Trump and Brexit: What has happened to the world?

Made all the more apparent seeing that a lot of dems are clamouring for a Michelle Obama run in 2020. I mean, on what flipping basis?!

I am not sure credentials really come into who wins in the US do they? We have just seen arguably the most qualified candidate in history beaten by certainly the least.
I was very much against Brexit but I think Trump is a good thing.

Big brash idiot Republican to counteract Obama's wussiness on the international stage, Putin might welcome Trump now but I see them becoming huge rivals over time, if Putin thinks he can ride roughshod over American interests with only monetary punishments with redneck Trump in charge backed by his tub thumping hillbilly support he has another thing coming. Trump is someone who will actually address problems he sees without any thought for stepping on shoes or political correctness, a quality we never see with actual politicians.

He's been very positive about a post-Brexit trade deal to boot.
Trump isn't a redneck.
Don't buy the argument that people have had enough of the same old shit and are giving the middle finger to the establishment.

You don't vote in a bigoted, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, psychotic TV personality over a career politician because you're a bit fed up of the status quo. You just don't. You vote him in for all the things listed above because you harbour those same thoughts and feelings and he gives you the platform.

I think it's beyond idiotic if you take all those things into consideration as well as his ludicrous comments on critical matters like climate change and still vote him in. It's beyond turkey's voting for Christmas stuff.

No coincidence that it's the urban areas that voted him in. Read into that what you will.
I am not sure credentials really come into who wins in the US do they? We have just seen arguably the most qualified candidate in history beaten by certainly the least.

The people urging Michelle to run aren't Trump supporters, are they?

Keeping that in mind, are you saying that since Trump just made it into the office, the Dems are now throwing away their words of warning regarding a political neophyte in order to get behind another?
The people urging Michelle to run aren't Trump supporters, are they?

Keeping that in mind, are you saying that since Trump just made it into the office, the Dems are now throwing away their words of warning regarding a political neophyte in order to get behind another?

Who becomes the next Democrat candidate is a completely open question. But if they will certainly note that a lack of direct political experience is no impediment to winning, which is surely what any sane party would be looking to do.

Oh, and another thing we have surely learned is that in the US election particularly, and also more widely, the stuff and guff said to attempt to discredit another candidate should be taken with more than a pinch.
Who becomes the next Democrat candidate is a completely open question. But if they will certainly note that a lack of direct political experience is no impediment to winning, which is surely what any sane party would be looking to do.

Oh, and another thing we have surely learned is that in the US election particularly, and also more widely, the stuff and guff said to attempt to discredit another candidate should be taken with more than a pinch.

They should pick a TV host who isn't currently involved in politics and wasn't married to a former president. Why can't you learn not to copy the loser as well as copy the winner
Who becomes the next Democrat candidate is a completely open question. But if they will certainly note that a lack of direct political experience is no impediment to winning, which is surely what any sane party would be looking to do.

Oh, and another thing we have surely learned is that in the US election particularly, and also more widely, the stuff and guff said to attempt to discredit another candidate should be taken with more than a pinch.

Call me naive, but I choose to believe that people were sincere when they voiced concerns about the next president being someone with literally zero political experience.
In an attempt to prove that it's unfair to label them as stupid and racist, the American public has voted for the most stupid and racist president in the history of their country.

That'll show 'em...

In an attempt to throw off the capitalist oppressor they have elected .... well ...... Donald Fecking Trump.

Is irony even a thing in the US?
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Brexit got a lot of the young vote and the middle aged vote too. Old people have more knowledge about the world. Why should their vote matter any less?

Where did I say they their vote shouldn't matter I simply made a statement concerning the demographic that has a problem with how the world is changing and in their desperation is turning to populists who promise them to bring back the good old days and shut their country off from all the danger the comes from the outside.

I can't even say I blame them for it. The people I blame for this are our politicians who have forgotten about a large portion of their own people. Which party these days is really a party for the workers, for the small man? There aren't any left because they all make their policies in order to suite the needs of their big donors.

It's not different over here in Germany, our two big parties are pretty much the same right now and support the same policies while entire areas, mainly rural and old industrial parts, of our country go to waste. The worst part is that the politicians instead of recognizing their short comings rather blame the extremist parties that filled the vacuum they left behind when they all decided to make politics for the same group of people.

Of course a lot of the people who voted for Trump are just nationalists who hate foreigners coming into the country but I'd argue the majority of these people feel left behind by the established parties and along comes someone who acts like he speaks their language and acts like he will support their cause and of course they are going to jump on that.

