United charged for failing to control players vs Chelsea

This goes to show how players are affected after several bad decisions go against them. "Oh, you won't book him for that? I am revenging on him then"
For £20k, FA should just beg than go through pains to create this drama. Woody will throw more at them if they beg nicely.
£20k wouldn't cover Rooney's wages for half a day. I obviously don't like to see Utd getting fined but it's not much of a deterrant, is it?
The nominal fee shows even the FA knows this 'charge' is nonsense. Michael Oliver couldn't hack it and went crying to Mum. At no stage were our players out of control.
No white text?

I meant hope, FA, fair play, evenly applied across the league in one same sentence make no sense
Why should there be white text? FA never applies anything evenly across the league. Rooney got suspended for mouthing F Off. Mourinho is off for the same antics Arsenal isn't and wasn't. It's not a conspiracy, we're the biggest team in England and all eyes are us, simple. The rules are you can't surround the referee, and we did. Comparing what United gets charged with compared to other teams and asking for fairness went out the window years ago. Only one solution, mate and it's on our banner - get back to being "not arrogant, just better"