Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

Man....if Cohen has legit info on the Trump tower meeting then Mueller is steamrolling towards one hell of a report.
Its interesting that Giuliani is confident that this conversation about the meeting was not recorded.

If this story is true, then Cohen will have a recording of it as its now pretty clear that he has a habit of secretly recording conversations.
leak leak...

floodgates may just open up in October...except it wont be a surprise.

meanwhile the Democrats better be focused on meaningful messaging like Health Care. This is what will get them more seats.

They won't have a galvanized message since they are more interested in taking back the house at all costs which will entail moderate candidates picking off GOP leaning districts and progressive ones challenging in liberal ones.
Regarding who leaked the information - I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that it came from an intermediary working on behalf of the Trump side, to discredit the value of Cohen would have with Prosecutors, who wouldn't want Cohen's info to get leaked into the public space.
Bizarre interview from Rudy. Genuinely feels like the wheels are starting to come off.

I'm not sure the wheels were ever attached, but you're right, that's a ridiculous interview.
Could this be another bit of evidence gathering though? - Make a claim / leak some info and listen out for who rings who / what emails get deleted in response to the news?

I think this is definitely a trap.

“Trump knew about the meeting. I don’t have any proof of this but I know others who were present when Trump took the call”


“Cohen is a liar, he’s completely making this up”


“Oh did I say I didn’t have any evidence? I actually meant I did. Here’s some recordings of Trump arranging the meeting with Don Jr and dictating what to say”
Even if he had called his father before and after does that automatically conclude that he told his father about the meeting.

The blocked call number likely reveals what happened and Mueller should already have his hands on that information. In a nutshell, Mueller already knows the collusion case.
The blocked call number likely reveals what happened and Mueller should already have his hands on that information. In a nutshell, Mueller already knows the collusion case.

What do you mean with blocked call number?