Television True Detective | Season 2 Spoilers

I think the worst part is that it was supposed to be a culmination of Marty's constant "you always miss the obvious things that are right there" lines throughout, as if the writers thought "well yeah, this is really a f*cking easy one to miss, the guy has has painted a house green and has green ears, I mean, DUH"

It's even worse than that!

A house was painted green. The guy has green ears. Perhaps he painted that house. And his own ears.
The quest to solve the case was what everything was built around. I would say it was pretty central to the whole deal.

The way it was brought to an abrupt closure with the green monster, green ears, green house revelation was ludicrous. Then they walk to the lady in an old home and she remembers the color she got the house painted, the cost and the man with scars on his face accurately, all some 20 years after a simple paint job to her house.

The pictures, the videotape etc. all were of Marie Fontenot - a girl, whose name they had stumbled upon accidentally. Why weren't there pictures of other victims in Billy Lee Tutle's safe? These guys kidnapped and killed 100's of women and children but why did they make a show of the two women 17 years apart? What was the significance?

I found the whole last 10 minutes where Rust finds God a bit OTT too. It seemed like an attempt to overcomplicate thing to hide away from real issues. In the end all we need is God, rest everyone will get their comeuppance through natural order.

The case not being central to the show really seems like an excuse for botching its resolution up now. I don't think we needed everything to be explained, every bad guy to get caught but the writer set himself up for deserved criticism. There hasn't been many positive reviews about episode 8.
The number of questions not only left unanswered but completely forgotten in the last episode is silly.
We didn't even get to find out what was wrong with his daughter. I know the characters outside Rust and Marty were inteeded to be complimentary but that was poor story telling. They bring up this whole issue then it is never explained. Brilliant acting from the Harrelson and Mcconaughey throughout though. I remember Mcconaughey being only known for taking his top off. He has definitely stepped up since Lincoln Lawyer.

It was a character piece but the case was made out to be so compelling, every suspect they found was killed so we never got to delve into their minds, I guess that would have shifted the story....

When Rust was speaking to the old lady I honestly thought she was going to say yes, yes I remember, then go NO I DON'T IT WAS 20 years ago. Crazy stretches in the finale.
I'm amazed that anyone thinks that Breaking Bad's final episode was worse than this.
I'm amazed that anyone thinks that Breaking Bad's final episode was worse than this.
Be amazed all you like - I've never been as disappointed by a finale as I was by Breaking Bad (obviously I'm discounting the likes of Dexter, where the awful ending was pretty much par for the course, given how bad the last few seasons had been.)

Breaking Bad put together an incredible run of episodes, confounding expectations and conventions at every turn, only to then turn out the most formulaic, everything-neatly-tied-up finale, replete with an awful musical accompaniment to the final melodramatic scene. True Detective, on the other hand, was guilty of one plot contrivance (which I don't think was that much worse than Jesse Pinkman's euraka moment when he was waiting to be picked up,) and perhaps a little too much time spent in the house of horrors. Nowhere near as disappointing IMO.

One thing I think we can all agree on is how difficult it is for good shows to wrap things up in a satisfying way.. Honestly, I think The Shield is the only one that really sticks the landing.
I watched it again last night with someone who was relying on my downloads to keep up and it's even worse on a second viewing.

Woody actually strokes his chin. That would've been rejected in a Scooby Doo script. "Raggy??!?"

I keep seeing people claiming that anyone who didn't enjoy the way it ended likes their stuff spoonfed to them. Eh? That's the exact reason I hated it. The first 3 were perfectly paced character building episodes, the next 2 ramped it up to 11 and fleshed out all the back story in the case then it just turned to derivative wank in the final 3. All the atmosphere and intrigue that had been built up so well over the first 5 just fizzled out and amounted to nothing and we were left with what felt like a rushed and cheap character transformation in both protagonists.
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I watched it again last night with someone who was relying on my downloads to keep up and it's even worse on a second viewing.

Woody actually strokes his chin. That would've been rejected in a Scooby Doo script. "Raggy??!?"

I keep seeing people claiming that anyone who didn't enjoy the way it ended likes their stuff spoonfed to them. Eh? That's the exact reason I hated it. The first 3 were perfectly paced character building episodes, the next 2 ramped it up to 11 and fleshed out all the back story in the case then it just turned to derivative wank in the final 3. All the atmosphere and intrigue that had been built up so well over the first 5 just fizzled out and amounted to nothing and we were left with what felt like a rushed and cheap character transformation in both protagonists.
I can agree with that criticism, particularly for the final episode (although it didn't have as negative effect on me as it clearly did for others.) But I disagree with others who felt that it left too many threads hanging. I think the biggest mistake the show made was moving out of the interrogation room (the 2 detectives interviewing Rust and Marty separately.) That seemed a bit rushed, and kind of painted the show into a corner, thereby demanding the more conventional resolution that the last episode offered.
I dunno. He's become a bit of a parody of himself in recent years. It'll just be Brad Pitt being Brad Pitt again.

