UK General Election - 12th December 2019 | Con 365, Lab 203, LD 11, SNP 48, Other 23 - Tory Majority of 80

How do you intend to vote in the 2019 General Election if eligible?

  • Brexit Party

    Votes: 30 4.3%
  • Conservatives

    Votes: 73 10.6%
  • DUP

    Votes: 5 0.7%
  • Green

    Votes: 23 3.3%
  • Labour

    Votes: 355 51.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 58 8.4%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 3 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 9 1.3%
  • SNP

    Votes: 19 2.8%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 6 0.9%
  • Independent

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Other (BNP, Change UK, UUP and anyone else that I have forgotten)

    Votes: 10 1.4%
  • Not voting

    Votes: 57 8.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 41 5.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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That kind of thing shouldn't be allowed - how are voters supposed to make an informed choice?

They are not supposed to, they are supposed to remember the last lot of 'facts' hammered into them at the last minute, "he who has the last word, has the floor" or "turn up the volume" (probably should be the rhetoric).

Years ago there was some study done that tried to determine what and how people remembered stats, facts etc, flung at them under pressure, this included as part of the study monitoring the recall of contestants on the 'Generation Game' (popular BBC Saturday night viewing for those of a certain age) when they tried to recall what as on the prize conveyor at the end, and statistically something like 80% always tended to recall the last three items off the conveyor belt, first (including of course the every present 'cuddly toy').

When people have been battered with information at a GE they either have made up their mind at the beginning, or as above, they remember the last thing they heard, which may then influence their voting preference. Of course if the last thing you heard was an anathema to you, it could go the other way!
There have been some very genuine problems with the BBC and their reporting but the Labour polling stuff is completely correct and he's doing his job as a journalist calling it now. Plenty of excellent and dedicated journos who work for the BBC.
Channel 4 just announced the planned live debate with Corbyn in Sunday has been cancelled. Boris not turning up apparently.

Maybe the internal polling spooked them? Now Labour can paint Boris as a coward running away from debate.
The Liz Truss video where it goes past her brain explosion at being told that they had delivered zero starter homes since their manifesto pledge is incredible. She loses focus, can't think of anything to say then comes back with a Tory pledge that they are looking into giving up to 30% off to first time buyers.

They deliver zero of up to 20% in 5 years and then double down by offering 30% at the next election. How on earth do they get away with this?
If it's a strategy it's stupid and wrong. I just can't imagine they would be that stupid, it is definitely not working to their benefit.

It shows how low they will stoop. If even Twitter are giving the government of our country written warnings, how much lower can we fall!?

Twitter is acting as our moral compass. Twitter! Just let that sink in! :lol:
A few additional points:

1. Remember this is a group who illegally prorogued parliament, despite stating before they’d never try such a move. I think this Twitter idiocy is well off that as a low point.

2. It’s only a stupid policy if they piss off their voters or don’t attract any fence sitters. One way of looking at this stunt is that it highlighted Corbyns claim that Tories would ‘sell off NHS to the USA’. Tories will argue they made some people disbelieve this claim via the said twitter stunt.

3. With the recent launch of labour manifesto criticism website, I think we can safely say this is a strategic communications policy from the tories. It’s success is not dependent on outrage from hardcore labour but on whether it can lure remain tories and leave labour and confused centrists.
A lot of your figures are wrong, its a lot less than that but you are probably not suited to vote Labour if your concerns are mostly about growth. There are a lot of people who plan just to survive on the daily and this is what the manifesto is aimed at improving in the immediate short term.

Do you just post to increase your count? You're like a Conservative bot just spreading nonsense hoping some of it will stick.

This is from the governments website:



There’s a big development going on near me in North Manc and a section of it is classed as ‘affordable homes’, the council were on the front page of the local rag about a year ago proudly declaring that a section will be ‘affordable’, they’re help to buy but are priced at £250k to £325k!
There have been some very genuine problems with the BBC and their reporting but the Labour polling stuff is completely correct and he's doing his job as a journalist calling it now. Plenty of excellent and dedicated journos who work for the BBC.

Anyone that’s ever observed how Liverpool fans vote for one of their players in a public best player polls should understand why Twitter polls are utterly useless.

Good timing for Labour.

Very odd timing and amazed Tories have signed off on this. Unless the Queen forces Trump to agree not to make any UK centric statements.

There are plenty of Tory folk and Fence sitters who despise Trump.

Given NHS is a core vote issue, massive opportunity for Corbyn to prove his ‘NHS sell off’ claim (ditto chlorinated chicken etc) which could win him plenty of late votes.

Who knows where Ukraine and Epstein sub plots will be by then either?!
Easy win for Labour: 'Johnson and Trump are meeting in order to carve up our NHS'.
Talk of the devil...

