UK Policing

Resisting arrest

Public affray

Assaulting a policeman/women

GBH on the female officer.

Why don't you think they should be allowed to attack the cops? They used much less serious violence than the cop did, and the cop did not kick in self defense or in an attempt to restrain a suspect, so presumably you think violent attacks should be legal.
No he was probably thinking I've just been suckered punched, my female colleague has had her nose broke and I'm carrying a lethal weapon.

I'm not sure if they're on bail or not buy now this new cctv has come out then they should be thrown in jail.

And what does that have to do with chatting shit and finding out or whatever you initially said?

If after tasing him, he pulled out his gun and shot him in the head, would the same thought apply?
Why don't you think they should be allowed to attack the cops? They used much less serious violence than the cop did, and the cop did not kick in self defense or in an attempt to restrain a suspect, so presumably you think violent attacks should be legal.

This is trolling right?
Why don't you think they should be allowed to attack the cops? They used much less serious violence than the cop did, and the cop did not kick in self defense or in an attempt to restrain a suspect, so presumably you think violent attacks should be legal.

Nah you've got to be joking with that.
And what does that have to do with chatting shit and finding out or whatever you initially said?

If after tasing him, he pulled out his gun and shot him in the head, would the same thought apply?

Not sure if it was him or another man but someone was shot with a taser after and that finally ended the whole thing.
What was the original offence the first guy was being arrested for before it kicked off?

Theres a lot of “he deserved it” arguments going around, that’s not what the police are for. Stamping on someone’s head when they’re face down is attempted murder and the police man is fecked.
Nah you've got to be joking with that.

Why would I be joking? They delivered punches against face and upper body, and wrestled. That's serious, with potential for harm (as evidenced by the broken nose), but it's less serious than kicking a prone person in the head.

You think the very dangerous assault the cop committed should be legal. It was not done in self defense, and it was not necessary to apprehend someone, which is more or less the two kinds of violence we typically allow. So, when you want extremely serious violence like kicks to the head to be legal, why not some punches as well?
And what does that have to do with chatting shit and finding out or whatever you initially said?

If after tasing him, he pulled out his gun and shot him in the head, would the same thought apply?

I didn't say Chat shit. I said feck around and find out it doesnt take a brain surgeon to realise its not the smartest move to escalate a nothing situation by throwing punches and wrestling armed police in an airport.

The last part is you wrote is just a scenario you've dreamed up that didn't happen or wasn't close to happening so it's irrelevant.
I can’t be arsed trawling through all the new pages, I think I’ve seen enough, but it seems to me to be:

Early pages: It doesn’t matter what people have done, it’s not down to the police to take it upon themselves to dish out violent punishments and a general consensus was met on this.

Later pages: See! We told you he wasn’t innocent! He definitely deserved that kick in the head when he took while his nose was touching the floor and his hands were by his side!
I can’t be arsed trawling through all the new pages, I think I’ve seen enough, but it seems to me to be:

Early pages: It doesn’t matter what people have done, it’s not down to the police to take it upon themselves to dish out violent punishments and a general consensus was met on this.

Later pages: See! We told you he wasn’t innocent! He definitely deserved that kick in the head when he took while his nose was touching the floor and his hands were by his side!

Glad it’s not just me confused by the recent “aha!” of it all from some people.
I didn't say Chat shit. I said feck around and find out it doesnt take a brain surgeon to realise its not the smartest move to escalate a nothing situation by throwing punches and wrestling armed police in an airport.

The last part is you wrote is just a scenario you've dreamed up that didn't happen or wasn't close to happening so it's irrelevant.

I mean chat shit or feck around is much of a muchness really. Don't think that's the part to spilt hairs about.

I think the issue here is there are multiple things which can be true and you (and others on both sides) don't seem abke to acknowledge this.

-Attacking an armed police officer, whatever the circumstances of why they're there in the first place, is an incredibly dumb move. And you can't think you're going to end up in a good position there.

-In the USA, this man would be dead.

-The USA is not a good model for policing.

-The men being arrested committed a crime and I'm sure will end up behind bars. As they should.

-By the time of the head kicking, that men was restrained. That head kick was not a tactic to contain the situation any longer, it was purely to exact revenge.

