UK Policing

feck around found out confirmed then.

Head kicker will still get fired and possibly charged but shows that the footage originally published was literally in the midst of the fight, not the aftermath as it appeared.

The poor helpless victim of police brutality punches both female police to the ground and then hits headkicker in the back of the head, before getting tazed while he has him in a headlock.
What was the fight even about? What were these officers responding to?
What was the fight even about? What were these officers responding to?

I think that the two lads are with their mum (also seen in the clip). As far as I know the reporting is that their mother had received racial abuse earlier. She then informed her sons and pointed out who it was. The sons then set about her alleged abusers. This alleged assault was relayed to police which then led to them attempting to detain the two of them in the carpark.
I think that the two lads are with their mum (also seen in the clip). As far as I know the reporting is that their mother had received racial abuse earlier. She then informed her sons and pointed out who it was. The sons then set about her alleged abusers. This alleged assault was relayed to police which then led to them attempting to detain the two of them in the carpark.
Looks like the tazer had incapacitated him.

Yep. He's let the altercation go to his head and lashed out. Has to maintain his cool.

That said I don't know how clearly I'd be thinking after taking 5 to the head and getting dragged to the floor from behind.
Yep. He's let the altercation go to his head and lashed out. Has to maintain his cool.

That said I don't know how clearly I'd be thinking after taking 5 to the head and getting dragged to the floor from behind.

And that's why you're not a police officer though
Stamper (the Policeman that's been suspended) escalated that entire situation by grabbing Teal by the neck while trying to cuff him. It appears that teal initially wasn't resisting, he turned a little bit but wasn't pushing back. It's poor Policing by all three of them as they all focussed on teal and none of them were watching any of the other people.

Doesn't excuse what the teal and chair lad did mind. They should get the book thrown at them for assaulting Policemen.
Stamper (the Policeman that's been suspended) escalated that entire situation by grabbing Teal by the neck while trying to cuff him. It appears that teal initially wasn't resisting, he turned a little bit but wasn't pushing back. It's poor Policing by all three of them as they all focussed on teal and none of them were watching any of the other people.

Doesn't excuse what the teal and chair lad did mind. They should get the book thrown at them for assaulting Policemen.

It appears he wasn’t resisting? Are you watching the same footage here.
Let's see Yakoob play those sympathy cards now then.
Stamper (the Policeman that's been suspended) escalated that entire situation by grabbing Teal by the neck while trying to cuff him. It appears that teal initially wasn't resisting, he turned a little bit but wasn't pushing back. It's poor Policing by all three of them as they all focussed on teal and none of them were watching any of the other people.

Doesn't excuse what the teal and chair lad did mind. They should get the book thrown at them for assaulting Policemen.
Are you watching another video?
It appears he wasn’t resisting? Are you watching the same footage here.

Yes I am. Explain to me why the male Officer is allowed to escalate it at 5 seconds? He literally slams him into the ticket machine with his hand behind his neck.

What reason would an Officer do that? I'd like to know your opinion.

Note: This happened before the first punch was swung, hence me saying the Officer escalated it. I don't know why Police don't y'know, talk to people. It's a novel concept I know.
Yes I am. Explain to me why the male Officer is allowed to escalate it at 5 seconds? He literally slams him into the ticket machine with his hand behind his neck.

What reason would an Officer do that? I'd like to know your opinion.
No one is slammed in to anything from what I can see. It looks like they are trying to get his arms behind his back and he clearly isn’t complying and at that point, I imagine, resisting arrest.

I’m not going to get in to a back and forth over this but the fact your picking this up but paying little attention to the fact he’s knocked two female officers to the floor by punching them clean in the face, badly breaking one of their noses, is rather odd.
Were both of the female officers armed as well as carrying tasers?

If they were, it's not exactly a great look that a 3 vs 2 situation with armed police could have ended up with 2 guns being taken off the police almost immediately. Lucky one of them gets back up and gets the taser shot off.
Whoa! That’s real life. Footage is 35 seconds of madness. Sets a different tone.
It is real life. Things can go from 0-100 real quick. It’s rather frightening, especially when dealing with an individual/s who are extremely violent and in quite a contained area.
Yes I am. Explain to me why the male Officer is allowed to escalate it at 5 seconds? He literally slams him into the ticket machine with his hand behind his neck.

