Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation


Been reading speculation that the witness who is fighting the Special Counsel's subpoena could be none other than Rudy. Looking more of a fit with all his ramblings and Mueller attacks lately.
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Can people plead the fifth to Mueller?

What are you going to do if somebody declines to answer?

Since you cannot torture them you could only interpret the fact that he's not answering against them and their case but that's not really coherent with the concept of justice.


Been reading speculation that the witness who is fighting the Special Counsel's subpoena could be none other than Rudy. Looking more of a fit with all his ramblings and Mueller attacks lately.

Can't someone translate that tweet? The text looks like a rambling mess.
Considering the severity of Flynn’s crimes, I assume the fact Mueller has recommended waiving any jail time means he must have spilt some serious beans over Trump’s dealings?
What are you going to do if somebody declines to answer?

Since you cannot torture them you could only interpret the fact that he's not answering against them and their case but that's not really coherent with the concept of justice.

Good point well made. I just didn't know if legally you could that's all. I guess it's just the same as any other time pleading the fifth. Think I got it mixed up with taking a pardon meaning you can't plead the fifth afterwards or have I got that wrong too?

Considering the severity of Flynn’s crimes, I assume the fact Mueller has recommended waiving any jail time means he must have spilt some serious beans over Trump’s dealings?

You would hope so. Think between him and Cohen there's an awful lot of information corroborating what Mueller and his team already have. Just waiting now for January for the Democrats on the House committee to release their interview transcripts to Mueller and he can tie up all the loose ends by seeing who perjured themselves. That's when Don Jr. should be seriously worried.

They best keep those transcripts under lock and key in a safe place so no GOP member tries to destroy them that's for sure.
Just waiting now for January for the Democrats on the House committee to release their interview transcripts to Mueller and he can tie up all the loose ends by seeing who perjured themselves.
:nono: It's called "who got perjured".
Wasn't there questions early on about what Pence knew about what Flynn was up to? This part seems quite relevant to that.

Just wondering, when this is all over would collaborators like Flynn require round the clock protection? I can imagine a lot of angry Russians and Saudis wanting abit of payback, or even an angry MAGA hick.
Just wondering, when this is all over would collaborators like Flynn require round the clock protection? I can imagine a lot of angry Russians and Saudis wanting abit of payback, or even an angry MAGA hick.
Honestly I'm almost surprised more people haven't died under vaguely mysterious circumstances yet.
When the chips were down, an American general picked his country over loyalty to charlatan.

After him and his son allegedly got caught trying to sell a Turkish dissident resident in the US back to Turkeys authoritarian regime who want him dead, and were happy to pay $15m for the privilege.
Honestly I'm almost surprised more people haven't died under vaguely mysterious circumstances yet.
Sadly, I suspect we may see some sudden disappearances and ‘silencing’ happening under mysterious circumstances the closer we get to the root of the treachery.

Wonder if Mueller himself is under threat :nervous:
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I hope the judge ignores Mueller and sends the traitorous fecker Flynn to Federal prison. He doesn't deserve to make a fortune as a commentator after all this.
Sadly, I suspect we may see some sudden disappearances and ‘silencing’ happening under mysterious circumstances the closer we get to the root of the treachery.

Wonder if Mueller himself is under threat :nervous:
Not from the Russians; a former FBI Director is off-limits even for them. Maybe from some random redneck I guess.

Now Manafort...he’s seriously in debt to some serious people. He might be better off in a nice prison.
Let's not forget how the sequence of events that kicked this all off. It was Flynn's actions that caught the eye of the US government, enough so that Obama warned Trump not to hire him. But Trump still hired him. Then he fired Comey because there was no willingness to drop the investigation into Flynn. That led to Mueller's appointment. While all the other things that have popped up are important, Trump's attempt to stop the FBI from investigating Mike Flynn specifically.

So you can only imagine what all Flynn has shared to get a recommendation of no jail time.
I hope the judge ignores Mueller and sends the traitorous fecker Flynn to Federal prison. He doesn't deserve to make a fortune as a commentator after all this.

At a minimum they should restrict his future earning capabilities when discussing any thing related to the trump campaign or his charges.

We've all had our doubts about this whole thing but the one constant has been Mueller's professionalism and intelligence.

He's going to need to use every trick in the book but I bet he always has them ready.
So Don Jr having a bit of a guilty conscience?

No doubt he'll tweet about it being bullshit, witch hunt, etc.

I’m going to guess Don. Jr will be one of the later people to get indicted since that would likely trigger Trump to attempt something reckless, whether firing Mueller or pardoning his kid. Mueller obviously knows this and is going to avoid that sort of drama til the very end.
President pardoning his kid. This is a major democracy we are talking about.
Would love it if he just slaps a tonne of indictments down on the inner circle all at once. Balls out.
I’d rather the other way round. That would be much funnier.
Don't think I want to see that. Would be one of the lowest things I've ever seen. A father turning on his son to save his own skin.
I’d rather the other way round. That would be much funnier.
Yep, would be brilliant to see his supporters’ mental gymnastics to on that one.

Christian, republican, family man. Married three times, cheats on his wife and throws his son under the bus to save his own skin. :D
Don't think I want to see that. Would be one of the lowest things I've ever seen. A father turning on his son to save his own skin.

I wouldn’t have an issue with it whatsoever.
Don't think I want to see that. Would be one of the lowest things I've ever seen. A father turning on his son to save his own skin.
In normal circumstances yes, but considering his son is a detestable excuse of a human being then the schadenfreude will be just :drool:. And like I said, it will be amusing seeing how the faux Christians at Fox News and the GOP itself scramble to spin that one.

And pretty much what @Pexbo said.
Yep, would be brilliant to see his supporters’ mental gymnastics to on that one.

Christian, republican, family man. Married three times, cheats on his wife and throws his son under the bus to save his own skin. :D
They'll instantly claim that it shows how committed he is to upholding the law that he doesn't tolerate even his own family members breaking it. Unless it's Ivanka cos he wants to bang her.