U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Probably the republican propaganda getting to you, do something educational like read a book and it'll wear off, don't worry.

I dont know. But i remember hearing an interview where Obama mistakenly said something like "You are absolutely right that John McCain, ah, has not talked about my Muslim faith"
I dont know. But i remember hearing an interview where Obama mistakenly said something like "You are absolutely right that John McCain, ah, has not talked about my Muslim faith"

I think he was referring to his heritage, not his current beliefs. It's no secret that Obama is from a muslim background (whats wrong with that I dont know anyway) but regardless of that he IS a Christian even with his misleading middle-name.
I think he was referring to his heritage, not his current beliefs. It's no secret that Obama is from a muslim background (whats wrong with that I dont know anyway) but regardless of that he IS a Christian even with his misleading middle-name.

But that was a classic Freudian slip.

I polled for Obama here, but if he's just Christian for the sake of winning it then I've lost all my respect for the man.
But that was a classic Freudian slip.

I polled for Obama here, but if he's just Christian for the sake of winning it then I've lost all my respect for the man.

He's not though, he was baptised and raised a Christian. He's not putting on a religious act to pick up votes.
Great read from the WSJ a few days ago:

The GOP Loves the Heartland To Death

It tells us something about Sarah Palin's homage to small-town America, delivered to an enthusiastic GOP convention last week, that she chose to fire it up with an unsourced quotation from the all-time champion of fake populism, the belligerent right-wing columnist Westbrook Pegler.

"We grow good people in our small towns, with honesty and sincerity and dignity," the vice-presidential candidate said, quoting an anonymous "writer," which is to say, Pegler, who must have penned that mellifluous line when not writing his more controversial stuff. As the New York Times pointed out in its obituary of him in 1969, Pegler once lamented that a would-be assassin "hit the wrong man" when gunning for Franklin Roosevelt.

Small-town America.

There's no evidence that Mrs. Palin shares the trademark Pegler bloodlust -- except maybe when it comes to moose and wolves. Nevertheless, the red-state myth that Mrs. Palin reiterated for her adoring audience owes far more to the venomous spirit of Pegler than it does to Norman Rockwell.

Small town people, Mrs. Palin went on, are "the ones who do some of the hardest work in America, who grow our food and run our factories and fight our wars." They are authentic; they are noble, and they are her own: "I grew up with those people."

But what really defines them in Mrs. Palin's telling is their enemies, the people who supposedly "look down" on them. The opposite of the heartland is the loathsome array of snobs and fakers, "reporters and commentators," lobbyists and others who make up "the Washington elite."

Presumably the various elite Washington lobbyists who have guided John McCain's presidential campaign were exempt from Mrs. Palin's criticism. As would be former House Speaker Dennis Hastert, now a "senior adviser" to the Dickstein Shapiro lobby firm, who hymned the "Sarah Palin part of the party" thus: "Their kids aren't going to go to Ivy League schools. Their sons leave high school and join the military to serve our country. Their husbands and wives work two jobs to make sure the family is sustained."

Generally speaking, though, when husbands and wives work two jobs each it is not merely because they are virtuous but because working one job doesn't earn them enough to get by. The two-job workers in Middle America aren't spurning the Ivy League and joining the military straight out of high school just because they're people of principle, although many of them are. It is because they can't afford to do otherwise.

Leave the fantasy land of convention rhetoric, and you will find that small-town America, this legendary place of honesty and sincerity and dignity, is not doing very well. If you drive west from Kansas City, Mo., you will find towns where Main Street is largely boarded up. You will see closed schools and hospitals. You will hear about depleted groundwater and massive depopulation.

And eventually you will ask yourself, how did this happen? Did Hollywood do this? Was it those "reporters and commentators" with their fancy college degrees who wrecked Main Street, U.S.A.?

No. For decades now we have been electing people like Sarah Palin who claimed to love and respect the folksy conservatism of small towns, and yet who have unfailingly enacted laws to aid the small town's mortal enemies.

