If Badgerwolf says so that's good enough for me.
I swar I've read the exact quotes before in this thread.
If Badgerwolf says so that's good enough for me.
Imagine Yolkie as a manic depressive, that's badgerwolf.
If Badgerwolf says so that's good enough for me.
Already been posted weeks ago, where many posters rubbished it(rightly so) and moved on. What's the point of posting it again?
I just googled the name and found his twitter page, what kind of pretentious gimp makes you request permission to follow him?!
Think that is a slightly more evolved species of manbearpig.Who the feck is badgerwolf?
No he's just a pretentious gimp.
intheknow99 In The Know
Won't know for certain until tomorrow, but #mufc seem to be negotiating with Pato Rodriguez of Independiente.
intheknow99 is probably some fool from RedCafe on a windup. Just seems to be a crap United rumour peddler.
Eh, probably but surely he could do better than some kid from Brazil that I doubt anyone here has ever heard of.
What spreads quicker though, yet another rumour about the same old names, or a new name that is fresh meat to the muppets?
What spreads quicker though, yet another rumour about the same old names, or a new name that is fresh meat to the muppets?