Best suggestion I've seen so far is Joaquin Phoenix and Casey Affleck.

That said I thought he'd confirmed a female lead in the next season?
Though there is nothing wrong with going with two male leads again. The complaint by feminists about lack of established female characters or no main female characters is annoying and stupid. No body is hounding Dunham to make one of the main characters in her show a male. If the writer here is comfortable writing about male characters then to force him to include a female one is idiotic and doesn't serve any feminist agenda.
Though there is nothing wrong with going with two male leads again. The complaint by feminists about lack of established female characters or no main female characters is annoying and stupid. No body is hounding Dunham to make one of the main characters in her show a male. If the writer here is comfortable writing about male characters then to force him to include a female one is idiotic and doesn't serve any feminist agenda.

Nobody is hounding her because A) Men are overrepresented in pop culture and B) there are 2 main characters who are male
Nobody is hounding her because A) Men are overrepresented in pop culture and B) there are 2 main characters who are male
It is still an extremely female oriented show. Michelle monaghan's role in TD has as much signficance as some of the male ones in Girls.
There are plenty of shows out there who cater to female audience or are female oriented.
It is stupid to hound someone to write about a certain gender since it may not be everyone's cup of tea. The feminist criticisms of such shows are pointless and add nothing to do the debate.
I don't think they should be hounded to include a female lead but I think it would be a nice change to the show and one which I'd like to see.
It is still an extremely female oriented show. Michelle monaghan's role in TD has as much signficance as some of the male ones in Girls.
There are plenty of shows out there who cater to female audience or are female oriented.
It is stupid to hound someone to write about a certain gender since it may not be everyone's cup of tea. The feminist criticisms of such shows are pointless and add nothing to do the debate.

There are certainly far less of those shows than their are male dominated shows. I think asking certain shows to be more X or less Y is wrong but there is nothing wrong with pointing out the real imbalance going on. Adam and Ray are far more developed and important than Marty's wife. They have their own storylines and episodes
There are certainly far less of those shows than their are male dominated shows. I think asking certain shows to be more X or less Y is wrong but there is nothing wrong with pointing out the real imbalance going on. Adam and Ray are far more developed and important than Marty's wife. They have their own storylines and episodes

There was no scope for any such thing in TD though. It was simply about two characters, even the plot was weak in comparison. For a character ensemble girls is, the male ones definitely get a short thrift. If some female cast member had done the stuff Adam did in S1 of girls, there would have been an uproar. According to feminist agenda, no show can be made any more which does not do any service to female characters. That makes no sense and actually dilutes the criticism against ensemble shows which are guilty of ignoring female characters.

The shows that deserve such criticism are likes of Suits, a show where all female characters bar one seem to be defined by their relation to male cast members only.

Edit: my main point was that the writer may simply be unable to write as deeply for female characters as he did for male ones. It does not make him anti-female by any definition.
So... I've just seen episode 4.

My god... that was stunning. This really is some bar raising shit.
There was no scope for any such thing in TD though. It was simply about two characters, even the plot was weak in comparison. For a character ensemble girls is, the male ones definitely get a short thrift. If some female cast member had done the stuff Adam did in S1 of girls, there would have been an uproar. According to feminist agenda, no show can be made any more which does not do any service to female characters. That makes no sense and actually dilutes the criticism against ensemble shows which are guilty of ignoring female characters.

The shows that deserve such criticism are likes of Suits, a show where all female characters bar one seem to be defined by their relation to male cast members only.

I think you are going a bit too far in your summary of feminist criticism. There are tons of shows that are basically about violence against women. Picking on individual shows is not really my thing but there should be more efforts to promote shows with strong female characters.
Who is hounding Pizzolato to include a female character? Have you just invented a reason to go on an anti-feminist rant?
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Who is hounding Pizzolato to include a female character? Have you just invented a reason to go on an anti-feminist rant?

I think you ought to read more before accusing someone of being anti something.

These two articles are by two who are sort of known in tv critics circle and there was a lot of discussion in social media as a result. Some were also adamant on twitter than for the next season, there should be two female detectives now. I remember similar criticism of Breaking bad by someone along the lines of having no female character equivalent of Walt.

