I'm of Pakistani origin and was the only minority in a school with 800 white people. I'm not sure whether I got off in racial abuse because Scotland is more progressive or whether because I was 6 foot when I was 14 years old and was friends with most of the people likely to cause trouble. There was a kid from bradford who moved here when he was about 15 and was ethnically indian and got a shit load of abuse in his time at our school so I guess I can't really claim my community was any better.
My family is based in Nelson down in England which seems to be split between the Pakistani community and the English community. The last time I went down there I was amazed by the lack of multicultural presence there. I don't think that kind of community is healthy to be honest and it creates an us against them mentality which I seriously disapprove of. I personally lay the blame towards the pakistani families who prefer to send their kids to mosques and schools where they will never encounter white people. What kind of experience is that?

Anyway that's just my opinion and I've never lived down there...