Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

As we've known for months. Mueller almost surely has evidence of collusion.
Federal prosecutors have filed their sentencing memo for Donald Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, and recommended a “substantial term of imprisonment”.

The guidelines from the southern district of New York call for a prison term of between 46 and 63 months for Cohen, who has been cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller.

Cohen pleaded guilty in August to eight charges, including allegations that he violated campaign finance laws and unrelated charges of bank and tax fraud.
From the Guardian. More to follow....
While Mueller said Cohen had provided significant help to the Trump-Russia inquiry, the prosecutors in New York said Cohen overstated his overall cooperation with the government and had shown a “rose-colored view of the seriousness of the crimes”.

Cohen was motivated by greed and “repeatedly used his power and influence for deceptive ends,” the prosecutors said in a court filing, adding that his professional life had been marked by a deceptive streak that he apparently hid from his family.

Despite his wrongdoing, Mueller said, Cohen disclosed significant new information to the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. US intelligence agencies have concluded the action was aimed at helping Trump and harming the campaign of Hillary Clinton, his Democratic opponent.

Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about Trump’s plans to develop a building in Russia. He admitted the project continued well into Trump’s campaign for the presidency – contradicting Trump’s account – and that Cohen spoke with a Kremlin official about securing Russian government support.

On Friday Mueller disclosed that in November 2015, Cohen separately spoke with a Russian

Cohen had been meeting investigators from Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation since the summer, according to his lawyers, and has also been helping investigators with an inquiry by New York state authorities into Trump’s charitable foundation.
Oh dear....bit more. Contradicting Trump’s account.
Getting the feeling that Trump may, in fact, be a crook.
In any other developed country, the president would have resigned. His position would be untenable.
Here is the Mueller filing on Paul Manafort: [PDF LINK].

In the document, filed today by the Special Counsel's office in federal court in Washington, Mueller says the former Trump campaign manager lied about:

• Konstantin Kilimnik interactions
• Kilimnik's participation in count two of superseding information
• Wire transfer of funds to firm working for Manafort
• Info that relates to another DOJ investigation (???)
• Contact Manafort had with Trump admin officials
Now Manafort. It’s all happening today.
Now Manafort. It’s all happening today.
You think Mueller's got evidence proving that Manafort lied? Do you think the fact Manafort hasn't divulged anything means that he's taking an enormous bullet for Trump meaning Trump won't face charges?

Sorry, just curious. Really want Trump to go down but worried that Manafort doing this will stop it from happening.
You think Mueller's got evidence proving that Manafort lied? Do you think the fact Manafort hasn't divulged anything means that he's taking an enormous bullet for Trump meaning Trump won't face charges?

Sorry, just curious. Really want Trump to go down but worried that Manafort doing this will stop it from happening.
I’ve just read through the PDF and Mueller has got evidence that Manafort lied repeatedly. In fact he’s probably got more evidence than most people realise, particularly the ones who are lying to him. Hopefully the rest will have the sense to tell the truth.

As for whether Trump will face charges....haven’t got a clue. The US justice system seems to ensure that the President is immune from any prosecution and I have absolutely no idea why he should be immune.
Interesting line in there..

"Can you tell us about your cooperation with Mueller?"
"I can't.. I could, but I won't"

Could just be that he didn't want to say that he is somehow stopped by law to talk about it and only noticed later that that's the way it came across.
A RAWK member posted this over there:
It's the flagging up of the friendly Russian intelligence officer which perks my interest. Especially Mueller making it clear he has the receipts if they're needed. Some speculation that it relates to the WSJ story about Manafort's meeting with Tom Barrack, who initially sold Trump on the idea of hiring Manafort. NYT gives more background on that, including how closely linked to the UAE and Saudis he is.
Really? All this drops today and I finish work expecting a good few pages at least and there's feck all?

Wtf? :wenger:
People are resigned because he won't be kicked out until it's mathematically impossible to make top four.
Also sprach Sarah Goebbels:

White House: 'the media is trying to create a story'

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, has responded to the Friday night filings. On Paul Manafort, the former campaign chairman accused of lying “in multiple ways and on multiple occasions”, Sanders sought to distance the claims from Trump:

"The government’s filing in Mr Manafort’s case says absolutely nothing about the president. It says even less about collusion and is devoted almost entirely to lobbying-related issues. Once again the media is trying to create a story where there isn’t one.”

Sanders meanwhile attacked the credibility of Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney, who is potentially facing four years in prison:

"The government’s filings in Mr Cohen’s case tell us nothing of value that wasn’t already known. Mr Cohen has repeatedly lied and as the prosecution has pointed out to the court, Mr Cohen is no hero.”