-The police, especially armed police, should not be in the business of exacting revenge.

The last sentence is a thought experiment to see how far your feck around and find out ethos goes. Is it just a light head kicking? What if that head kicking leads to brain bleeds ( as I have seen)? What if he dies?
It's not by any means the same situation but I see some parallels in the response of some people to perhaps one of my most memorable moments as a young doctor, being called to see a schizophrenic patient on the ward.

He was getting amped up, the nurses were awful at verbally de escalating him but it could be done.

The 3rd time I was called, the nurses had also called security. The patient obviously escalated and the security likewise. It was so unnecessary.

I so vividly remember the absolute glee in one of the nurses' eyes and face that security were going to take this patient down. She even said something like yes! Now you'll see.

As I said, the situations are not the same. These guys are fecking idiots, regardless of how the police were acting before. But the glee with which some people are responding to the head kicking....reminds me a lot of that nurse. So odd.
Why would I be joking? They delivered punches against face and upper body, and wrestled. That's serious, with potential for harm (as evidenced by the broken nose), but it's less serious than kicking a prone person in the head.

You think the very dangerous assault the cop committed should be legal. It was not done in self defense, and it was not necessary to apprehend someone, which is more or less the two kinds of violence we typically allow. So, when you want extremely serious violence like kicks to the head to be legal, why not some punches as well?

I dont want it to be legal. I've never said that anywhere. For what its worth I do think the policeman should be sacked but the 2 guys were the ones escalating the situation right from the start not the police.

I'm just annoyed that they are trying to play the victims when it is now very clear it was them that started it all in the first place.
Peoples dislike of the police prevents them from separating the actions of the officer and the actions of the men involved. Equally peoples distrust of anyone with more than a slight tan often makes them assume the worst.

Both are unjustifiable. That's all there is to it.
I dont want it to be legal. I've never said that anywhere. For what its worth I do think the policeman should be sacked but the 2 guys were the ones escalating the situation right from the start not the police.

I'm just annoyed that they are trying to play the victims when it is now very clear it was them that started it all in the first place.

Then I must have misunderstood, because you said you hoped the cop would get his job back. What you think is that he should be sacked, be charged for his violent assault, and then you want the GMP to rehire the violent criminal as a police officer when his criminal case is over?
I mean chat shit or feck around is much of a muchness really. Don't think that's the part to spilt hairs about.

I think the issue here is there are multiple things which can be true and you (and others on both sides) don't seem abke to acknowledge this.

-Attacking an armed police officer, whatever the circumstances of why they're there in the first place, is an incredibly dumb move. And you can't think you're going to end up in a good position there.

-In the USA, this man would be dead.

-The USA is not a good model for policing.

-The men being arrested committed a crime and I'm sure will end up behind bars. As they should.

-By the time of the head kicking, that men was restrained. That head kick was not a tactic to contain the situation any longer, it was purely to exact revenge.

-The police, especially armed police, should not be in the business of exacting revenge.

The last sentence is a thought experiment to see how far your feck around and find out ethos goes. Is it just a light head kicking? What if that head kicking leads to brain bleeds ( as I have seen)? What if he dies?

Ok I can agree with you on this. I'm looking at it from the otherway you're looking at it from the guy on the floor POV whereas I'm thinking previous to this when he was first attacking the cop if the guy did manage to get the coppers gun then what. Does he shoot all the police dead?
Cafe is a weird place, having a family friend lose his life due to being on the end of one punch. I'd want the scum bag of a man, who is punching a female officer in the face prosecuted as harshly as possible and I'd also like to see the police officer who kicked and stamped on someone's head prosecuted harshly too.
Then I must have misunderstood, because you said you hoped the cop would get his job back. What you think is that he should be sacked, be charged for his violent assault, and then you want the GMP to rehire the violent criminal as a police officer when his criminal case is over?

Put him through a course. Prisoners get rehabilitation, therapists etc while locked up, so why not him? If his police service has been very good up with no negatives until that point then I see no reason why his life should be ruined.
Ok I can agree with you on this. I'm looking at it from the otherway you're looking at it from the guy on the floor POV whereas I'm thinking previous to this when he was first attacking the cop if the guy did manage to get the coppers gun then what. Does he shoot all the police dead?

