Robin noted that national voters re-elected "a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate by wide margins," despite "two years of a historically unpopular Democratic president" (Jimmy Carter) with tanking approval ratings.

And as @Eboue and @berbatrick have mentioned, there really is a very easy platform the Democrats could pivot towards if they had the guts to ditch their corporate overlords:

The Progressive Change Institute's Big Ideas poll in early 2015 identified 16 ideas with 70 percent support or more, plus dozens more with majority support, that are rarely if ever mentioned on MSNBC. I wrote about it that July, in a story about Bernie Sanders' alignment with popular issues. These included:

  • Allowing the government to negotiate drug prices (supported by 79 percent)
  • Offering students the same interest rates as big banks (78 percent)
  • Universal pre-kindergarten (77 percent)
  • Fair trade that protects workers, the environment and jobs (75 percent)
  • Ending tax loopholes for corporations that ship jobs overseas (74 percent)
  • Ending gerrymandering (73 percent)
  • Letting homeowners pay down mortgages with 401k funds (72 percent)
  • Debt-free college at public universities (71 percent)
  • A $400 billion infrastructure jobs program (71 percent)
  • Requiring the NSA to get warrants before collecting our data (71 percent)
  • Disclosing corporate spending on politics and lobbying (71 percent)
  • Medicare buy-in, available to all (71 percent)
  • Closing offshore corporate tax loopholes (70 percent)
  • A "Green New Deal," creating millions of clean energy jobs (70 percent)
  • A Full Employment Act (70 percent)
  • Expanding Social Security benefits (70 percent)
This article is spot on IMO in highlighting one of the errors that liberal media is making

And as @Eboue and @berbatrick have mentioned, there really is a very easy platform the Democrats could pivot towards if they had the guts to ditch their corporate overlords:

  • Allowing the government to negotiate drug prices (supported by 79 percent)
  • Offering students the same interest rates as big banks (78 percent)
  • Universal pre-kindergarten (77 percent)
  • Fair trade that protects workers, the environment and jobs (75 percent)
  • Ending tax loopholes for corporations that ship jobs overseas (74 percent)
  • Ending gerrymandering (73 percent)
  • Letting homeowners pay down mortgages with 401k funds (72 percent)
  • Debt-free college at public universities (71 percent)
  • A $400 billion infrastructure jobs program (71 percent)
  • Requiring the NSA to get warrants before collecting our data (71 percent)
  • Disclosing corporate spending on politics and lobbying (71 percent)
  • Medicare buy-in, available to all (71 percent)
  • Closing offshore corporate tax loopholes (70 percent)
  • A "Green New Deal," creating millions of clean energy jobs (70 percent)
  • A Full Employment Act (70 percent)
  • Expanding Social Security benefits (70 percent)

Couple of thoughts here.

- MSNBC are still in the journalism business where having some diversity of thought is warranted. If people want left wing sycophantism they can point their browsers to TYT.

- How reliable is the polling organization involved in the above numbers to where one can cite these stats without someone casually dismissing it as left wing commissioned polling ?
Couple of thoughts here.

- MSNBC are still in the journalism business where having some diversity of thought is warranted. If people want left wing sycophantism they can point their browsers to TYT.

- How reliable is the polling organization involved in the above numbers to where one can cite these stats without someone casually dismissing it as left wing commissioned polling ?

Poll looks as reliable as any polling organization - which is to say semi-reliable with percentages that always depend on how the question was framed. The numbers don't look off from others I have seen. For instance Medicare for all seems relative accurate with this other poll from Kaiser Family Foundation which is non-partisan:

  • 59% of respondents supported a Medicare-for-all healthcare system in which all Americans would get coverage through a government program like Medicare or Medicaid.
  • Moving to a public-option model, under which people could sign up for the Medicare-like program, would be even more popular.
  • About 75% of the public would favor a program framed as a public option for anyone who wants it.

On MSNBC - I don't think the point in the article was about left wing sycophantism but rather incorporating broader representation instead of just focusing on the a certain type of anti-Trump business oriented academics. For instance the article mentions

But there are also many more blue dots (as well as red ones) in the upper-left quadrant than in the lower right. These are, more or less, socially conservative but economically progressive voters to whom the Democrats lost much more ground to than expected in the 2016 election — exactly the folks who cost Hillary Clinton the election in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. They are being effectively ignored by MSNBC’s programing at the same time that the channel's core viewers are being underserved, and treated to a diet that is oversaturated with lower-right NeverTrump Republicans.
Poll looks as reliable as any polling organization - which is to say semi-reliable with percentages that always depend on how the question was framed. The numbers don't look off from others I have seen. For instance Medicare for all seems relative accurate with this other poll from Kaiser Family Foundation which is non-partisan:

On MSNBC - I don't think the point in the article was about left wing sycophantism but rather incorporating broader representation instead of just focusing on the a certain type of anti-Trump business oriented academics. For instance the article mentions

I find the single payer favorability numbers in the article unbelievable. If they are even remotely accurate then the Dems are failing miserably in selling it as part of their platform.
I find the single payer favorability numbers in the article unbelievable. If they are even remotely accurate then the Dems are failing miserably in selling it as part of their platform.