But in the end it's simply a mix of a lot of problems coming together that created an atmosphere in which a lot of people want to go back to the things were "back in the good old days", whatever that means for them, which made all this possible.
Amazing really that both US and UK conservative governments have been installed into power by working class people.

That Labour, Liberal and Democrats who are supposed to know this demographic have completely misread people's thoughts and values.
They have ignored the shift from socialist left to right of centre and they have a lot to do now to get anywhere near power again.

It's an absolute mess and my hope now is these "checks and balances" do what they're supposed to do.

Scary times ahead I feel and it's astonishing the a population of 290 mill cant find two better candidates than Clinton/ trump.

Can't be going down the nationalist route are we? People are more educated than that, surely!

Did see a tweet today which lightened the mood a little.

"I've not been this concerned about the right wing since Jamain Pennant"

The Left/Labour parties everywhere has all gone into some kind of transformation the last couple of years. Before, they truly used to represent the working and middle class, had strong ties to various labor unions and was very much the parties for your average Joe.

Now on the other hand, they seem to have lost touch with their roots and shifted towards the "liberal educated elite", which in turn has changed their policies and at the same time seen a large portion of their voters being stolen by populist right parties.
The Left/Labour parties everywhere has all gone into some kind of transformation the last couple of years. Before, they truly used to represent the working and middle class, had strong ties to various labor unions and was very much the parties for your average Joe.

Now on the other hand, they seem to have lost touch with their roots and shifted towards the "liberal educated elite", which in turn has changed their policies and at the same time seen a large portion of their voters being stolen by populist right parties.
If you'd have put a tenner on Leicester to win the league, Corbyn as labour leader and Trump as president in July 2015 you'd have won £66m :lol:
The Left/Labour parties everywhere has all gone into some kind of transformation the last couple of years. Before, they truly used to represent the working and middle class, had strong ties to various labor unions and was very much the parties for your average Joe.

Now on the other hand, they seem to have lost touch with their roots and shifted towards the "liberal educated elite", which in turn has changed their policies and at the same time seen a large portion of their voters being stolen by populist right parties.

That completely sums it up.
The people voting for Brexit getting rid of brown people overthrowing the lizard-people redefining the political landscape, and people who are ignorant, racist or misogynist aren't exclusively the same.

Mostly they are though.
The Left/Labour parties everywhere has all gone into some kind of transformation the last couple of years. Before, they truly used to represent the working and middle class, had strong ties to various labor unions and was very much the parties for your average Joe.

Now on the other hand, they seem to have lost touch with their roots and shifted towards the "liberal educated elite", which in turn has changed their policies and at the same time seen a large portion of their voters being stolen by populist right parties.

Labours policies are still well to the left the Conservatives so this doesn't make sense
I'm not sure all this 'white-lash' and 'angry white men' talk we are hearing is especially helpful. It simply helps to cement the divide that partly enabled Trump to get into power in the first place.
Yup, without that sort of rhetoric he probably wouldn't have won.
The Left/Labour parties everywhere has all gone into some kind of transformation the last couple of years. Before, they truly used to represent the working and middle class, had strong ties to various labor unions and was very much the parties for your average Joe.

Now on the other hand, they seem to have lost touch with their roots and shifted towards the "liberal educated elite", which in turn has changed their policies and at the same time seen a large portion of their voters being stolen by populist right parties.

Labours policies are still well to the left the Conservatives so this doesn't make sense

I think the point is that this is how they're perceived by people who either don't know or don't care about the actual policies of the various parties. Other than what they read on Facebook and the rabble-rousing broad strokes shite being promised by the right. We'll make America great again. Just don't ask us how.
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Labours policies are still well to the left the Conservatives so this doesn't make sense

They still are to the left of the conservatives, but the core politics have shifted away from issues that regular people care about in pursuit of loftier goals that most people don't really bother with at an every day basis. Even worse still is the fact that they have had this air of moral superiority and almost contempt for diverging opinions which again has either pushed people voters away and galvanized the right even further.

It's no coincidence that at the same time, we have seen a resurgence of far right all over the world. Would strongly recommend the article, as it's pretty much spot on
They still are to the left of the conservatives, but the core politics have shifted away from issues that regular people care about in pursuit of loftier goals that most people don't really bother with at an every day basis. Even worse still is the fact that they have had this air of moral superiority and almost contempt for diverging opinions which again has either pushed people voters away and galvanized the right even further.

