Pogue Mahone
I think conservatives have massively overestimated this culture war. Especially around the topic of genders.
There is a very intense argument online between the opposing factions on trans issues but if you speak to people that aren’t “very online” they don’t seem to have much of a clue about it and are generally of the opinion that they couldn’t care less how trans people live and basically leave them get on with it.
So the idea that the parties on the right are going to bring this to elections as key issues and somehow that’s going to ignite their base seems fanciful at best.
Culture war is all the Tories have left. They have nothing else to offer. Their record in power is just so bad. That’s why they’re spewing out so many provocative policies that are directly aligned with “always online” hot topics. Refugee boats, paedophile gangs and now this trans stuff.
I think you’re probably right in that they’re overestimating how much “normal” people care about all this shit but it’s all they have left to offer, so they’re going all in. It’s absolutely insane to watch it happen. Almost surreal.