That's at least two polls though with relatively the same numbers. Those two are consistent with my own random sampling when I travel so I find them very believable.
One thing to keep in mind is a lot of the polls from political parties always go for "likely voters" whereas a poll like this is including everyone. So that 90+ million that didn't vote has their views represented in these polls more than the the ones rolled out during Pres elections.

I think Ocasio-Cortez is a good sample of how strong these ideas actually play in cities. Maybe not in rural areas but its important to remember that 80% of the USA population is cities and metro areas. Some of these ideas like universal health care are actually more popular than the media usually recognizes. Heck, Obama campaigned on universal healthcare.

Though I do agree the phrase "single payer" is horrible framing and would never poll as strongly as "medicare for all" or "universal healthcare". No Democrat should ever use the inherently confusing phrase "single payer" again.
Single payer or Medicare for All has a lot of support among voters.

MSNBC is a corporate entity. They are for the middle of the road. Now they are pushing the Montana governor, appropriately called Bullock.

Changing the candidate is not the answer. What message resonates with voters?

If they have not learned from 2016, more disaster awaits.
Single payer or Medicare for All has a lot of support among voters.

MSNBC is a corporate entity. They are for the middle of the road. Now they are pushing the Montana governor, appropriately called Bullock.

Changing the candidate is not the answer. What message resonates with voters?

If they have not learned from 2016, more disaster awaits.

I sense more Dems will take it on as they see the numbers...sort of like gay marriage in 2008 where Obama was against until he saw the polling on it then suddenly reversed his position.
I sense more Dems will take it on as they see the numbers...sort of like gay marriage in 2008 where Obama was against until he saw the polling on it then suddenly reversed his position.

Anger will bring a lot of voters to the polling booth November.

But that is not enough. To win, candidates have to explain not just what they are for, like Medicare for All and the nuts and bolts of it. Same with Free college Tuition.

In that Bernie video he contrasts what Trump said and what he did. Then he explains what Berine is for. Its important to note people on both sides know Bernie is honest agree with him or not.

As for coporate sponsors. They are in business. With more people doing well, they will do more business. I see the DNC has employed an economist that understands and takes Keynesian economics to the next level.

If the Dems stay focused and take that Leap of Faith, they will do will in November and in 2 years time.
Anger will bring a lot of voters to the polling booth November.

But that is not enough. To win, candidates have to explain not just what they are for, like Medicare for All and the nuts and bolts of it. Same with Free college Tuition.

In that Bernie video he contrasts what Trump said and what he did. Then he explains what Berine is for. Its important to note people on both sides know Bernie is honest agree with him or not.

As for coporate sponsors. They are in business. With more people doing well, they will do more business. I see the DNC has employed an economist that understands and takes Keynesian economics to the next level.

If the Dems stay focused and take that Leap of Faith, they will do will in November and in 2 years time.

This November will still be massive in terms of taking the house and stalling any more Trump policies from taking effect. It will also thwart any attempts to shut down investigations.
I see we are getting stronger in taking both houses. I think the Dems should be favourites for House. And marginal favourites for the Senate.

They will take the house fairly comfortably but I think the Rs will hold the senate by a couple of seats.
I see we are getting stronger in taking both houses. I think the Dems should be favourites for House. And marginal favourites for the Senate.

They are beginning to look better in the Senate. Just need two seats and retain the existing ones.

AZ, NV, TN are looking good as flipping from R to D

Manchin and Tester look like they may hang on as well. The only wobbly ones are MO, ND, and FL.

Also if McCain passes away and the Dem candidate in AZ wins the Governorship then that could be another Dem in the mix.

Two reasons why I’m posting this. Firstly, the direction of the Dems is obviously a hot topic.

Secondly, I think it’s actually an interesting point, he’s a former Republican essentially looking for a new party and I don’t think he’s going to be the only one.

In an ideal world, the Republican Party would be destroyed and the Dems would split into two parties: A Socialist/Liberal Party and an Establishment/Conservative Party with the American Political spectrum realigning back towards the left.

Two reasons why I’m posting this. Firstly, the direction of the Dems is obviously a hot topic.

