UK Policing

My skin tone comment was general not aimed at you and based on reading some of the stuff on social media it's definitely a thing.

I disagree totally with your "understandable" stance but I don't think it's the first time I have disagreed with your stance and I'd say it's certainly not ethnicity based, if anything you like to stir the pot in my opinion and I'm never convinced your views are anything but. But that's another discussion for another time
Perhaps make that clearer then. But I do agree there will be some who unfortunately that will influence their view of this.

You know me saying understandable isn’t me agreeing with the behaviour? I can understand how a police force that is arguably systemically racist (I’d say it is), that is underfunded and under a lot of pressure as a result, ends up putting forward the kinds of people into these stressful situations that end up blowing up into disgusting acts like those seen on the video clips. So it’s understandable that this has happened. It’s atrocious, disgusting and deplorable. But this is unfortunately the state of our police service. It’s not fit for purpose and I suspect that as others have stated that this officer would not have responded how they did to a white suspect.

You seem to have a very strong opinion of me and I’ll be honest I don’t remember ever having a discussion with you and certainly don’t remember having a discussion as serious as this one on Redcafe probably in my time posting on here.

So I find that a very odd comment for you to make and would appreciate you PM’ing me to explain what you mean by those comments.
There are certainly aggressive people who want the authority and licence to handle people roughly but there are also people who have wanted to be cops since they were kids, and people who believe in the law. I don't think we can consider all of them the same type.

If anything it's more that most who enter policing end up with a particular mindset. Likely a systematic issue due to culture, experience and training.
You’re right, they aren’t all bad, but unfortunately there are enough that go in for the wrong reason.

Then think about those that wish to become firearms officers… you get the idea.

I absolutely think the systemic racism and bad culture in the force, combined with underfunding, understaffing etc creates the perfect storm of conditions where things like this happen. Cnuts behaving like cnuts and having a badge to excuse it.

So for that reason again it’s understandable why this has happened. We have an inherently flawed policing culture. We have had a government that has encouraged the rhetoric that enables these kinds of people to feel further empowered and entrenched in questionable views.

So understandable. But fecking deplorable.
Perhaps make that clearer then. But I do agree there will be some who unfortunately that will influence their view of this.

You know me saying understandable isn’t me agreeing with the behaviour? I can understand how a police force that is arguably systemically racist (I’d say it is), that is underfunded and under a lot of pressure as a result, ends up putting forward the kinds of people into these stressful situations that end up blowing up into disgusting acts like those seen on the video clips. So it’s understandable that this has happened. It’s atrocious, disgusting and deplorable. But this is unfortunately the state of our police service. It’s not fit for purpose and I suspect that as others have stated that this officer would not have responded how they did to a white suspect.

You seem to have a very strong opinion of me and I’ll be honest I don’t remember ever having a discussion with you and certainly don’t remember having a discussion as serious as this one on Redcafe probably in my time posting on here.

So I find that a very odd comment for you to make and would appreciate you PM’ing me to explain what you mean by those comments.
My comment was a response to redskys comment, who I quoted then responded to. It was also influenced by posts about likes of Richard Tice et al

As you say there will be some who will be influenced.

Not sure why you thought it was aimed at you.

You are right I don't recall us having a discussion. I read more than I contribute/respond.

I will PM you with the conversation I'm thinking of.
My comment was a response to redskys comment, who I quoted then responded to. It was also influenced by posts about likes of Richard Tice et al

As you say there will be some who will be influenced.

Not sure why you thought it was aimed at you.

You are right I don't recall us having a discussion. I read more than I contribute/respond.

I will PM you with the conversation I'm thinking of.
Look at where the thread of quoted responses stems from.

Your quote of Redsky quotes Dr Dwayne who quotes me.

If you are going to throw those comments out you need to be clear as to who exactly you mean because it certainly felt like you responding to Redsky’s understandable post was then aimed at me.
Don't trust the police one bit, will wait for more info to come out. Looking at all the videos that are out there of the incident the police looked like they were itching to put hands on people, none of the videos show them being threatening and look like complying. Being that demographic in airports is tough enough already I wouldn't be surprised if there's a racial element to it too.
Don't trust the police one bit, will wait for more info to come out. Looking at all the videos that are out there of the incident the police looked like they were itching to put hands on people, none of the videos show them being threatening and look like complying. Being that demographic in airports is tough enough already I wouldn't be surprised if there's a racial element to it too.
The only footage we currently have id imagine is from those associated with the victim of the brutality.

Not sure if the police would release their own footage but you’d hope in the interest of transparency they do.

It certainly looks from the wider footage that they’d got themselves worked up for a fight rather than a deescalation. However we’ve not seen any footage of the assault of the officers. Unless they are suggesting the assault occurs during the struggle on the floor in which case it’s fecking ridiculous.
The only footage we currently have id imagine is from those associated with the victim of the brutality.

Not sure if the police would release their own footage but you’d hope in the interest of transparency they do.

