Why the Fletcher hate?
I don't think anyone hates him, just don't see him returning to the form before his illness. Sentiment has been our downfallWhy the Fletcher hate?
The only reason I see us selling Cleverley at this juncture is because LvG isn't allowed to sell Fellaini and the club sentiment will prevent Fletcher being moved on, so he'll have to make room somewhere and Cleverley is an easy choice.
This 3-4 week review in IMO is worrying, was hoping we wouldn't make the same mistakes as last year...
Fletcher is a Bonus at this stage. Nobody will probably buy him anyway, so keep him around and keep evaluating him.
Fellaini will be sold if LVG wants. No 2 ways about it. Hell, Rodgers shipped out Carroll as soon as he took charge so Why won't LVG be allowed to ship out Fellaini ?
I know this guy was Henry's agent and is currently Gibbs' agent but I have no idea if this twitter account is really him or just some troll.
If it is him, why would he be tweeting out club news? We're usually pretty quiet on transfers and he's here tweeting like a fan.
He's done it for ages now. It's his legit acc. I think it's Khedira.
The sooner the likes of him, Fletcher and Fellaini are gone the better.
Not to mention the beacons of truth that are Sky Italia.I trust someone called @Juventus_fan on that 100%
Khedira is hardly a "huge" signing but I agree it probably is him that he is talking about.
Source?Pogba's agent Raoila of all people said he wanted to stay.
it could actually be BS, designed to keep the media guessing while we go about our business
Maybe Rafa's waiting there?
Seems Allegri is following his Juventus players including Vidal on Twitter but not Pogba..
Not the only Juventus player he doesn't follow
But looking at Vidal and Pogba specifically. Any reason?