Trump and Brexit: What has happened to the world?

Just look at "Obama Care". I get that the republicans in House and Congress did everything they could to stop it, they really did not need any motivation, but the scary part was the hordes of poor people who went out into the streets to protest it. I mean, why would you deny basic healthcare for yourself? Do you want to get fecked over by some insurance company and either die or get buried in debt? It just boggles the mind.

it's much the same as with guns really. Even fairly intellectual and well educated people seem hard wired to believe that virtually no gun control can have absolutely NO correlation with gun violence and high murder rates. NONE WHAT SO EVER. COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE.

Indeed but let's not forget too that we're talking about a country where a huge amount of the population still believe that the bible is a sworn record of truth and that the world is only a couple of thousand years old. When you process that statement the stuff you mentioned starts to make sense more.
Terrible analysis.

Surely unless you break that down further into education, race and class distinctions etc. you won't get a full picture of peoples motivations. It's this type of see twitter number > jump to conclusion > accuse of racism, lack of rigor that is indicative of the bankrupt political discourse. Maybe students from wealthy backgrounds account for a decent amount of that blue, who knows. 41% is still a significant amount and if they are all low paid workers finally fighting back against the elites that have taken them from granted for too long then the point is made emphatically, what was the swing? Rich people vote republican, no shit.

My initial thought upon seeing that graph was that a huge portion of the lower earners demographic would have been voting for Clinton and typically votes Clinton. The difference between between the higher earners is not even that big.
Sometimes I cant work out if people are being serious or not

In the same way that I take immediate post-match reactions here with a grain of salt, I'll give it some time post-election before most people start thinking straight again.
For some reason the right wing, EVERYWHERE, seems to have a persecution complex when it comes to media. In conservative rhetoric, media somehow always seems to be dominated by left-liberals. Even when that's blatantly, obviously not true. It's weird.

It's fecking barmy. They see reality through such a distorted prism, while simultaneously tub-thumping about how everyone else has the wool pulled over their eyes.
He spun them a load of auld shite and they swallowed it. I get that when life is tough you're much more likely to believe in magic beans (or walls on the Mexican border, or hundreds of millions per week invested in the NHS, whatever).

What I don't get is how anyone can believe these lies coming from such a blatant arsehole, who is clearly incapable of doing the job he know needs to do and hasn't a fecking hope of delivering all the shite he promised them.

I mean, my incredulity doesn't matter. They bought his shtick hook, line and sinker. Just find it weird the way people on here are spinning this as some sort of victory for people who have been unfairly accused of being stupid and racist. Voting in Trump as president just makes the whole of America seem even more stupid and racist than it did 24 hours ago. Whether or not that is actually the case.
The Mexicans are the new Jews. Being blamed for anything and everything. Do they not realise how this makes them look?
And in both cases it's turkeys voting for Christmas. That's what is so sad about all of this. People who wanted to make a statement about being sick of the way powerful people always act in their own interest end up being fooled into helping political opportunists making a naked power grab of their own.
Yes, but what choice do they have? Remember Occupy Wall Street? That was the warning that the establishment should have taken note of, but they didn't.

Revolutions start when the masses are fed up and feel they can't do anything but take things into their own hands. In this day and age this is probably the closest to a bloody mess without it being an actual bloody mess.
For some reason the right wing, EVERYWHERE, seems to have a persecution complex when it comes to media. In conservative rhetoric, media somehow always seems to be dominated by left-liberals. Even when that's blatantly, obviously not true. It's weird.

Yeah, it's happening in Israel too.

Another thing that happen in the US elections and Brexit, and also Israeli elections in 2015, is the unability of pollsters to get it right. Seems like they can't get the right reading on the ordinary people away with the big cities. Maybe I'm generalizing it too much.
Yes, but what choice do they have? Remember Occupy Wall Street? That was the warning that the establishment should have taken note of, but they didn't.

Revolutions start when the masses are fed up and feel they can't do anything but take things into their own hands. In this day and age this is probably the closest to a bloody mess without it being an actual bloody mess.

The choice to not vote for an ultra right-wing sociopathic idiot?
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The choice to not vote for an ultra right-wing sociopathic idiot?

