And some more:
Voting day front pages - top three by circulation:
Was expecting worse than that tbh. I assume that's Maureen Lipman speaking up for the entire population of the Jewish community in the UK there...
Maybe the people who pay the most tax already just don’t want to pay anymore? It’s 100 quid a month now but you can be sure it’ll be 200 in the future then 300. Point is for labour there is no point at which they’d necessarily stop on grounds of principle.
It's a crazy idea... you are basically massively increasing the income tax burden on middle and low-ish earners. Anyone earning between about £17-18k and £106k a year will pay more income tax. Significantly more for those towards the lower or middle of that scale.
Then everyone earning over £106k starts to pay significantly less tax than they do now. It's not progressive in any way, shape or form.
Maybe the people who pay the most tax already just don’t want to pay anymore? It’s 100 quid a month now but you can be sure it’ll be 200 in the future then 300. Point is for labour there is no point at which they’d necessarily stop on grounds of principle.
They already do pay. But I’d argue you have to make it about their self interest rather than it being about a moral duty. At the moment you have a lot of people who don’t really pay very much for public services thru tax arguing those who do, are evil for not paying more. I don’t see how that is a winning argument.So how do we care for the least fortunate in society, if even those with the biggest disposable income aren't willing to contribute to it?
And that is why you keep losing.
No, because anyone earning 17/18k now would be taking home say 15k. Under this scenario they would be taking home £25k. They've got more money.
Done my civic duty. I work in Adult Social Services, and I can't stomach more of the hard conversations I've had the last couple of years around policy decisions, and working in an understaffed team. I'm getting close to handing my notice in to get a job at Aldi.
Voting day front pages - top three by circulation:
Those with the biggest incomes already contribute more to tax than any other bracketSo how do we care for the least fortunate in society, if even those with the biggest disposable income aren't willing to contribute to it?
Gammon usually have jobs. They'll come at 6, unfortunatelyDon’t do it to us Elvis. Can’t see any gammon in these pictures either.
If you're in the position to pay a bit more in taxes that implies state already did well for you. I currently earn almost 3 times the average wage in my country but also pay 42% of my total wage in taxes, so in essence I could be earning almost double that I do now If taxes didn't exist but I would happily pay even more according to any pay rise because I prefer to live in the society with the healthy fabric that sees less envy or inequality and better healthcare access, safer roads, better education, etc. than simply fulfilling some of my selfish needs.Maybe the people who pay the most tax already just don’t want to pay anymore? It’s 100 quid a month now but you can be sure it’ll be 200 in the future then 300. Point is for labour there is no point at which they’d necessarily stop on grounds of principle.
Don’t do it to us Elvis. Can’t see any gammon in these pictures either.
We should create a league table for Self-righteousness - there is obviously a competition in here.
A little over 12 hours until that exit poll!
Its just a really weird logic considering you’ve been decrying how mean tax is on people who earn good money, your response to that is to ensure the rich get a bit extra disposable income and the burden is put onto the working and middle classes.
Instead of the rich questioning whether they need the top package on their new Range Rover you’re making the working and middle classes question if they need a car.
Why wait until the last night of the campaign to release this you fecking halfwit?!?!
Why take it to ridiculous absolutes? He said he believes JC can't fund his promises, you're saying let's have no public services at all then. No wonder centrism is dead when people can seemingly only countenance absolute extremes.Darwinism does not work from a holistic point of view. I thought that technology, community, shared resources and the whole being greater than the sum of its parts where important elements that made it possible for the humans to evolve from a hunter-gatherer society(and even they had elements of unity and shared contributions). Oh well, let's just regress our societies back to pre-cavemen... No school, no healthcare. Want food? Grow it yourself. Taking care of the elderly? No way, let them fend for themselves.
Free speech and all that. There was supposed to be a second inquiry into the practices that the press do in phone hacking and the disgusting stuff they did to the likes of Christopher Jefferies etc, but the Conservatives had it in their last manifesto that they'd drop it if elected and they were so it was swiftly dropped.How are they allowed to do this? Are there not some regulations regarding subjectivity in the media?
Murdoch, Barcley Twins and Rothsmere the 4th controlling which way the country goes just because it is easier to influence the British government without the influence/interference from EU regulations. The rich will get richer and the poor will become poorer. How the UK population became the new USA as a cash cow for the very rich and influential.
No, because anyone earning 17/18k now would be taking home say 15k. Under this scenario they would be taking home £25k. They've got more money.
And that is why you keep losing.
I'm not a particularly high earner but I would be more than happy to pay an extra 5% so my kids can have a better education, health and public services. Why so afraid of that?My personal take on why JC's message is not hitting home is that, other than the young, most folks do not believe his vision can be delivered any more than the other sides can. Now how does it go. All we have to do is hit the rich a damned sight harder and we can solve all of our ills with those of us on 50K or less not feeling one iota of financial pain. What utter tripe. How can anyone seriously think (yet they do if I read this thread correctly) that the problems of the NHS, Social Care, Disabled, Poor and Police to name 5 off the top of my head. Plus give free bus transport to a swathe of young folks, refund the WASPI's, Renationalise the utility companies and part of the railways etc etc can be achieved without increasing the tax take on us all is beyond belief. And once you accept that truth what those on the left of the political spectrum are up against is that most folk, without being nasty, are generally speaking inward looking. What counts the most for all of us is 'me and mine' and to be honest I find nowt wrong with that opinion at all. Actually its a view I subscribe to on the basis that if I don't look out for myself then no bugger else will. Blair knew it thats why he positioned the party as he did. Corbyn just like Foot never learnt. Utopia exists only in our imagination.
Mind doing a comparison of people at different pay brackets?No, because anyone earning 17/18k now would be taking home say 15k. Under this scenario they would be taking home £25k. They've got more money.
Me finding your arguments ludicrous is why Labour keep losing? Interesting do to tell me more.
I'm not a particularly high earner but I would be more than happy to pay an extra 5% so my kids can have a better education, health and public services. Why so afarid of that?
Haven't we all had enough of failing services, teachers having to collect donations to run schools, food banks, poorly run NHS, underfunded local authorities?
Not wanting to be to extreme, but what the conservative party is proposing on "Brexit" is treason. Doesn't honor the 2016 independence vote and for me shouldn't be countenanced. No one voted to put the UK on the road to being an EU substate, and it doesn't "get Brexit done" in any way shape or form, an equally stupid slogan with strong and stable, remind us how that turned out
I'm a natural conservative, with left liberal leanings on quite a few things, not really sure who to vote for. My area is safe Labour but I don't want to be party to a Corbyn majority government either, just in case. So I guess either Liberal or i'll be writing in none of the above.
Not wanting to be to extreme, but what the conservative party is proposing on "Brexit" is treason. Doesn't honor the 2016 independence vote and for me shouldn't be countenanced.
Why take it to ridiculous absolutes? He said he believes JC can't fund his promises, you're saying let's have no public services at all then. No wonder centrism is dead when people can seemingly only countenance absolute extremes.
Done my civic duty. I work in Adult Social Services, and I can't stomach more of the hard conversations I've had the last couple of years around policy decisions, and working in an understaffed team. I'm getting close to handing my notice in to get a job at Aldi.
Why's there so many people voting at polling stations anyway? You'd think everyone would do a postal vote
Why's there so many people voting at polling stations anyway? You'd think everyone would do a postal vote