United charged for failing to control players vs Chelsea

As long as these fools hit us with a fine I couldn't care less. As long as they don't decide to do something weird like make an example out of us and give us a points deduction I'm cool with it.
To be fair, our players surrounded the Ref and made quite a scene. I was expecting this. Fair play to the FA, just hope it will be evenly applied across the league.
But that's the problem, the FA won't apply it to other teams. If they applied the rules in a consistent fair way, I don't think anyone could argue with that.

Anyway, Rojo at least has escaped a ban so that's something.
That certainly sets a precedent then, and it will be one that is inconsistently enforced. Normally these are handed out when an unusually large number of cards is handed out, an accumulation of nasty fouls or there is off-the-ball flare-ups, like Spurs at Stamford Bridge last season. Last night was nothing like that. 3 yellow cards (2 to the same player), and a couple of pushes and shoves between Rojo and Costa. Was it anything out of the ordinary?

The ref got crowded when Herrera sent off. Happens every time a red card or a penalty is given.

The players must have said some pretty colourful things, because on face value, it really wasn't that bad.
is that Bernstein Mancity cnut still in charge at FA?

Oliver should be suspended for 10 games and fined for ruining a great game of football instead
To be fair, our players surrounded the Ref and made quite a scene. I was expecting this. Fair play to the FA, just hope it will be evenly applied across the league.

Yes ditto, I always expect United to be treated a little different by the FA, our players were in the wrong, you will never get a ref to change his mind about a red card once he's issued it. We are used an example, as we usually are, so other clubs will learn from our mistakes.
We should now see action taken when players act the same way (but possibly not).
clearly an action by the FA to deflect the ridiculous performance of their referee.
That is my first thought as well. Now we look like the bad guys and Ander probably deserved to go off. I didn't think the players crossed any lines when they crowded the ref, only thing was that it wasn't the captain, so if Oliver felt it was too much he should have booked Valencia or whoever was in his face.
This is a country that looked the other way when DDG was getting it just as bad as Hazard last night and called it a legitimate tactic to rough him up.
He needs a break from reffing us, this can't go on
We haven't won when he's reffed us this season, 1 red and 3 penalties against us in 4 games.
It's funny that we are charged for not controlling our players, when that diving cheating bastrd Costa is falling around all evening. The FA hate United, have you ever seen anyone not protest a red card. They are a joke, I remember when this was a game for men. The FA will get there London team in the final, that's what really matters, feck them.
It's funny that when Klopp does it, it is called passion for the game, yet we'll most probably get a fine.
Football is still in the dark ages when it comes to referees and decisions. I think in the last few weeks we can see how ref's just cannot cope with the speed and intensity. Last night and in the Bournemouth game ref's made silly split decisions which were both wrong. Last night Oliver, I don't think realised had already booked Herrera and then had to red card him. Same thing in the Bournemouth game with Surman?
I watched the rugby match England v Scotland and the ref signaled a foul and was about to yellow card an English player. But he asked the 4th official to have a quick look. The 4th official watched it on tv without the pressure and told the ref it was a foul but not a yellow card. The Scotland captain was told and he had a whinge but ref said I can change my mind. Yes this may take a minute but surely that's better than an incorrect decision spoiling a product. In addition time is usually lost when team who have had a bad decision complains. Rugby has got it correct, anyone one who is a fan of football would agree that this is way forward. Let's stop human errors or in Oliver's case bias ruin the game
I would like to hope Oliver would look at what he did and realise he messed up. However, with FA charging us I would suggest he does not care. And this means he will never improve as a ref as we all make mistakes and the key is to see them and aim to improve.
If it's for surrounding the referee(which it appears to be), why have other teams not been punished for this?

This is ridiculous.
I agree that United seem to have been picked on here as other clubs have done it without charge.

It was however pretty bad I thought - I was half expecting another red with how irate some players were in Oliver's face.
Am I right in thinking Bournemouth were not happy about decisions at old Trafford? I am sure I remembered then surrounding and harassing the ref. Perhaps I was wrong.

The FA always seem to charge us after we have been on the end of a bad decision.
I am so used to it now, I see it as the FAs way of Admitting we have been hard done by.
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If it's for surrounding the referee(which it appears to be), why have other teams not been punished for this?

This is ridiculous.
Everytime we watch games in the PL and Football League bombard the F.A. with text and e mails each time there is this sort of incident.
I agree that United seem to have been picked on here as other clubs have done it without charge.