As far as me going on an anti-feminist rant. Sort of proves my point. I am far from those bozos who think feminism serve no purpose. I do agree with Eboue that women have been under represented in pop culture and shows like Girls, Orange is the new Black are a welcome change. I think bechdeltest - is a very valid tool in this regard and indicts a lot of ensemble based TV shows for poor portray of female characters. That does not mean thought that there can be no scope for male-centric shows.
So... I've just seen episode 4.

My god... that was stunning. This really is some bar raising shit.

Final scene was fantastic.

Originally thought it was all in one take but film nerd friend of mine told me that it was shot in a number of different takes, with cunning tricks used to link them all up (screen going white when camera pans across a light etc.)

Still bloody brilliant though. McC's performance really pulled it all together. Loved the anguished growls.
Final scene was fantastic.

Originally thought it was all in one take but film nerd friend of mine told me that it was shot in a number of different takes, with cunning tricks used to link them all up (screen going white when camera pans across a light etc.)

Still bloody brilliant though. McC's performance really pulled it all together. Loved the anguished growls.

There's a couple of points they deliberately set up for a cut if need be but the director insists they didn't need to.
Just got around to starting this today... leaving it for now at episode 4... that ending scene was just, wow.

Loving this show.
Just got around to starting this today... leaving it for now at episode 4... that ending scene was just, wow.

Loving this show.

Yea, it's a great show. If you've read the thread, you've probably sussed the Green ears theory problem, but apart from it there isn't much wrong. There are some totally ridiculous comments in this thread indicating they've just skim-watched the show and looking for plot reveals. Perhaps it suffers from it's own standard of being billed as the 'Greatest show on the Television ever (R)'
Yea, it's a great show. If you've read the thread, you've probably sussed the Green ears theory problem, but apart from it there isn't much wrong. There are some totally ridiculous comments in this thread indicating they've just skim-watched the show and looking for plot reveals. Perhaps it suffers from it's own standard of being billed as the 'Greatest show on the Television ever (R)'

Nah, I've not read too much of the thread. Seen the words "green ears", but I've no idea what it pertains to... I try not to spoil shit for myself ;)

Greatest show ever? Nah, I'm a Wireist, myself... and 8 episodes is too little to go on ;P
Nah, I've not read too much of the thread. Seen the words "green ears", but I've no idea what it pertains to... I try not to spoil shit for myself ;)

Greatest show ever? Nah, I'm a Wireist, myself... and 8 episodes is too little to go on ;P

Best to stay clear of those discussion threads man. The feed in the UK & Ireland is a week later after the last ep is aired in the states, so everyone thats seen the US airing comments on the last ep & ruins it for anyone who hasnt seen it - just bad luck i guess.

I've seen the show & loved it for what it was, but never the best show ever. Its always the same thing with the brightest new thing - folk forget about the past. Example of that is Breaking Bad. Fantastic show & right up there in the top 5. But The Soprano's, The Wire opened the door for shows like Breaking Bad - broke down the barriers. They're both ahead of Breaking Bad in my opinion... but its all about opinion....

Best to stay clear of those discussion threads man. The feed in the UK & Ireland is a week later after the last ep is aired in the states, so everyone thats seen the US airing comments on the last ep & ruins it for anyone who hasnt seen it - just bad luck i guess.

I've seen the show & loved it for what it was, but never the best show ever. Its always the same thing with the brightest new thing - folk forget about the past. Example of that is Breaking Bad. Fantastic show & right up there in the top 5. But The Soprano's, The Wire opened the door for shows like Breaking Bad - broke down the barriers. They're both ahead of Breaking Bad in my opinion... but its all about opinion....

I'm not getting my viewings from UK or Irish airings anyway, so I'm not lagging because of that, and I don't linger and faff around in this thread, I was just popping in to agree with all the other folk saying it's among the best shows going at present ;)
I'm not getting my viewings from UK or Irish airings anyway, so I'm not lagging because of that, and I don't linger and faff around in this thread, I was just popping in to agree with all the other folk saying it's among the best shows going at present ;)

Good stuff man. Enjoy the rest of the show, its wicked & gets better with each episode - which is some doing :cool:
Just finished it.

I'd an idea the lawnmower guy was the killer from the first time we saw him. The whole Marty honking thing and them rushing off seemed to be there to make us forget about him.

I enjoyed it but I wouldn't say it's up there with any of the greatest shows around. Solid show but nothing more for me.
I enjoyed it but I wouldn't say it's up there with any of the greatest shows around. Solid show but nothing more for me.

Do you say this because of how the ending panned out, which I believe really weakened the show overall? If they had kept the intensity of the show going from episodes 4 and 5, I would have no problem rating it up there with the best.
That and I was just never as invested in it as I have been with other shows. I've never been into storylines that have elements of religion in them either. It was still very good though.