Without raising an antitrust finger they have permitted fantastic concentration in the various industries that buy the farmer's crops. They have undone the New Deal system of agricultural price supports in favor of schemes called "Freedom to Farm" and loan deficiency payments -- each reform apparently designed to secure just one thing out of small town America: cheap commodities for the big food processors. Richard Nixon's Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz put the conservative attitude toward small farmers most bluntly back in the 1970s when he warned, "Get big or get out."

A few days ago I talked politics with Donn Teske, the president of the Kansas Farmers Union and a former Republican. Barack Obama may come from a big city, he admits, but the Farmers Union gives him a 100% rating for his votes in Congress. John McCain gets a 0%. "If any farmer in the Plains States looked at McCain's voting record on ag issues," Mr. Teske says, "no one would vote for him."

Now, Mr. McCain is known for his straight talk with industrial workers, telling them their jobs are never coming back, that the almighty market took them away for good, and that retraining is their only hope.

But he seems to think that small-town people can be easily played. Just choose a running mate who knows how to skin a moose and all will be forgiven. Drive them off the land, shutter their towns, toss their life chances into the grinders of big agriculture . . . and praise their values. The TV eminences will coo in appreciation of your in-touch authenticity, and the carnival will move on.
He's not though, he was baptised and raised a Christian. He's not putting on a religious act to pick up votes.

Ah well you say that, but how can you be so sure?

By all accounts he's been planning and preparing for the presidency since the age of four, so who knows what his real beliefs are.

From his speeches and voting record we know he's a radical that's for sure.

Did Obama and Osama ever meet and discuss things? I guess nobody really knows.

Interesting times. ;)
Given McCain's U-turns in order to become President you could say the same things about him too.

McCain picking Gov. Sarah Palin is the most shameless form of pandering to the Christians.

Latest News Today: McCain was asked, how he felt about the female pay-rate differencial of women 77 cents to men $1.00...

His response: Women need to catch up with their education.


He lost about 75,000 female votes on that comment, alone.
McCain picking Gov. Sarah Palin is the most shameless form of pandering to the Christians.

Latest News Today: McCain was asked, how he felt about the female pay-rate differencial of women 77 cents to men $1.00...

His response: Women need to catch up with their education.


He lost about 75,000 female votes on that comment, alone.

He didn't say that, did he? You're kidding right?
This campaign can't end soon enouh for me. Both camps are slinging mud everywhere and both now look to be carring on the great American tradition of running underhanded and half truth ads hoping to fool the voters. Neither is talking about actual issues. Very sad.
He didn't say that, did he? You're kidding right?

Oh, yes he did...

Even worse, two days ago when the markets crashed 500 points he says, 'The fundamentals of our economy are strong...'

Several news interviewers asked him what he meant, as if he were an insane person.

Jon Stewart had a fieldday with it. (I might normally place a laughing smilie here, but it's no fecking joke. This guy is a danger to himself and everyone within earshot of him. He could be as stupid as Bush, that scary)

My estimate of the situation... John McCain is now another Carl Rove Zombie.
Family Value party!

Sex Assault Program Cited in Monegan Firing Targeted Child Abusers
By Zachary Roth - September 16, 2008, 4:58PM

So Sarah Palin's latest explanation for why she fired Walt Monegan is that he had gone over her head in seeking federal money for an initiative to combat sexual assault crimes, before she had approved the program.

But it now appears that the program in question is one that most elected officials would be wary of admitting they hadn't strongly backed. According to Peggy Brown, who heads the Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Monegan wanted to use the federal money to hire retired troopers and law enforcement officials, and assign them to investigate the most egregious cases of sexual assault -- including those against children.

In other words, if Palin's new story is true, she fired Monegan for being too aggressive in going after child molesters.

ABC News reported yesterday that, although Alaska leads the nation in reported rapes per capita, Palin hasn't made the issue a priority as governor.