Brexit party leader tells evangelical Christian TV channel of threat from ‘globalists’ and mass migration
The latest interview, broadcast in February, was with Revelation TV, which has previously faced criticism from Ofcom for anti-Islam content, and fined by regulators in Spain, where it also airs, over homophobic comments.

Introducing the interview, one of the channel’s hosts described Brexit as “a divine miracle, God-inspired, God-initiated”.

In the discussion, Nigel Farage argued that “the globalists” were trying to thwart Brexit and Donald Trump, among others, and that multinational businesses were seeking to introduce a world government with no democracy.

Goldman Sachs, Farage said, “actually see the European Union as, basically, the forerunner of global government. That’s what these people are pushing for. It’s pretty clear who the enemy is, as far as I’m concerned.”

The then-journalist wrote: "If that is racial prejudice, then I am guilty. And so are you, baby. So are we all."
He's actually completely right here.

Times columnist and former UK No. 1 table tennis player Matt Syed is a great commentator on this. He's consistently brought this up for years. Every time someone gets accused of vulgar racism, he reminds than most racism is subconscious

That kind of thing shouldn't be allowed - how are voters supposed to make an informed choice?
1) release uncosted manifesto filled with lies
2) have press buddies report the soundbites
3) send ministers onto TV shows to ask very easy questions and reiterate lies
4) win election because of promises
5) Get. Brexit. Done.
6) Move some NHS services to US Private firms
7) Cover up any reports that show that the NHS is fecked
8) Blame Doctors and Nurses for failing to save lives with another 10% in real terms reduction over the next 10 years (because if Boris wins this time he will definitely win the next)
9) The first Fighting Pits pop up just outside of Derby. Teeth become the new currency and foxes own half of Yorkshire.
10) Hide the fact that Brexit still isn't technically Done.
Channel 4 just announced the planned live debate with Corbyn in Sunday has been cancelled. Boris not turning up apparently.

Maybe the internal polling spooked them? Now Labour can paint Boris as a coward running away from debate.

Posted this a while back...

He's already a coward as it is and after seeing how much May managed to feck up her "strong and stable" image he'll be doubly cowardly this campaign I bet. I've said it before; one debate, pre moderated, and that'll be all he does.

If anyone wants the next lottery numbers PM me.
There’s a big development going on near me in North Manc and a section of it is classed as ‘affordable homes’, the council were on the front page of the local rag about a year ago proudly declaring that a section will be ‘affordable’, they’re help to buy but are priced at £250k to £325k!

They aren’t starter homes. They would have been with 20% off market price. After 5 years of not providing a single home with 20% off now the Tories are promising homes with 30% off :lol:

You can’t make it up :(

As for those flats you mention they end up being bought by landlords and they are rented out to local councils at huge profits. It’s the case at almost every new-build estate at least in the South East.
They aren’t starter homes. They would have been with 20% off market price. After 5 years of not providing a single home with 20% off now the Tories are promising homes with 30% off :lol:

You can’t make it up :(

As for those flats you mention they end up being bought by landlords and they are rented out to local councils at huge profits. It’s the case at almost every new-build estate at least in the South East.
Yeah but think of the poor folk who just want to leave something to their kids. Or something.

A teeny tiny part of me thinks that he's doing this because of the upcoming election and he wants to make himself look good compared to some sort of poor record and reputation on the matter that he may or may not have. Hopefully there's nothing in his past that would contrast this current news and back up my theory.

“And they [immigration numbers] will increase further with Turkey and four low-income Balkan states being lined up for EU membership.”

Generally voted against laws to promote equality and human rights
0 votes for, 10 votes against, 4 absences, between 2011–2019

Consistently voted for a stricter asylum system
8 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2015–2016

A teeny tiny part of me thinks that he's doing this because of the upcoming election and he wants to make himself look good compared to some sort of poor record and reputation on the matter that he may or may not have. Hopefully there's nothing in his past that would contrast this current news and back up my theory.

You forgot.

“The typical user of a foodbank is not someone that’s languishing in poverty, it’s someone who has a cash flow problem episodically.”
“The typical user of a foodbank is not someone that’s languishing in poverty, it’s someone who has a cash flow problem episodically.”
That comment is the heartless person's version of expressing shame.
You forgot.

“The typical user of a foodbank is not someone that’s languishing in poverty, it’s someone who has a cash flow problem episodically.”
He's a repository of lexical shit isn't he?
We've got f*cking foodbanks inside schools where teachers have to ask parents for financial donations, yet Raab makes out that the poor are mere hobbyists.
We've got f*cking foodbanks inside schools where teachers have to ask parents for financial donations, yet Raab makes out that the poor are mere hobbyists.

Have you seen Raab is trying to get legal fees back from the lad who was killed by the US citizen near the airbase?
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