Toni Kroos | Retired

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This age of social media really is a joke. Completely unregulated shite reaching thousands and unfortunately the damage is already done.
Most of footballers are morons. People need to understant that Kroos opinion is not opinion of most Germans. And his word probably got twisted for clicks.
Regardless of how the whole fake quotes thing, why do people care what a footballer, who has lived in a gated community in Spain for the past 10 years, feels about life in Germany? What does he know about going out at 11 PM in a German city?
Just listened to that podcast and while those quotes certainly embellish what he said by rearranging his words, they're unfortunately not way off.
He essentially says that he may not live in Germany but hears a lot from his family and then starts with a "I don't wanna sound racist but..." type preface (he literally says "how do I put this without being put in a certain corner...") and then comes off with some vague rant about how he wouldn't feel great if his daughter went out in a German city, without elaborating why. His host then doesn't ask for clarification but immediately agrees and then there's a bunch of ambiguous statements about how Germany is still great but things have gone the wrong way until they end up mentioning immigration as some kind of culprit. And then they try to backpedal by mentioning how important immigration actually is..
If you want to give them the benefit of the doubt it's a very poorly worded attempt at discussing the drawbacks that come with immigration but since they don't offer anything but platitudes it comes off as very ignorant.
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The “softer” translation that everyone is trying to use to defend him doesn’t read much better than the original “misinterpreted” translation.

Why are people trying to cover this up? He’s hardly the first footballer to have questionable/idiotic/ignorant views.

Maybe it’s because some people agree with him?
Man voices his opinion. When asked why, he elaborates as to why he believes that in the most polite way possible.

Ragecafe - OMG, he racist. He stoopid. How dare he.

I thought we live in a civilized western society where discussing different controversial topics is part of of norm, or am I missing something?
Man voices his opinion. When asked why, he elaborates as to why he believes that in the most polite way possible.

Ragecafe - OMG, he racist. He stoopid. How dare he.

Quote the people who are saying that. Or if you are too scared to call them out, how many people on this website are doing that?
Man voices his opinion. When asked why, he elaborates as to why he believes that in the most polite way possible.

Ragecafe - OMG, he racist. He stoopid. How dare he.

I thought we live in a civilized western society where discussing different controversial topics is part of of norm, or am I missing something?

That’s exactly what people in this thread are doing?
Quote the people who are saying that. Or if you are too scared to call them out, how many people on this website are doing that?

I hope not. Those are disgustingly racist comments.
"Ich höre, Sie sind jetzt ein Rassist, Toni."
Most of footballers are morons. People need to understant that Kroos opinion is not opinion of most Germans. And his word probably got twisted for clicks.
Did you even read the posts you quoted?

The first one says he hopes they're not real. The third one says his words were probably twisted.

As for the second one, feck knows but that's one.
The second is a reference to a scene from Father Ted.
Another rich, entitled brat who doesn’t understand what people without privilege go through in life. No empathy, no compassion and no idea what he is talking about.

Yeah they’re discussing the topic and presented their opinion. I thought we live in a civilized western society where discussing different controversial topics is part of of norm, or am I missing something?

Just because you don’t agree with them doesn’t make the posts any worse than yours where you failed to bring anything worthwhile to the discussion.
He is just saying what the majority think, but dont want to say. Otherwise, the far right would not be on the rise.
He is just saying what the majority think, but dont want to say. Otherwise, the far right would not be on the rise.
The far-right is on the rise because people understand that there is a problem, but are misdiagnosing what’s causing it. They want simple solutions to complex problems.
The “softer” translation that everyone is trying to use to defend him doesn’t read much better than the original “misinterpreted” translation.

Why are people trying to cover this up? He’s hardly the first footballer to have questionable/idiotic/ignorant views.

Maybe it’s because some people agree with him?

Did you even read the posts you quoted?

The first one says he hopes they're not real. The third one says his words were probably twisted.

As for the second one, feck knows but that's one.
You're clutching at straws there mate. Oh, it's not what they said. You know, Kroos also said that he is not against migration, but specifically mass migration. And yet people didn't have any issue laying into him.
The far-right is on the rise because people understand that there is a problem, but are misdiagnosing what’s causing it. They want simple solutions to complex problems.
Out of curiosity, what do you think is causing the issue that the far-right aren't seeing?
You're clutching at straws there mate. Oh, it's not what they said. You know, Kroos also said that he is not against migration, but specifically mass migration. And yet people didn't have any issue laying into him.

Not interested in getting into a discussion with you. “Civilized western society” tells me all I need to know.
Regardless of how the whole fake quotes thing, why do people care what a footballer, who has lived in a gated community in Spain for the past 10 years, feels about life in Germany? What does he know about going out at 11 PM in a German city?

It's funny when it's Kroos, a white person, supposedly, peddling right wing talking points it's 'why do we care what a footballer is saying' but when it was Gundogan and Ozil just taking a picture with Erdogan it became a massive scandal where both players should apologize for the picture or be sacked from the team.