What reason would an Officer do that? I'd like to know your opinion.

Note: This happened before the first punch was swung, hence me saying the Officer escalated it. I don't know why Police don't y'know, talk to people. It's a novel concept I know.
Always good to see someone show their true colours and think its acceptable for men to punch women in the face.
Always good to see someone show their true colours and think its acceptable for men to punch women in the face.

It’s quite unbelievable really and I would expect better from @RedSky.

There’s zero justification for those individuals to act as they did yet he’s reaching for something from somewhere, without considering they had already attacked another member of the public prior to that incident, hence why the officers were called.
Holy escalation Batman.

Still don’t see anything to dissuade from the male officer being sacked/charged with a criminal offence.

Reckless and unjustifiable, pure punishment and anger.
It still doesn't excuse what the policeman does at all.
I think it does actually. Anyone who behaves the way this twat did needs a kick in the face. If not the police then a random member of the public should do the honours.
It’s quite unbelievable really and I would expect better from @RedSky.

There’s zero justification for those individuals to act as they did yet he’s reaching for something from somewhere, without considering they had already attacked another member of the public prior to that incident, hence why the officers were called.

You clearly didn't read my post then TR did you?
I think it does actually. Anyone who behaves the way this twat did needs a kick in the face. If not the police then a random member of the public should do the honours.

Does that go for everyone who commits violent acts? What about thefts or robberies? What about when they are on drink or drugs or having a mental episode? What about when police kill them with a boot to the head?

So dumb.
You clearly didn't read my post then TR did you?
I did. You just appear more concerned in reaching for something that isn’t there in an attempt to attribute blame to the officers. I find that really poor form when the video speaks for itself.
Always good to see someone show their true colours and think its acceptable for men to punch women in the face.

True colours? I clearly stated both people should have the book thrown at them for assaulting Officers. How about before throwing around baseless accussations you actually read? A useful life skill.
I did. You just appear more concerned in reaching for something that isn’t there in an attempt to attribute blame to the officers. I find that really poor form when the video speaks for itself.

Tbh it’s impossible to comment without knowing the exact ins and outs of the info they had. If the people were known threats the way they have initiated with them is pretty awful and a big part of why it went like it did. With a plethora of tactical options and the numbers on their side it’s not exactly good drills on that viewing alone.

That then plays into what happened. Violent people will be violent, it’s for the police to manage that as safely as possible.

Not what I’m seeing at the start, and especially the end of the footage.
Seeing this last video I don't see anything wrong with the action from the police. In fact the thugs should count themselfs happy with the minor injuries they got away with because officers getting assaulted like that would have the right to defend themself with force even using their firearms.
Seeing this last video I don't see anything wrong with the action from the police. In fact the thugs should count themselfs happy with the minor injuries they got away with because officers getting assaulted like that would have the right to defend themself even using their firearms.
How exactly is he defending himself when the person has been taken off him and is immobilised on the ground? There is no 'defence' in the policeman's actions. He's lost his temper after being attacked but he's not defending himself.
I think it does actually. Anyone who behaves the way this twat did needs a kick in the face. If not the police then a random member of the public should do the honours.
I assume we should bring back the death penalty too, yeah?
The dude was tazered and going nowhere. Still absolutely no need for the kick to head. He has to lose his job for that and have charges brought.

But the two lads should definitely be doing big jail time as well. Unacceptable
Tbh it’s impossible to comment without knowing the exact ins and outs of the info they had. If the people were known threats the way they have initiated with them is pretty awful and a big part of why it went like it did. With a plethora of tactical options and the numbers on their side it’s not exactly good drills on that viewing alone.

That then plays into what happened. Violent people will be violent, it’s for the police to manage that as safely as possible.

Not what I’m seeing at the start, and especially the end of the footage.

Again, I think that is very easy to say whilst sat in a chair watching after the event.

Ultimately bad people do bad things and the police are the ones that ultimately have to get a grip of these people when the vast majority would sooner not. Yes it’s the job. I know.

I’m sure there’s going to be learning to taken from this and the officers involved will be going over and over the situation in their minds. To see that video and instantly start to seemingly make excuses for the violence used though just reeks of an agenda if I’m honest.