It's no coincidence that at the same time, we have seen a resurgence of far right all over the world. Would strongly recommend the article, as it's pretty much spot on

It's well written but is he right? People have been talking about the flaws in democracy for generations. That's why a benevolent dictator keeps being brought up as the most logical way to run a country. When times are tough, people get very irrational and bad things can happen as a result. At the risk of invoking Godwin's law, surely you can think of examples from history when entire nations lost their mind during prolonged austerity?
It's well written but is he right? People have been talking about the flaws in democracy for generations. That's why a benevolent dictator keeps being brought up as the most logical way to run a country. When times are tough, people get very irrational and bad things can happen as a result. At the risk of invoking Godwin's law, surely you can think of examples from history when entire nations lost their mind during prolonged austerity?

Indeed, but this surge to the right can't only be a result of people suffering hardships and then voting for the snake oils salesman that promises riches and prosperity. Imo, the left has had a bit of an identity crisis coupled with a unhealthy rhetoric and quite insufferable attitude towards "the plebian masses".

Well, now the "plebian masses" has turned up and voted and these are the results. As with the election as well as Brexit, it's simply impossible that everyone who cast their vote for exit/Trump is a closet [homophobe/racist/misogynist] and/or a moron so i think its safe to say that a lot of "regular" people don't really feel the left is speaking for them any longer.

Now of course, the fact that people on the lower rungs of society tends to vote far right (on parties that don't benefit them AT ALL) is ironic to say the least, but as far as i am concerned, the parties on the left has a job to do her on their own, and needs to make sure they appeal to these people again.

Things like the environment and social equality for all are indeed noble goals, but Cleetus from Bumfeck Arizona does not care about that as long as he is working three jobs and eating roadkill raccoon for lunch. Much more tempting to follow the conman promising wealth and glory
Indeed, but this surge to the right can't only be a result of people suffering hardships and then voting for the snake oils salesman that promises riches and prosperity. Imo, the left has had a bit of an identity crisis coupled with a unhealthy rhetoric and quite insufferable attitude towards "the plebian masses".

Well, now the "plebian masses" has turned up and voted and these are the results. As with the election as well as Brexit, it's simply impossible that everyone who cast their vote for exit/Trump is a closet [homophobe/racist/misogynist] and/or a moron so i think its safe to say that a lot of "regular" people don't really feel the left is speaking for them any longer.

Now of course, the fact that people on the lower rungs of society tends to vote far right (on parties that don't benefit them AT ALL) is ironic to say the least, but as far as i am concerned, the parties on the left has a job to do her on their own, and needs to make sure they appeal to these people again.

Things like the environment and social equality for all are indeed noble goals, but Cleetus from Bumfeck Arizona does not care about that as long as he is working three jobs and eating roadkill raccoon for lunch. Much more tempting to follow the conman promising wealth and glory

In terms of what a nation should aspire to achieve, priorities don't get much more important than trying to give every citizen an equal opportunity in life and to not permanently destroy the environment while you're at it.

I get that these issues aren't clarion calls to people who've been fecked over by life but it's a shitty state of affairs when a nation chooses instead to believe in a tissue of lies fed to them by shysters whose main priority is personal power and glory. And when they make that choice they deserve all the scorn they get. All the more so if they're stupid enough to think that giving two fingers to "SJW's" they argue with on the internet is reason enough to give such an odious scumbag the nuclear codes.
In terms of what a nation should aspire to achieve, priorities don't get much more important than trying to give every citizen an equal opportunity in life and to not permanently destroy the environment while you're at it.

I get that these issues aren't clarion calls to people who've been fecked over by life but it's a shitty state of affairs when a nation chooses instead to believe in a tissue of lies fed to them by shysters whose main priority is personal power and glory. And when they make that choice they deserve all the scorn they get. All the more so if they're stupid enough to think that giving two fingers to "SJW's" they argue with on the internet is reason enough to give such an odious scumbag the nuclear codes.

I completely agree, and it IS infuriating not to mention confusing that these people can't see past the empty rhetoric and lies they are getting fed, but at the same time the left needs a change in attitude and character if they want to turn these people back. They need to feel they are being heard, not sneering contempt and gritted teeth

Anyways, sooner rather than later even Cletus WILL find out that it was all smoke and mirrors and that Trump can not fix his life and he goes back to being angry and confused
cheers for this, interesting and scary read.
Yeah. I started off thinking 'this is going to be a load of alarmist nonsense'...and was then given pause. Sobering stuff.