Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

That's worse than posting "goal" in a match thread when there's been no goal.

Down with you.
Don't think I want to see that. Would be one of the lowest things I've ever seen. A father turning on his son to save his own skin.

Ask Michael Franzese - his father put out a hit on his own son for leaving the mob. Seeing as Trump basically prides himself as a gangster in real life (covertly)...
As a public figure in the media, could he be charged with obstruction of justice in such a statement?
Hard to say mate. Every single day there's a new story that on the surface seems like the final nail but yet nothing happens. Take today, 2 stories (the hannity one and the NRA/Trump link) that would blow up the news channels 4 years ago but still no outrage on the administrative level.
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Please don't use inflamatory language like that. Next time warning points will be issued.
I got 3 warning points for calling someone a 'moron' after they wished length injury on one of our players. Seems a bit unjust in this context.
I got 3 warning points for calling someone a 'moron' after they wished length injury on one of our players. Seems a bit unjust in this context.

I'm fairly sure he was joking.

And I'd guess the person who wished injury on a player got a warning as well.
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Did he think he'd be less guilty of obstruction of justice by firing the guy who had a case open against him regarding obstruction of justice?

Could this be considered obstruction of justice itself by him firing someone about to open an obstruction case?? Third layer of obstruction (that we know about)?
Big day today.

Details on how Manafort broke his plea deal and his crimes, details on what Cohen has been assisting with and Comey is having a closed door hearing so expect some choice leaks from that.
Ok. I am jumping the gun.

But if both Trump and Pence go down in flames next year.....

who knows.

Its going to happen anyway - he would just bring the timeframe forward (and then she would pardon him)

his last act would be to appoint her VP