It certainly looks from the wider footage that they’d got themselves worked up for a fight rather than a deescalation. However we’ve not seen any footage of the assault of the officers. Unless they are suggesting the assault occurs during the struggle on the floor in which case it’s fecking ridiculous.
Not all the videos are associated with the guys who got assaulted by the Police though. I'm not sure why you are acting like Police can do no wrong. Brutality esp against minorities is more common than you would like to think.
Not all the videos are associated with the guys who got assaulted by the Police though. I'm not sure why you are acting like Police can do no wrong. Brutality esp against minorities is more common than you would like to think.
You clearly haven’t read what I’ve written about the police just before this comment.
Not all the videos are associated with the guys who got assaulted by the Police though. I'm not sure why you are acting like Police can do no wrong. Brutality esp against minorities is more common than you would like to think.
In fact did you even read the comment this reply was to? I said I think the police look like they were escalating and that it would be ridiculous if they claim assault from what happened when taking the suspects to the ground?
The only footage we currently have id imagine is from those associated with the victim of the brutality.

Not sure if the police would release their own footage but you’d hope in the interest of transparency they do.

It certainly looks from the wider footage that they’d got themselves worked up for a fight rather than a deescalation. However we’ve not seen any footage of the assault of the officers. Unless they are suggesting the assault occurs during the struggle on the floor in which case it’s fecking ridiculous.
Didn't you say

This is clearly a person behaving illegally, assaulting several police and then being given very rough and brutal treatment by an officer as a result.
Didn't you say

This is clearly a person behaving illegally, assaulting several police and then being given very rough and brutal treatment by an officer as a result.
Based on what I’d seen at the time of making that comment yes.

Unless the police are completely lying, which would be stupid given body cams etc.
Based on what I’d seen at the time of making that comment yes.

Unless the police are completely lying, which would be stupid given body cams etc.
When you say "seen", is that the police statement?

Or is it he "wider footage" you refer to?

Have to say from the footage I've seen this far the only clear illegal behaviour etc is from the officers
When you say "seen", is that the police statement?

Or is it he "wider footage" you refer to?

Have to say from the footage I've seen this far the only clear illegal behaviour etc is from the officers
I’d initially seen the main viral video and police statement. I’ve since seen more of the footage and have made my views on UK policing available to see in thread.

Hopefully this clarifies my point.

Still waiting on that PM mind.
I’d initially seen the main viral video and police statement. I’ve since seen more of the footage and have made my views on UK policing available to see in thread.

Hopefully this clarifies my point.

Still waiting on that PM mind.
I've responded to your PM. And will follow up as promised.

Thanks for the clarification and glad you changed your mind.
Attempted/GBH with intent. Indefensible and that person has no place in policing.
Anyone who has been following local news here over the past year or two would know Greater Manchester police have a shocking reputation for bad behaviour.

All the footage I have seen so far from the airport incident shows them being heavy handed and more confrontational than trying to diffuse a situation and de-escalate tensions. The kick to the face and stamp on the head to a prone individual who isn’t resisting are shocking.

I’ve seen their statement, but they should absolutely release their own footage if it is going to show their actions in a better light because given their awful reputation, I do not trust the statement one bit. They should all be wearing body cams so release the footage.
Anyone who has been following local news here over the past year or two would know Greater Manchester police have a shocking reputation for bad behaviour.

All the footage I have seen so far from the airport incident shows them being heavy handed and more confrontational than trying to diffuse a situation and de-escalate tensions. The kick to the face and stamp on the head to a prone individual who isn’t resisting are shocking.

I’ve seen their statement, but they should absolutely release their own footage if it is going to show their actions in a better light because given their awful reputation, I do not trust the statement one bit. They should all be wearing body cams so release the footage.

They can't release their footage prior to any potential court case - it could prejudice it. In this case I would be amazed if it would help the Police's case anyway
Just come on the news that the officer in question has been suspended by GMP.
I didn't see much on this.

It's a brutal incident, and the fact it had so little news in comparison to the police brutality issue is quite odd to be honest. I understand the reasons for needing to control the fallout, but it's an attempted murder of a public servant in broad daylight in a frenzied sounded knife attack. You would think it would be news, even if they did the usual and kept the details vague.
In 2003 there was an undercover documentary made by a journalist called the Secret Policeman. It exposed the institutional and open racism in Greater Manchester Police.

20 years later in 2023, a report by an Equality Advisor has confirmed Greater Manchester police remain institutionally racist.

Just over a year ago a Pakistani woman accused Greater Manchester police of drugging and sexually assulting her in a police cell. 2 hours of CCTV footage went missing.

Last week 7 officers were suspended for racism.