It was however pretty bad I thought - I was half expecting another red with how irate some players were in Oliver's face.
They are using us as an example because we are the biggest club, nobody takes any notice of what happens to the little clubs.
Can any one tell me, since joining Chelsea, how many games has Hazard actually missed through injury caused by all the supposed kicking he gets? ( Not muscle pulls or other injuries)
Undoubtedly he is a talent but when are referees going to get wise as to his talent for going to ground at the slightest contact, as soon as he feels anything like a touch he leans into the player, ensures the legs tangle and over he goes clutching some part of his anatomy as though he's been shot. A couple of seasons ago one of the TV companies did a piece showing how he was getting repeatedly fouled, I think an unbiased (not London based) media piece could show the vast number of free kicks he's awarded without a hint of a foul. I've now watched the incident of Herrera's first card several times and if he moved into Hazard's path then I need to go to Specsavers or my TV monitors knackered. Golden balls Oliver strikes again!!!!!!
So now referees need a safe space or something?

What a load of bull. Feck the FA
Crazy. Didn't strike me as anything other than going in hard and often. There were some shite challenges and clambering all over players (Pogba) but it's hardly worthy of even talking about, never mind this?
United fines is always a good way to fund the Easter, Summer, Halloween, Christmas parties! Or recently the ref stag do!
I was more disgusted with the players' reactions than the Rojo 'stamp' tbh. Thought more were going to get booked. It was a bit OTT. It's creeping back into the game (not that it ever went away really) so hopefully they'll get the message. I'm all for it.

....and great about Rojo as well. That should wind the Berties on Bluemoon up a treat! :)
Falling to control the players. Can someone explain to me what does that even mean?
I read from a Norwegian site something that amused me; if only the captain is allowed to discuss with the ref and the ref only talks directly to the captain, how on earth is everyone on the team, back to front, supposed to be able to know that whoever trips a player the next time will receive a yellow, no matter. As far as I know, there are no timeouts in football for the captain to inform the players, nor is it the American huddle up sequence before a play either. It just goes to prove how completely in the wrong Oliver was with that stupid decision.
I read from a Norwegian site something that amused me; if only the captain is allowed to discuss with the ref and the ref only talks directly to the captain, how on earth is everyone on the team, back to front, supposed to be able to know that whoever trips a player the next time will receive a yellow, no matter. As far as I know, there are no timeouts in football for the captain to inform the players, nor is it the American huddle up sequence before a play either. It just goes to prove how completely in the wrong Oliver was with that stupid decision.
I mentioned that earlier and got a telling off. The fact that the other players might have thought it was Jones who was being told that the next foul would be a booking. Seeing he was there and he did the foul.
I mean, is that kind of a charge often in PL? It sounds ridiculous.
Now and again. Think it happened to Chelsea/Spurs last season, or at least Spurs. Then there was to rumpus at the Etihad when Chelsea were there this season. Of course there was us and Arsenal and we got into trouble years ago, was it against Middlesbrough for crowding Andy D'Urso.
Absolute joke. Please tell me when our players were "out of control" during the game? The only time we surrounded the ref was after the Herrera red because it was an utter con job by Hazard. Did we go after Oliver in the tunnel? at half? after the game? evidence please!
Conte was more out of control than anyone. He should have been sent off for his constant mouthing off at the ref, and waving imaginary cards trying to get our players booked. Twat
Absolute joke. Please tell me when our players were "out of control" during the game? The only time we surrounded the ref was after the Herrera red because it was an utter con job by Hazard. Did we go after Oliver in the tunnel? at half? after the game? evidence please!
regardles of what has happened the team is not allowed to surround the ref.
Themz de rulez
I mentioned that earlier and got a telling off. The fact that the other players might have thought it was Jones who was being told that the next foul would be a booking. Seeing he was there and he did the foul.
Exactly. With the only captain is allowed to talk to the ref nonsense, it is virtually impossible to give warnings to an entire team, which is ridiculous in itself. It's like a lot of people speeding on a road, then the police have had enough and says to a driver that the next driver that speeds loses his license. It's stupid. They are individual players.
Thank goodness Jose didn't scream 'nobody can beat us' in the fourth official's face.

Look at the trouble that got Klopp into.... Oh wait, he's more cuddly and therefore immune to any charges.
Then the ref can't warn the entire team not to do this or that.
I repeat...regardless...etc etc.

the ref doesnt have to warn an entire team not to surround him. They just shouldnt do it