Monegan, however, appeared eager to change that. "He seemed to get the issue and really took it seriously," Brown told TPMmuckraker.
Tell you what Red Dreams, you are quite good at predictions:


yeah I said that and still believe it...they are both good guys...but what we are seeing is about as bad as it can get...think I said somewhere on these pages some months ago that I thought this would be the worst recession since the 30s...well I may have been wrong this could be worse....thats why I hope it is Obama who becomes the President....because McCain knows nothing about the economy...he really is clueless....Obama mainly does not shoot from his hip...he is a calm thinker and a pragmatist...though the right would paint him to be a total lefty.....and he has some very capable people around him....

my prediction? I hope it is Obama...the economy or shall I say the lack of one...favours a democrat....especially as the current party is Republican...and it is difficult for McCain to run away from his party....but if there was one Republican candidate who could win it would have been McCain....and I think if he Does win...he will bring democrats and Republicans together...as would Obama....

it will be close...but the democrat has to be favoured in this climate...

so thats my prediction for what its worth....
even Karl Rove is disgusted with McCain...not that suddenly Rove has developed a conscience....its just that McCain is lying so stupidly.....

McCain is being a twit for sure but Obama is using similar tactics. There was a piece on CNN yesterday that was analyzing both candidates. Needless to say both are full of shit. I'm trying to find a link to it as it was a nice fair review of both campaigns.
Yeah, they are both full of shit but I think, McCain more so than Obama. Also, McCain went negative first and some of the stuff he is running is just out and out lies that are shameless. How the feck he is going to "bring washington together" even if he wins after running this kind of a campaign is anybody's guess. It's going to be even more partisan and bitter than before if that's possible.
Right, from the polls and electoral college votes, there is a good chance that McCain and Obama will end up with 269 electoral votes each, with 270 needed in order to win the election.

And that's when the fun starts:

"Pursuant to the Twelfth Amendment, the House of Representatives is required to go into session "immediately" to vote for President if no candidate for President receives a majority (270 votes) of the 538 possible electoral votes.

In this event, the House of Representatives is limited to choosing from among the three candidates who received the most electoral votes. Each state delegation has a single vote. To be elected, a candidate must receive an absolute majority of state votes (26) in order for that candidate to become the President-elect. Additionally, delegations from at least two-thirds of all the states must be present for voting to take place. The House continues balloting until a candidate receives an absolute majority of the state votes. This situation would most likely occur only when more than two candidates receive electoral votes, but could happen in an election in which only two candidates receive electoral votes and each receives an equal number of electoral votes."

So if the election is a tie, the House chooses the President by State delegation. I make 27 states with a Democratic majority in the House, with 21 having a Republican majority. So that's Obama winning if it is a tie then:


Phew. Who knew elections could be this complicated?
if its 269 each McCain wins....because the President is elected from the current congress and each state has 1 vote...the Republicans have won more states.
it wont be 269 each....think Obama will edge him by winning say 273...

hey just thought...we should have a pool of sorts...pick your candidate and the electoral votes each will have on Nov 4th..
McCain is being a twit for sure but Obama is using similar tactics. There was a piece on CNN yesterday that was analyzing both candidates. Needless to say both are full of shit. I'm trying to find a link to it as it was a nice fair review of both campaigns.

if you look at the ads...both have been negative...in fact Obama has had more negative ads recently...but my argument is who has been blatantly lying....and McCain wins hands down...Obama has responded with his own attacks...and I am not going to say he has not stretched his case....

btw the CNN piece shows that these guys need to take some classes in journalism and ethics...CNN is a joke!

some examples...
McCain's ads on sex ed for kids, taxes are two...there are more ridiculous ones on 'lipstick' which I wont even go into...

Firstly Obama supported a law that would have helped protect kindergarten children from Sexual predators....unwanted touching and such...

Secondly Obama cuts taxes for everyone who is earning 250,000 or less and proposes raising taxes on only the top 2 % of the population...so McCain is plainly lying!