I hope that provides the relevant context a lot of people are looking for.
It's a brutal incident, and the fact it had so little news in comparison to the police brutality issue is quite odd to be honest. I understand the reasons for needing to control the fallout, but it's an attempted murder of a public servant in broad daylight in a frenzied sounded knife attack. You would think it would be news, even if they did the usual and kept the details vague.
it's because the suspects weren't muslim. They arrested a guy today.
It's a brutal incident, and the fact it had so little news in comparison to the police brutality issue is quite odd to be honest. I understand the reasons for needing to control the fallout, but it's an attempted murder of a public servant in broad daylight in a frenzied sounded knife attack. You would think it would be news, even if they did the usual and kept the details vague.
It has been all over the news though, it was even talked about in the first PMQ's and the PM tweeted about it himself. Just because it hasn't been posted on RedCafe doesn't mean it hasn't been reported on.
They can't release their footage prior to any potential court case - it could prejudice it. In this case I would be amazed if it would help the Police's case anyway

If they can't release the body cam footage, maybe they could release the airport CCTV? Police regularly release CCTV footage of incidents or potential crimes to the public domain prior to court proceedings. I've no doubt it won't happen, but we need to get beyond the idea that the case is being prejudiced when we already have 'partial' footage of an incident all over social media.
If they can't release the body cam footage, maybe they could release the airport CCTV? Police regularly release CCTV footage of incidents or potential crimes to the public domain prior to court proceedings. I've no doubt it won't happen, but we need to get beyond the idea that the case is being prejudiced when we already have 'partial' footage of an incident all over social media.

The suspects could have been the worst people in the world who had commited the most henious crimes - it still doesn't provide a reason for a police officer to kick one of them in the head and follow it up with a stamp on the head, while he was lying down on the floor, chest first, with his arms tied behind his back, while another officer was sat on top of him.

It also doesn't provide a reason for the same officer to kick and punch another suspect who was sat with his arms tied behind his back, who was complying with his command to get into the ground.

Also explain why they punched that old asian woman?!
Why are people taking the police's statement at face value? Never mind that they aren't even saying this was the guy who caused injuries to the cops.

Exactly. This is the same police force that less than a year ago, drugged and sexually assulted a Pakistani woman in a police cell and then "lost" the CCTV footage.
The suspects could have been the worst people in the world who had commited the most henious crimes - it still doesn't provide a reason for a police officer to kick one of them in the head and follow it up with a stamp on the head, while he was lying down on the floor, chest first, with his arms tied behind his back, while another officer was sat on top of him.

It also doesn't provide a reason for the same officer to kick and punch another suspect who was sat with his arms tied behind his back, who was complying with his command to get into the ground.

Also explain why they punched that old asian woman?!

Not sure if you are following the conversation I was having, but I am not defending the police... quite the opposite. Frankly, they have released a statement trying to put the blame on the people they were brutal with at the airport. My view is that I don't believe them and if they truly believe what they claim, release the footage so we can all see the truth.
Not sure if you are following the conversation I was having, but I am not defending the police... quite the opposite. Frankly, they have released a statement trying to put the blame on the people they were brutal with at the airport. My view is that I don't believe them and if they truly believe what they claim, release the footage so we can all see the truth.
Yeah sorry, re-reading that i may have come across accusatory - that wasn't my intention.
It has been all over the news though, it was even talked about in the first PMQ's and the PM tweeted about it himself. Just because it hasn't been posted on RedCafe doesn't mean it hasn't been reported on.
No, I meant on here.
Hard to see a defence to the kick to the face. Probably adrenaline from the prior events. Be interesting to see the buildup but there will definitely be a bit of play stupid games win stupid prizes. Assaulting 3 armed officers to the point where they feared losing their weapons is only going to end one way. Incidentally somewhere along the chain of events they'd probably have been more within their rights to shoot them than kick them.

Top tier military looks for candidates who can go from calm to extreme violence and back again very quickly. Armed units regularly go down and train with our special forces, maybe we shouldn't be training them that way quite so much.
If they can't release the body cam footage, maybe they could release the airport CCTV? Police regularly release CCTV footage of incidents or potential crimes to the public domain prior to court proceedings. I've no doubt it won't happen, but we need to get beyond the idea that the case is being prejudiced when we already have 'partial' footage of an incident all over social media.
Releasing CCTV would have much the same effect. It can be justified if there is an investigative reason - though generally just a still image would be released.
Apparently it was a school aged kid. Was already on floor with his mother sitting with him.

You can see from the vid he was face do n hand above. Got kicked for no reason.

The other lad, again on vid, was sitting with hands on his head. Got told to get down and was obeying and got kicked and beaten.

That's brutality
No excuse for brutally assaulting a helpless victim and then trying to block someone filming it. I hope that kid isn't badly injured or worse.
Releasing CCTV would have much the same effect. It can be justified if there is an investigative reason - though generally just a still image would be released.

Can you explain why releasing the CCTV footage would prejudice the case more than the partial footage we have already seen that is already out there? Why would extra footage that gives the incident a fuller context prejudice the case more? Genuinely interested to know the logic behind that.
Can you explain why releasing the CCTV footage would prejudice the case more than the partial footage we have already seen that is already out there? Why would extra footage that gives the incident a fuller context prejudice the case more? Genuinely interested to know the logic behind that.

It’s probably a blanket rule the police have right? For their own footage. They can’t control what the public release.
Just seen more videos. Seems the lads that were seen in the viral video were released so most likely, not been charged with assaulting a police officer