Aye, it's an easy choice, or at least should be.

My only hope is that the democrates will in future realise that when voters are so desperate for a "change" vote that they'll even vote a racist, sexist, sociopath if not offered an alternative.

Just can't shake the feeling Bernie would've walked this and today would have been an incredible day towards a new future, instead... :(
Yeah, it's happening in Israel too.

Another thing that happen in the US elections and Brexit, and also Israeli elections in 2015, is the unability of pollsters to get it right. Seems like they can't get the right reading on the ordinary people away with the big cities. Maybe I'm generalizing it too much.

+ or - 3% can make a huge difference.

Technically a Poll showing Trump at 45% and Clinton at 50% would be in range. Trump got 47.8%. Clinton got 47.4%.
The 'well it can't get any worse' voters are about to find out whether they're right or not.
It's exactly this arrogant mentality that made Trump president ! Instead of offering solutions to the people, they are humiliated and told they are stupid and should vote Clinton because it's the right thing to do.
The 'well it can't get any worse' voters are about to find out whether they're right or not.

Desperation does things to people, thats the point many are missing.

Can't disagree with him, other than calling Brexit and Trump winning great revolutions.

It's exactly this arrogant mentality that made Trump president ! Instead of offering solutions to the people, they are humiliated and told they are stupid and should vote Clinton because it's the right thing to do.

People want hope, Trump offered that, Clinton offered a doomsday scenario if people didn't vote for her but did exactly give people a reason to vote for her. I didn't research any candidates policy in detail but I have no idea what exactly she was proposing, with Trump I know what he proposes to do. I've heard Clinton wanted to face Trump because she thought he would be easier to beat than Cruz and the other candidates, I hope now this is the end of Hilary's political career.
People want hope, Trump offered that, Clinton offered a doomsday scenario if people didn't vote for her but did exactly give people a reason to vote for her. I didn't research any candidates policy in detail but I have no idea what exactly she was proposing, with Trump I know what he proposes to do. I've heard Clinton wanted to face Trump because she thought he would be easier to beat than Cruz and the other candidates, I hope now this is the end of Hilary's political career.
Other than building a wall and removing Muslims, what exactly is he proposing to do?

I'm not looking for "fix X", I'm looking for the actual plan of what it is he will be doing.
Other than building a wall and removing Muslims, what exactly is he proposing to do?

I'm not looking for "fix X", I'm looking for the actual plan of what it is he will be doing.

Well you just named it, that was my point.
I didn't research any candidates policy in detail but I have no idea what exactly she was proposing, with Trump I know what he proposes to do.

Hilary outlined exactly what she was planning.

Trump has said, "it'll be great, great great great" and hasn't gone into detail about any policies whatsoever or how any of his promises of walls, banning Muslims or reopening the mines would be plausible in reality.
Hilary outlined exactly what she was planning.

Trump has said, "it'll be great, great great great" and hasn't gone into detail about any policies whatsoever or how any of his promises of walls, banning Muslims or reopening the mines would be plausible in reality.

Which was what. You have to think, the average American voter was probably someone like me who didn't bother to research either candidates manifesto. I'm fairly confident most of the population know about Trump's plans for building a wall, banning Muslims and deporting Mexicans. What exactly where Hilary's policies and how well advertised where they through this campaign. Disregard how bad Trump's policies are, they were marketed better and the American population bought into it.

What? So those two 'policies' constitutes knowing what he plans to do?

Yes, whether or not he will be successful is a different matter. The people voted for him because they believe he will carry these measures out.
They're all related aren't they? So much for the American dream.....Ultimately it's up to the American people to enforce the change. Anyone can tell the truth, when you are seeking votes. Clinton would have been 10x worse but it's still up to the people. Anyone with questions regarding trump, why not send him a tweet? :)
Which was what. You have to think, the average American voter was probably someone like me who didn't bother to research either candidates manifesto. I'm fairly confident most of the population know about Trump's plans for building a wall, banning Muslims and deporting Mexicans. What exactly where Hilary's policies and how well advertised where they through this campaign. Disregard how bad Trump's policies are, they were marketed better and the American population bought into it.