I will take Obama's attack on McCain about lobbyists....Of course all those guys he mention...Currently are not paid by the companies....they are either on unpaid leave or are currently not employed by the companies....but each of them are pushing their companies agendas....for chrisakes....my arse is laughing......this where I question either the integrity, competence or intelligence of CNN....probably all 3....they are obviously praching to idiots who dont understand these practices....

just saw the desperate argument of another Mccain stooge arguing the sex education and lipstick ads...these republicans can read minds......

yeah I think Bush went into Iraq to make money for the oil companies...lets impeach him....idiots.....
if its 269 each McCain wins....because the President is elected from the current congress and each state has 1 vote...the Republicans have won more states.
it wont be 269 each....think Obama will edge him by winning say 273...

hey just thought...we should have a pool of sorts...pick your candidate and the electoral votes each will have on Nov 4th..

I want to correct this....the New house will elect the President in this scenario....and a reliable Political web site says in the event of a tie of 269..Obama would win...
To me, from PrinceEvra

Stupid fecking American

You have a chance to save the world but you talk bad about obama!!

Haha just noticed he is banned
A new poll I heard today suggests that Obama is leading in Indiana. If he wins there, the Republicans can kiss the election goodbye.
Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, and shockingly, North Carolina are all in play this time. Florida is also getting closer.
The fact that McCain is still in it at all shows how weak both candidates are. As unpopular as G Bush is how can any repub be in this thing? I'm trying to decide who to write in.
Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, and shockingly, North Carolina are all in play this time. Florida is also getting closer.

imo in order of least tough to toughest for Obama to win...

1. Colorado - the state has been trending democrat more and more...huge Hispanic population increases...and a strong liberal/environmental base....The state is almost as sure as Iowa is for Obama...and New Mexico is even bluer....

2. Virginia...I'm convinced Obama has more than a 60% chance of winning the state because of the fast changing demographics...this is no longer strictly a Southern state.... imo if Virginia goes blue on Nov 4th go to sleep.....Obama will be the President.

3. Ohio...this has been very hard for Democrats last 2 elections...but the terrible economy has really hurt Ohio...many Reagen Democrats will be coming home to their party....recent polls show a slight edge for Obama...also a huge voter registration effort has been going on....

4.North Carolina....the huge AA population is going to turn out in large numbers for Obama here...again a large voter registration effort going on here. unless the GOP turns out its vote as well as the Democrats...we may see a huge surprise....

5. Florida....many were shocked by a couple of tie polls in FL...again huge voter registration here and Obama has been really stumping recently....great excitement on the ground.....can go either way though....the state has been trending GOP recently...but the economy may be the decider.

6. Indiana - usually among the first states to turn Red on election night....but heard Indiana has more than 500,000 new democrats registered...still I think this will be the toughest hill for Obama to climb...everything will need to be perfect for the democrats and the GOP needs to fall apart.....I think this state will still be in the Red block....
imo in order of least tough to toughest for Obama to win...

1. Colorado - the state has been trending democrat more and more...huge Hispanic population increases...and a strong liberal/environmental base....The state is almost as sure as Iowa is for Obama...and New Mexico is even bluer....

2. Virginia...I'm convinced Obama has more than a 60% chance of winning the state because of the fast changing demographics...this is no longer strictly a Southern state.... imo if Virginia goes blue on Nov 4th go to sleep.....Obama will be the President.

3. Ohio...this has been very hard for Democrats last 2 elections...but the terrible economy has really hurt Ohio...many Reagen Democrats will be coming home to their party....recent polls show a slight edge for Obama...also a huge voter registration effort has been going on....

4.North Carolina....the huge AA population is going to turn out in large numbers for Obama here...again a large voter registration effort going on here. unless the GOP turns out its vote as well as the Democrats...we may see a huge surprise....

5. Florida....many were shocked by a couple of tie polls in FL...again huge voter registration here and Obama has been really stumping recently....great excitement on the ground.....can go either way though....the state has been trending GOP recently...but the economy may be the decider.

6. Indiana - usually among the first states to turn Red on election night....but heard Indiana has more than 500,000 new democrats registered...still I think this will be the toughest hill for Obama to climb...everything will need to be perfect for the democrats and the GOP needs to fall apart.....I think this state will still be in the Red block....

:lol: Huge Hispanic population my ass, don't get me wrong they do have a presence but huge, :lol:

The reason it's become more Democrat lately is because of the influx of Caucasian Californians