Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

Not to worry you but I've experienced the same thing.

My 2 year old always ends up on kids videos with Cyrillic descriptions (I'm not saying the videos are bad or evil), my YouTube sidebar recommendations usually seem to have extreme rightwing political/religious links yet I never ever watch extreme rightwing stuff.
Interesting. A little unnerving isn't it? Wonder if there are more reports of this somewhere online. Haven't come across something on Reddit for instance but doesn't mean it's not there.
So what are the actual implications of this impeachment thing with Rosenstien? Is it actually likely to happen, or just a last ditch attempt?

Dunno if this is important at all...
Not to detract from the absolute scumbaggery happening right now with regards to Rosenstein but I have something I've been meaning to post about for a while that I didn't before because I thought I was paranoid...and hopefully still am:

My son watches a lot of YouTube and for no reason I can think of (I control what he watches pretty strongly) - many times he goes to other videos he lands on Russian videos. Maybe there is just a ton of Russian kiddie content but I really don't understand why it keeps popping up for him. Similarly, my YouTube and Google newsfeeds keeping recommending some really obscure alt right and worse "news" sources - not just Fox News - often with videos and articles supporting Trump's rhetoric and antics. It's probably pretty clear to you guys I'm on the complete opposite side of this like most of you. Google seemed to have figured that out about me a long time ago until I guess it forgot.

Am I being extremely paranoid? I hope so. This has been happening for probably 4-6 mos with the latter of the two getting significantly worse even tho I keep disliking those videos and stories which normally an algorithm like Google s quickly adjusts for. Probably just paranoid, but just wanted to mention it-if only to see if anyone else experienced the same.
Not that necessarily I agree with the policy, but this makes me wonder if countries like China were onto something when they placed restrictions for apps like YouTube and Facebook.
So what are the actual implications of this impeachment thing with Rosenstien? Is it actually likely to happen, or just a last ditch attempt?

If by some miraculously terrible reason it actually worked, then Trump could appoint someone in his position to shut down the Mueller investigation completely and that'd be that, he'd have won.*

As much as we all know/fear the GOP would try anything to cover up their crimes, I don't think Rosenstein has done anything at all that would wash in a court of law for impeachment. He didn't produce documents as fast as they want so they're trying to use it to get him out because they're shitting themselves.

*one would hope that people would rise up against it because they'd know exactly why it's happened at that point though.
So what are the actual implications of this impeachment thing with Rosenstien? Is it actually likely to happen, or just a last ditch attempt?
The caucus that signed on to it gets brownie points from their red meat constituents. Other than that it means very little
This is a fantastic series of words:

Someone posted this on Reddit likening the Weisselberg subpoena to DoJ following the script on how to roll up a criminal organization like the maffia:

1. Get a low level person to flip (Papadopolopolous, Page, whoever). **CHECK**

2. Keep flipping people upwards till you get the consigliere (Cohen). **CHECK**

3. Have the consigliere flip on the money man (Weisselberg). **CHECK**

4. Flip the money man, because he has paper proof on everything else. **YOU ARE HERE**

5. Roll up the rest of the organization (TrumpCo, GOP) with the evidence from those two.
Someone posted this on Reddit likening the Weisselberg subpoena to DoJ following the script on how to roll up a criminal organization like the maffia:

1. Get a low level person to flip (Papadopolopolous, Page, whoever). **CHECK**

2. Keep flipping people upwards till you get the consigliere (Cohen). **CHECK**

3. Have the consigliere flip on the money man (Weisselberg). **CHECK**

4. Flip the money man, because he has paper proof on everything else. **YOU ARE HERE**

5. Roll up the rest of the organization (TrumpCo, GOP) with the evidence from those two.
Weisselberg and Cohen are not part of the Mueller probe as far as we know. They are part of the SDNY investigation. May very well lead to Trump as well but its currently not under Muellers investigation and tactics.
Surely everyone assumes it's a metaphorical reference, right ? Right ?

Of course. I meant to post the original tweet rather than Griffin’s retweet-reply which is just Griffin throwing a little sensationalism out there. I’ll forgive him though because it’s fairlt rare on his part and he’s just about the best aggregator of this news there is on Twitter.

This is the third front of attack by the allies imo. The first being the Mueller investigation, the 2nd being Cohen's activities, the third being the broader activities of the Trump organization (which should loop back into what Mueller has been looking at, specifically Trump's entanglements with the Russians).
Maybe more unexpected, but Melania's been the one taking the public hits due to all the cheating/payoffs. Though she had a choice in the matter and knew what she signed up for

To be fair to the girl, she definitely didn't know she signed up to be the future first lady. Whether she knew she'd be constantly cheating on and whatever else, is anybodies guess.
Wow. Cohen has information that shows Trump knew about and approved the Trump Tower meeting.

This is a bombshell.