UK General Election - 12th December 2019 | Con 365, Lab 203, LD 11, SNP 48, Other 23 - Tory Majority of 80

How do you intend to vote in the 2019 General Election if eligible?

  • Brexit Party

    Votes: 30 4.3%
  • Conservatives

    Votes: 73 10.6%
  • DUP

    Votes: 5 0.7%
  • Green

    Votes: 23 3.3%
  • Labour

    Votes: 355 51.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 58 8.4%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 3 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 9 1.3%
  • SNP

    Votes: 19 2.8%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 6 0.9%
  • Independent

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Other (BNP, Change UK, UUP and anyone else that I have forgotten)

    Votes: 10 1.4%
  • Not voting

    Votes: 57 8.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 41 5.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Richard Burgon on QT tonight, on the day the manifesto is announced. Kill me now.
Richard Burgon on QT tonight, on the day the manifesto is announced. Kill me now.
Damn socialists. Always want someone else to do the work.

I'm kidding, please don't harm yourself Unless you're on facebook
Where's the Tory manifesto btw? Or are they just waiting to steal the bits people like from the Labour one and then sprinkle in some of their own bullshit?
I think they are leaving it to the last week of the election. Clearly they are very confident in their offer to the public.
I think they are leaving it to the last week of the election. Clearly they are very confident in their offer to the public.
It'll be filled with lots of nice sounding things that aren't costed or feasible. A bit like Boris' vision for Brexit.
Richard Burgon on QT tonight, on the day the manifesto is announced. Kill me now.

to be fair the conservatives are putting up Robert Jenrik who I dont think will do a great job though no doubt antisemitism will come up as its one of his big issues and Burgon will be his usual awful self

Chukka is there for the libs and hes generally a decent performer on camera so yeah I think Burgon will be trending at some point tonight / tomorrow in some car crash clip of an answer
I updated my details on the electoral register, now as an overseas voter.
The original email response said the application had been sent to my "local" council and I'd receive confirmation or a request for more information as soon as possible.

That was 14 days ago.

I phoned the council on Tuesday for more information, and was told there were no issues with the application. They claimed I was 3 days into a 5-day "cooling off period" and it should be sorted by today.
It's a joke. If my postal/proxy takes this long I'll be lucky to vote in 2024.
That's complete bollocks, they have built literally thousands of 1 and 2 bedroom flats over the past 5 years in my town. Of course, that is just in my town, so I'm guessing it only counts as anecdotal?

The amount of home building going on at the moment is fecking insane, god knows who is going to live in them all. There are plans in my borough to build another nearly 15K homes over the next 5 years too.

On my train journey into London, there are homes going up in their thousands, and that's not an exaggeration. These are mostly 1 and 2 bedroom flats in not particularly affluent areas no more than a 20 minute train ride from Central London, not £1M penthouses in town.

I would like to know what the real figures are for new homes being built, because someone isn't telling the truth.
Do you have a link?
Genuine question: What's wrong with Burgon, never listened to him?

He comes across as someone who would struggle to get your order correct if they worked at McDonalds. He's the Labour equivalent of Liz Truss essentially.

There's several people in the shadow cabinet who do a good job of portraying the policies i just find it odd Labour keep giving him any prominent role. The Tories meanwhile seem to lock half their MPs in the basement so they can't be seen or heard.
Just had a quick look through the Labour Manifesto, and it would seem really bad for me as a small business owner. Say I want take out £50,000 net/year* and keep £80,000 in my business for the next year so that I can hire two members of staff every year. At the moment to take out roughly £50,000 net I would take £12,500 in salary (on which I pay £464.16 personal NI and £447.53) and £42,000 dividends (on which I pay £3,000 in personal tax and £7,980 on corporation tax. If I wanted to keep £80,000 for next year to hire extra staff I would need to make a further £98,765 in profit, because of the corporation tax at 19%. When you include business costs which (I'm estimating here at £5,000) my company basically needs to be making roughly £161,000/year to keep me happy and enable me to grow.

If that goes to 28%, I will be paying £11,760 rather than £7,980 on the for the personal component and £31,111 rather than £18,765 on the money I'm putting aside for investment. So my company (just me at the moment) will need to generate £178,000 to stand still, an extra £17,000.

I don't consider myself particularly wealthy or successful. People always say this country needs more small business, and I don't think that this manifesto would help at all. These are slightly back of the fag packet calculations, but is correct from my current understanding.

*(I know a fair amount of money, but it is more difficult to get a mortgage when you are self employed, so I need to save for a deposit and also have a greater rainy day fund than most people in case things go tits up.)

A lot of your figures are wrong, its a lot less than that but you are probably not suited to vote Labour if your concerns are mostly about growth. There are a lot of people who plan just to survive on the daily and this is what the manifesto is aimed at improving in the immediate short term.