I'm not looking at it from his perspective. Like I said, he's violent, an idiot and deserves to be punished, as I'm sure he will be.

That doesn't justify a head kick though after he's already been restrained. That's where the main disagreement seems to be kicking in.

If he'd actually managed to get one of their guns, I imagine he'd have been shot dead by the other police officers and there would have been nowhere near as much quibbling about it.
Cafe is a weird place, having a family friend lose his life due to being on the end of one punch. I'd want the scum bag of a man, who is punching a female officer in the face prosecuted as harshly as possible and I'd also like to see the police officer who kicked and stamped on someone's head prosecuted harshly too.

It's not difficult is it. One neither justifies nor negates the other. There's possibly some mitigating circumstances for the officer letting his emotions get the better of him after seeing a colleague attacked but as I've said previously, given his job role and responsibilities you have to question his suitability for the role.
The police officer has just been attacked twice and lost the head, he shouldn't be sacked for this incident. Those other scum bags need locked up and put in jail.
Then I must have misunderstood, because you said you hoped the cop would get his job back. What you think is that he should be sacked, be charged for his violent assault, and then you want the GMP to rehire the violent criminal as a police officer when his criminal case is over?

The scope of potential punishments for him is quite wide imo. Does he have previous? Is this out of character for him. The context of what went before his actions should absolutely be taken into account.

At the very least he should be taken off firearms duties and demoted to a desk position. That's his best case imo. He could easily lose his job and pension and worst case end up with a criminal prosecution and jail time.
The police officer has just been attacked twice and lost the head, he shouldn't be sacked for this incident. Those other scum bags need locked up and put in jail.
He’s in the wrong job then. Therefore should be sacked at a minimum.
Suspected the edited video might have been edited to spin a certain narrative. Turns out the kick was to keep a violent nutcase from trying to get up and continue his attack.

The chap is lucky he didn't end up being shot. Exceptional restraint showed by the police involved and presumably the investigation now finds the officer innocent.
Suspected the edited video might have been edited to spin a certain narrative. Turns out the kick was to keep a violent nutcase from trying to get up and continue his attack.

The chap is lucky he didn't end up being shot. Exceptional restraint showed by the police involved and presumably the investigation now finds the officer innocent.

Least surprising post ever.
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Put him through a course. Prisoners get rehabilitation, therapists etc while locked up, so why not him? If his police service has been very good up with no negatives until that point then I see no reason why his life should be ruined.

Having a prison sentence on your record, even if suspended or deferred, is an automatic rejection on your application.
The police officer has just been attacked twice and lost the head, he shouldn't be sacked for this incident. Those other scum bags need locked up and put in jail.

He's trusted with a weapon that could end someone's life. One day he could find himself in a more volatile situation and have to make a life or death call in a split second. He's demonstrated he can't do that.

So at the very least he should be taken off firearms duties. And he will be very lucky if thats all that happens to him.
So is all this still considered as racist?

Quite obvious from the beginning that some from the Asian community were going to treat it as so without all of the background.

Also incredibly clear that the reform lot were going to use it as a racist dog whistle. As they have done.
Quite obvious from the beginning that some from the Asian community were going to treat it as so without all of the background.

Also incredibly clear that the reform lot were going to use it as a racist dog whistle. As they have done.
So what it has done has revealed the bullshit on all sides.
Really have no issue with the cop's behaviour. He had just got punched how many times - 5-10? His judgement was probably totally impaired. Don't viciously assault cops if you don't want to catch some force in response.

The IOPC is however a totally unfit for purpose, compromised organisation which is on the side of public outrage rather than justice, so I am sure the cop ends up fired.
No excuse for kicking him in the head as a police officer but the new video does provide some background.

As an aside, how does Yakoob still have a practising certificate?
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Really have no issue with the cop's behaviour. He had just got punched how many times - 5-10? His judgement was probably totally impaired. Don't viciously assault cops if you don't want to catch some force in response.

The IOPC is however a totally unfit for purpose, compromised organisation which is on the side of public outrage rather than justice, so I am sure the cop ends up fired.
Kinda feel like people should have an issue with the kick and the stamp.
Impairment may be a reasonable point, though he does seem aware of things as the officer points his taser at him when he gets up, before the kick.