Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

I believe what's spooking them is that they're increasingly unsure about what Mueller has. I think at one point they thought they knew but believe that if all he had on Trump is what they thought he had then it would have came out long ago. Now they're concerned that Mueller has on Trump something they don't know about which is why the attacks on Mueller have got stronger and the panic even less concealed. As Rumsfeld would say, it's not the known unknowns that concern them, it's the unknown unknowns.

I'd subscribe to the theory that either Mueller has nothing on Trump or he has something(s) so explosive it'll bring end his presidency. And if it was nothing then surely nothing doesn't take this long to come out.

If I had to guess, they’re expecting heavy sanctions and frozen assets and are preparing accordingly.
Guliani going above and beyond to cement his place as the worst lawyer ever, while surprising absolutely no one in the process. How is Trump able to surround himself with such incompetent people?
Guliani going above and beyond to cement his place as the worst lawyer ever, while surprising absolutely no one in the process. How is Trump able to surround himself with such incompetent people?
Well it's not like there are many competent people to choose from to defend him.
$60m seems an awful lot of money paid to a mere political consultant... ;)
Trump has not been loyal to anyone or anything even to his own country. So why should anyone take a fall for him.

High treason.

As high as he has risen. His fall will be unprecendented in this country
I wonder if he would throw Jr and Kushner under the bus?

As long as they leave him and Ivanka alone.
Rudy may just want to stay off TV for a bit

This is rather mischaracterising what Giuliani said. He was being pressed by the journo how it's possible that he called Cohen an honorable person a month ago but now says he's a pathological liar. Giuliani then said that obviously he learned more facts in between the two statements thus changing his mind about him (actually a great response given the clearly conflicting statements). The journo then didn't seem to grasp that concept and pressed again and Giuliani tried it metaphorically. It seemed clear to me that he meant the lying part with the Brutus stab.

I thought Giuliani did ok in that interview, he seemed a bit shaky at first but even someone like me has that in the morning. However I understand I'm more often than not the outliner in that assessment but nothing wrong with that. Don't know if the statement about collusion is true, would be nice to find out.

Handled the pardon question well too imo, conveniently (and correctly) creating a distance between him and Trump. Seems head and shoulders above the amateurs Trump had on TV before him.

He also touched a somewhat interesting point in asking whether Cohens info is even relevant to Muellers mandate, since what he seems to be in trouble isn't really Russia related (not sure about his 'access-deals' but that's got nothing to do with Trump).

The 30min video for anyone interested:
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American political discourse is so odd at times. “Basket of deplorables”...”Nothing-burger”...”If it walks like a duck”.

Strange phrases. I can see how Tom Friedman is so revered as a deep thinker in certain quarters.
American political discourse is so odd at times. “Basket of deplorables”...”Nothing-burger”...”If it walks like a duck”.

Strange phrases. I can see how Tom Friedman is so revered as a deep thinker in certain quarters.
I mean... it's American cable news. Not exactly the type of programs that exudes high levels of critical thought.
I wonder if he would throw Jr and Kushner under the bus?

As long as they leave him and Ivanka alone.

He will find a reason to blame them privately so he can justify throwing them to the wolves.

In reality he will have nothing to bargain with.

Mueller has got the goods on him.

Even the Right wing court will not allow a scab like this escape.

He is done.
The last five seconds of that audio :lol:


Can you help me understand what the implications are of that statement? I think Rudy wanted to say that he can - given his info (since he probably has only interviewed and reviewed these 4-5 people) - only make that statement with full confidence. What's wrong with that?
He will find a reason to blame them privately so he can justify throwing them to the wolves.

In reality he will have nothing to bargain with.

Mueller has got the goods on him.

Even the Right wing court will not allow a scab like this escape.

He is done.
Hopefully you’re right :drool:
Can you help me understand what the implications are of that statement? I think Rudy wanted to say that he can - given his info (since he probably has only interviewed and reviewed these 4-5 people) - only make that statement with full confidence. What's wrong with that?
They’ve been saying the whole time that nobody in the campaign colluded. Now he’s amended it to something very, very different.
They’ve been saying the whole time that nobody in the campaign colluded. Now he’s amended it to something very, very different.

Ok, thats bad allright. Wouldn't go as far as seeing something like a confession or so in that nor do I think it's fair.
The only side that needs to win is The United States and Justice.

I believe the country will come out better after all this.
I personally think the US (and the world) will take years to get over this clown. :(
Giuliani is so unbelievably incompetent and out of his depth, it’s actually amazing. It’s almost difficult to believe he’s not doing it on purpose, but then you remind yourself it’s Giuliani and everything makes sense again.
This is rather mischaracterising what Giuliani said. He was being pressed by the journo how it's possible that he called Cohen an honorable person a month ago but now says he's a pathological liar. Giuliani then said that obviously he learned more facts in between the two statements thus changing his mind about him (actually a great response given the clearly conflicting statements).

It's not a great response, it's the only response and even if true it automatically admits that he hadn't got a clue about Cohen's character when he made his initial remarks.
Giuliani is so unbelievably incompetent and out of his depth, it’s actually amazing. It’s almost difficult to believe he’s not doing it on purpose, but then you remind yourself it’s Giuliani and everything makes sense again.

There are a few commentators who do believe he's doing all of this intentionally so the public get tired of the story and just want it to go away.
There are a few commentators who do believe he's doing all of this intentionally so the public get tired of the story and just want it to go away.
Even if that is true, I don't think that's going to work they way he wants. The Trump/Russia investigation news is here to stay.
That's the MSM ensuring that all the goodwill his response to 9/11 achieved is reduced to dust, as it should be. Essentially, they are enabling him to assassinate his own character.

Couldn’t happen to a better person.

Mr. ‘Noun, Verb, 9/11’
This is rather mischaracterising what Giuliani said. He was being pressed by the journo how it's possible that he called Cohen an honorable person a month ago but now says he's a pathological liar. Giuliani then said that obviously he learned more facts in between the two statements thus changing his mind about him (actually a great response given the clearly conflicting statements). The journo then didn't seem to grasp that concept and pressed again and Giuliani tried it metaphorically. It seemed clear to me that he meant the lying part with the Brutus stab.

I thought Giuliani did ok in that interview, he seemed a bit shaky at first but even someone like me has that in the morning. However I understand I'm more often than not the outliner in that assessment but nothing wrong with that. Don't know if the statement about collusion is true, would be nice to find out.

Handled the pardon question well too imo, conveniently (and correctly) creating a distance between him and Trump. Seems head and shoulders above the amateurs Trump had on TV before him.

He also touched a somewhat interesting point in asking whether Cohens info is even relevant to Muellers mandate, since what he seems to be in trouble isn't really Russia related (not sure about his 'access-deals' but that's got nothing to do with Trump).

The 30min video for anyone interested:

Mueller’s mandate is to follow any illegality uncovered by the Trump / Russia investigation regardless how tangential it may appear to some.
Pulls off his mask and turns out it was Hilary all along.

High fives and cheering all round.

The world's collective reaction.