That's complete bollocks, they have built literally thousands of 1 and 2 bedroom flats over the past 5 years in my town. Of course, that is just in my town, so I'm guessing it only counts as anecdotal?

The amount of home building going on at the moment is fecking insane, god knows who is going to live in them all. There are plans in my borough to build another nearly 15K homes over the next 5 years too.

On my train journey into London, there are homes going up in their thousands, and that's not an exaggeration. These are mostly 1 and 2 bedroom flats in not particularly affluent areas no more than a 20 minute train ride from Central London, not £1M penthouses in town.

I would like to know what the real figures are for new homes being built, because someone isn't telling the truth.

Do you just post to increase your count? You're like a Conservative bot just spreading nonsense hoping some of it will stick.

This is from the governments website:


I don't think the fact some idiot in the social media team felt like changing a twitter handle is as big a deal as you are suggesting. Its rightly been called out as being wrong, but it would be impossible for the conservatives to back down on it as it would play badly and make the story bigger. The Tory leaders are taking the line they need to take, and I'm sure it won't happen again (Twitter won't let it happen again anyhow).
You don't genuinely believe this was a "lone social media wolf" in the Tory digital team do you? It's obviously strategic.
I don't know, it just looked quite amateur, and I can't imagine it would have been signed off if the idea had gone further up the food chain. How was it every going to benefit the conservative party?

I actually think from what you say makes it more likely it was rogue. If the guys have been getting praise for being abrasive they might have thought let's push it further and went too far.

Edit: This is what James Cleverly said: "Asked if he knew about the change, Mr Cleverly said: "The digital team have got a remit, I set that remit, they work within the remit and I'm absolutely comfortable with them calling out when the Labour Party puts what they know to be complete fabrications in the public domain - and we will call that out every time they do it."
Yes, I've seen that interview too. Do you believe him? Especially given their track record on dishonesty?
You don't genuinely believe this was a "lone social media wolf" in the Tory digital team do you? It's obviously strategic.

If it's a strategy it's stupid and wrong. I just can't imagine they would be that stupid, it is definitely not working to their benefit.
If it's a strategy it's stupid and wrong. I just can't imagine they would be that stupid, it is definitely not working to their benefit.
It shows how low they will stoop. If even Twitter are giving the government of our country written warnings, how much lower can we fall!?

Twitter is acting as our moral compass. Twitter! Just let that sink in! :lol:
What Joey's saying is more or less true though isn't it? If only the Yougov sample is designed with a representative sample in mind, then it's the only one that can have any pretentions to accuracy (I'm guessing he's not just straight up lying that the other polls aren't calibrated to UK demographics).
He has a point though, those other polls are all twitter polls so only from a certain demographic (social media users).
What Joey's saying is more or less true though isn't it? If only the Yougov sample is designed with a representative sample in mind, then it's the only one that can have any pretentions to accuracy (I'm guessing he's not just straight up lying that the other polls aren't calibrated to UK demographics).
It's completely true. There's genuinely bad stuff coming from the Tory end, like the Standard completely making up a Corbyn quote, so it's maddening to see this polling trope come out yet again.
I know Joey, went to Uni with him. Always thought he was a Labour man.

He's a BBC employee now? It's probably in his contract to be pro Tory now.

It would be a shame if being "a Labour man" meant you could only tell the truth when it suited the Labour party, at risk of being labelled a Tory. Not everything has to be divided on party lines.
I know Joey, went to Uni with him. Always thought he was a Labour man.

How does his comment show he's not a Labour man? Understanding why only the YouGov poll is of any actual value is GCSE statistics.
What Joey's saying is more or less true though isn't it? If only the Yougov sample is designed with a representative sample in mind, then it's the only one that can have any pretentions to accuracy (I'm guessing he's not just straight up lying that the other polls aren't calibrated to UK demographics).

He has a point though, those other polls are all twitter polls so only from a certain demographic (social media users).

It would be a shame if being "a Labour man" meant you could only tell the truth when it suited the Labour party, at risk of being labelled a Tory. Not everything has to be divided on party lines.

How does his comment show he's not a Labour man? Understanding why only the YouGov poll is of any actual value is GCSE statistics.

He's completely right, I was making the same point myself a couple of pages back. Good on him for clarifying why outlets were using the Yougov poll.
It would be a shame if being "a Labour man" meant you could only tell the truth when it suited the Labour party, at risk of being labelled a Tory. Not everything has to be divided on party lines.
Quite the opposite. For example, see the recent Priti Patel car crash interview. Recently deleted, edited then re uploaded by the BBC.

Just in case you didn't detect it. My previous post was tongue in cheek!
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