There is truth in this
They're all related aren't they? So much for the American dream.....Ultimately it's up to the American people to enforce the change. Anyone can tell the truth, when you are seeking votes. Clinton would have been 10x worse but it's still up to the people. Anyone with questions regarding trump, why not send him a tweet? :)

That's how you end up on a list, lets hope he doesn't enact the libel laws he's proposed. :nervous:
Which was what. You have to think, the average American voter was probably someone like me who didn't bother to research either candidates manifesto. I'm fairly confident most of the population know about Trump's plans for building a wall, banning Muslims and deporting Mexicans. What exactly where Hilary's policies and how well advertised where they through this campaign. Disregard how bad Trump's policies are, they were marketed better and the American population bought into it.

Well for example..

• Moving to a more renewable energy future and building the renewable plants in coal country.

Trump in turn says climate change is a hoax & wants to reopen the mines. He has given zero information on how on Earth this would be plausible, truth is... it's not.

• cooperation taxes- fairer tax system
• criminal justice system
• gun violence protection

Etc etc etc

If you watch any Hilary speech or any debate or just read the quick front page of her campaign, you know what Hilary is planning to do and more importantly how. Trump is promising things that make zero sense and hence can't go into detail on how he plans to keep these promises.
Trump (and Brexit) appealed on a gloriously simplistic levels to two distinct demographics. People who want to turn the clock back to a time when life was simpler and better. And people who think that a protest vote is the first step to tearing the whole thing down and starting all over again. Nobody is interested in boring solutions to the woes of the world that actually reflect reality. Stuff like "it's complicated, we're not sure how to fix it or even if it can be fixed but let's at least try not to turn on each other". They want simple solutions and they want them now. Even though life doesn't work that way.

Add up the numbers of people who hold those two radically different world views and you can win a two horse race.

Of course, an inevitable consequence of selling people pipe dreams is the fact that people won't get what they voted for. Nobody can turn back time and helping power hungry megalomaniacs achieve their political ambitions is the worst possible way to try to take power away from the elite.
People just got sick of how the establishment is running things.

The wealth of the world's richest 1% equals to the other 99%, and every year the gap keep increasing. Its fecking ridiculous, and that have been happening under democrats and republicans, right and left governments, so people is waking up to the scam that their democracy was not a real democracy.

Hillary is the only reason Trump won. She is the official mascot, the political face of the establishment. People is fed up with them.

If Bernie had ran, he would have won this shit.

2020 is the chance for a third party runner to take over.

So they voted for a Billionaire who has a rich father and they were both part of the establishment... Yep makes perfect sense lol!
Yeah, it's happening in Israel too.

Another thing that happen in the US elections and Brexit, and also Israeli elections in 2015, is the unability of pollsters to get it right. Seems like they can't get the right reading on the ordinary people away with the big cities. Maybe I'm generalizing it too much.

Polling problems are something else, a symptom of a broken system.

Polling now, largely belongs in the hands of vested interests (In the UK, mostly Tory Peers). Polling today is not about predicting a result, more about shaping it.

Polling has become a tool to shape events rather than report on them, with biased questions and skewed samples. A good example is during the recent labour leadership election, a poll result cam out saying that 70%+ of union members wanted Owen Smith. It turns out that the poll was taken on just 68 people, all of whom had identified as being conservative voters. Polls are designed to say whatever the pollster wants. This is why they get it so spectacularly wrong.
Trump (and Brexit) appealed on a gloriously simplistic levels to two distinct demographics. People who want to turn the clock back to a time when life was simpler and better. And people who think that a protest vote is the first step to tearing the whole thing down and starting all over again. Nobody is interested in boring solutions to the woes of the world that actually reflect reality. Stuff like "it's complicated, we're not sure how to fix it or even if it can be fixed but let's at least try not to turn on each other". They want simple solutions and they want them now. Even though life doesn't work that way.

Add up the numbers of people who hold those two radically different world views and you can win a two horse race.

Of course, an inevitable consequence of selling people pipe dreams is the fact that people won't get what they voted for. Nobody can turn back time and helping power hungry megalomaniacs achieve their political ambitions is the worst possible way to try to take power away from the elite.

This is the truth, the whole truth and blah blah blah.

Bang on the money Pogue.