Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

So they've produced an 87 page report refuting the content of a report they've not seen.

I bet it's 87 pages of his tweets printed out.

No words.

Trump's counter report leaked:

87 pages of this.
Kelly Questioned In Mueller Probe
John Kelly has been questioned by the special counsel concerning potential obstruction of justice, according to CNN.

The news comes hours after it was reported that Kelly is due to resign as White House chief of staff in the coming days.
meh - he is finished - the new AG will make sure of that

I think Mueller has set it up so it doesn't matter if he gets fired or the probe gets stripped down to it's bare bones.

The moves he's made over the last few weeks have proven that to some extent.

Slightly worrying this. Sounds like he’s going to change some rules/regs regarding the position of POTUS.

He doesn’t have the power to. That’s why the three pillars of government exist, that sort of change would need to be ratified by the house and signed into law by the senate.

As bat shit crazy as the GOP is, there is no way they would change the law like that and concede power they could have over future Democrat Presidents.
He doesn’t have the power to. That’s why the three pillars of government exist, that sort of change would need to be ratified by the house and signed into law by the senate.

As bat shit crazy as the GOP is, there is no way they would change the law like that and concede power they could have over future Democrat Presidents.
I do hope you’re right on this. (Still probably going to worry though).
So they've produced an 87 page report refuting the content of a report they've not seen.

I bet it's 87 pages of his tweets printed out.

They should be able to guess a fair amount of controversial incidents by now (just based on the questionnaire alone) so they can already work on explaining them from their pov. But 87 pages really seems next to nothing considering the magnitude of this thing so they aren‘t really ready at all (that is if Trump is truthful in that aspect which obvs. is far fetched).

Plus if legality is on the wrong side from their perspective they need myriad potential narratives to counter each incident because they don‘t know what kind of evidence they‘ll be up against. Really difficult job.
Regarding the counter report, it’s mostly going to be an attempt to cast doubt over Mueller’s credibility and the credibility of all the witnesses who have testified against Trump. It will also attempt to discredit the basis of the investigation and the FISA’s which triggered it.

It will very much be easily falsified I imagine but I also expect it to contain a fair amount of claims which there will be evidence To the contrary. Whether the lies in the report can be held to account legally or not will be interesting as it’s an unofficial report and not done under sworn testimony.

What I expect to happen is for the Democrat led House to subpoena any actors who are involved or are witness to any of the false claims and to get them under sworn testimony so they can either have them done for perjury or they can dismiss the report’s claims.
With the appointment of the new AG, is it a possibility that the Mueller investigation will be shut down? If so, is it likely?
Do you think that's what she's implying?


Please, keep it coming Jr - it’s definitely a “very, very large brain” idea to troll a member of a body that will have subpoena power in a month.

I think it was a stupid thing to tweet... It's the kind of crap trump would do... Call me Unrealistic... But I kinda hope for Better From elected officials

Please, keep it coming Jr - it’s definitely a “very, very large brain” idea to troll a member of a body that will have subpoena power in a month.

I think it was a stupid thing to tweet... It's the kind of crap trump would do... Call me Unrealistic... But I kinda hope for Better From elected officials

Bollocks to that. Fight fire with fire. Being nice has got the Dems nowhere. It's time someone stood up to the Trump bullies.

Please, keep it coming Jr - it’s definitely a “very, very large brain” idea to troll a member of a body that will have subpoena power in a month.

I think it was a stupid thing to tweet... It's the kind of crap trump would do... Call me Unrealistic... But I kinda hope for Better From elected officials

But it's Junior coming after her. And I reckon she's dead right about the reason why.

Please, keep it coming Jr - it’s definitely a “very, very large brain” idea to troll a member of a body that will have subpoena power in a month.

I think it was a stupid thing to tweet... It's the kind of crap trump would do... Call me Unrealistic... But I kinda hope for Better From elected officials
Jr deserves diarrhea sprayed across his face. A little tweet ain’t nothing in comparison.
Looks like the Cohen filing just dropped.

Should have some big news incoming.
'Lyin' Mike Tyson Cohen, failing filing' etc etc.
Shit, it sounds like Cohen didn’t actually flip?!
The Lead CNN@TheLeadCNN
"After a full day of questioning, two things are clear to me. One, we could have done this in open setting, and two, when you read the transcript you will see that we're talking again about Hillary Clinton's e-mails for heaven's sakes," says ex-FBI director Comey
Looks like Cohen was considerably more helpful with the Mueller team than he was with the SDNY.
Looks like Cohen was considerably more helpful with the Mueller team than he was with the SDNY.

Yeah I’ve just read that filing.

Particular interest is the four areas he provided key information for which includes Russian Government contacting him promising to help the Trump campaign and arrange a meeting between Trump and Putin which would help their Moscow business venture.

Sounds like they absolutely do have Trump down on collusion. Obviously collusion isn’t a crime, it’s called conspiracy and when it’s with an adversary of the nation, it’s called treason.