Secondly, I think it’s actually an interesting point, he’s a former Republican essentially looking for a new party and I don’t think he’s going to be the only one.

In an ideal world, the Republican Party would be destroyed and the Dems would split into two parties: A Socialist/Liberal Party and an Establishment/Conservative Party with the American Political spectrum realigning back towards the left.

He's partially right that there are a good number of Trump refugees up for grabs, just there are many base voters pining for a coherent platform they can get behind.
I think Ocasio-Cortez is a good sample of how strong these ideas actually play in cities. Maybe not in rural areas but its important to remember that 80% of the USA population is cities and metro areas. Some of these ideas like universal health care are actually more popular than the media usually recognizes. Heck, Obama campaigned on universal healthcare.

But in a system with equal representation for states and other oddities, the population numbers are moot in some ways. Dems need to figure out a winning philosophy in those die-hard red states where people continually vote against their own interests.
And the GOP do? If neither party cares who do you suggest they vote for? Stick with the GOP so they can stack SCOTUS and push right-wing policies down our collective throats?
And the GOP do? If neither party cares who do you suggest they vote for? Stick with the GOP so they can stack SCOTUS and push right-wing policies down our collective throats?

I suggest that politics can be more than just voting for one of two corporate parties. And the way to begin is to stop pretending that voting for Democrats is in their interest. There are millions of people in this country who dont engage in politics because neither main party speaks to them. They are just waiting for someone to speak to them and to their lives.
I suggest that politics can be more than just voting for one of two corporate parties. And the way to begin is to stop pretending that voting for Democrats is in their interest. There are millions of people in this country who dont engage in politics because neither main party speaks to them. They are just waiting for someone to speak to them and to their lives.

And how do you suggest a legitimate third party rise up in a system that practically rigs against such?
voting for Democrats is not in their interest. the democratic party doesnt give a shit about poor people

over the decades the Democratic party has left its base behind by chasing the Republicans and so called middle of the ground voters.

In doing this the issues that matter to the vast majority of voters have also been left behind.

Its true therefore that the current Democratic party does not represent the poor anymore.

Not just about winning. To become a true party of the people again, it needs to find its soul again. Reject the party machinery.

Ocasio-Cortez is not a one off no matter how the party elites try to explain it away.

She and many others like her Are the future.
I dont know if its possible. But it is possible to pressure and primary shitty dems and start running better candidates like AOC.

Hence why I believe in the current system the only means to get a third party into the equation going forward is to find an independent that 1) appeals to a sizeable percentage of the voting population (and those not quite yet old enough to vote), and 2) has the financial backing to compete with the other parties and corporate interests. Unfortunately, that may take someone like Cuban/whomever to run. A person that can fully/partially fund his/her own candidacy.

But... what person really wants to spend a significant chunk of their own wealth to win the presidency and all the ordeals and pressure and media presence that comes with? This choice would for me signal someone that truly is country before self (assuming he/she isn't in this for power or to strip resources or some other shady shit).

Two reasons why I’m posting this. Firstly, the direction of the Dems is obviously a hot topic.

Secondly, I think it’s actually an interesting point, he’s a former Republican essentially looking for a new party and I don’t think he’s going to be the only one.

In an ideal world, the Republican Party would be destroyed and the Dems would split into two parties: A Socialist/Liberal Party and an Establishment/Conservative Party with the American Political spectrum realigning back towards the left.

The democratic socialist policies have a majority approval rating.

Two reasons why I’m posting this. Firstly, the direction of the Dems is obviously a hot topic.

Secondly, I think it’s actually an interesting point, he’s a former Republican essentially looking for a new party and I don’t think he’s going to be the only one.

In an ideal world, the Republican Party would be destroyed and the Dems would split into two parties: A Socialist/Liberal Party and an Establishment/Conservative Party with the American Political spectrum realigning back towards the left.

That may be true, but to those on the left there's not really any point at all if the Dems shift to the right just to cater to former Republicans.
Trump has record approval ratings among Republican supporters. They don't seem to be looking for a new party - they have found in him a distillation and examplar of their own politics.
Trump has record approval ratings among Republican supporters. They don't seem to be looking for a new party - they have found in him a distillation and examplar of their own politics.

The tweet Sanders put out yesterday suggests he is casting a pretty wide net, which is the appropriate thing to do, especially since more people identify as independents than as Repubs or Dems
The tweet Sanders put out yesterday suggests he is casting a pretty wide net, which is the appropriate thing to do, especially since more people identify as independents than as Repubs or Dems

I think it's important to separate the Obama08-Obama12-Trump16 vote from the GOP base vote in terms of winnability. Otherwise, focus on turning out the base, on independents, and on non-voters.