Wouldn't surprise me, even if those quotes are a bit of a misrepresentation, if Kroos has those feelings given how he completely dismissed Ozil when Ozil talked about the racism he felt in Germany following that Erdogan incident and the lack of support within the DFB.
It's funny when it's Kroos, a white person, supposedly, peddling right wing talking points it's 'why do we care what a footballer is saying' but when it was Gundogan and Ozil just taking a picture with Erdogan it became a massive scandal where both players should apologize for the picture or be sacked from the team.

Wouldn't surprise me, even if those quotes are a bit of a misrepresentation, if Kroos has those feelings given how he completely dismissed Ozil when Ozil talked about the racism he felt in Germany following that Erdogan incident and the lack of support within the DFB.

I meant that I don't see the point in asking some footballer, who couldn't be further removed from daily life in Germany, about his feelings regarding German society.

Your post is still nonsense though. If Kroos had called some autocrat his president he'd be getting a shit storm, too. He didn't though.

We are also just at the beginning of this story, who knows what direction it will take in the press. But having said that: I listened to the last few minutes of the podcast and I didn't hear anything outright racist. The hosts kind of lead him toward that topic, but then didn't ask him to clarify his rather vague statements. So I don't think much will or indeed should come of it, unless someone can dig up other statements that would remove the benefit of the doubt for Kroos.

And finally let's all shed a tear for Mesut Özil, who now works as Erdogan's pet and proudly displays his Gray Wolves tattoo. He's the real victim in all of this. A beacon of equality and liberalism. A true hero.
Just listened to that podcast and while those quotes certainly embellish what he said by rearranging his words, they're unfortunately not way off.
He essentially says that he may not live in Germany but hears a lot from his family and then starts with a "I don't wanna sound racist but..." type preface (he literally says "how do I put this without being put in a certain corner...") and then comes off with some vague rant about how he wouldn't feel great if his daughter went out in a German city, without elaborating why. His host then doesn't ask for clarification but immediately agrees and then there's a bunch of ambiguous statements about how Germany is still great but things have gone the wrong way until they end up mentioning immigration as some kind of culprit. And then they try to backpedal by mentioning how important immigration actually is..
If you want to give them the benefit of the doubt it's a very poorly worded attempt at discussing the drawbacks that come with immigration but since they don't offer anything but platitudes it comes off as very ignorant.
I assume you are German? I don't think you do a good job of representing his statements correctly here. He is NOT criticizing migration as a thing in itself - in his opinion it is the way it has been handled since 2015, that is problematic. And there are a lot of reasonable people who would share this opinion. You aren't against football when you say you don't want to play football 24 hours a day. I think the general level of debate would improve when such simplifications would just stop. No doubt, it happens on all sides of the table but it isn't going away when everybody considers themselves as "better informed" or "more moral". Talking about such statements as racism is only de-valueing racism as a weirdly still existing problem.

It has to be said, that it really doesn't speak well for German society that so many are ready to trot along the blue party who doesn't know any other song than the one about the topic of migration. They are getting more and more people behind them as if that specific topic would be the most important topic out there. But this is not getting away calling such people dumb or immoral. Their concerns do come from somewhere, they have to be taken seriously otherwise the blue party will continue to have an easy life. And it isn't like this is just a German thing as it is happening in many neighboring countries just as well.

It's funny when it's Kroos, a white person, supposedly, peddling right wing talking points it's 'why do we care what a footballer is saying' but when it was Gundogan and Ozil just taking a picture with Erdogan it became a massive scandal where both players should apologize for the picture or be sacked from the team.
Or when Mbappe voiced his statement about voting 1 or 2 weeks ago. The level of debate is pretty problematic in itself - echo chambers only reinforcing those things so loudly until members become incapable of differentiating between facts and opinions.
He is NOT criticizing migration as a thing in itself - in his opinion it is the way it has been handled since 2015, that is problematic. And there are a lot of reasonable people who would share this opinion. You aren't against football when you say you don't want to play football 24 hours a day. I think the general level of debate would improve when such simplifications would just stop.

I think the level of debate would also improve if one didn’t compare the situation where millions of people have to flee due to complicated circumstances to a football being discriminated by someone not wanting to play with it 24 hours a day.
I think the level of debate would also improve if one didn’t compare the situation where millions of people have to flee due to complicated circumstances to a football being discriminated by someone not wanting to play with it 24 hours a day.
Are you sure, you want this to be your takeaway?

Isn't it obvious that there is a difference between being "against migration" and being "against migration the way it happened" in Germany since 2015, since 2017 for sure?
Why the feck was he talking about a topic he clearly doesn't understand or know at all in the first place.... :wenger:

Really really bad look -.-
Capitalism. Billionaires. Neoliberalism. Politicians who are serving the 1%.
Thanks, fully on point. Especially the billionaire and serving the 1% part
Freundschaft, Genossen!

But I have to say it's not especially the billionaire and serving the 1% part. It's the capitalism part. This is what we have to overcome, the rest are just symptoms. I think we have to be absolutely clear about that.
Meh, he's obviously deliberately quoted in a way by right wing outlets but the statements itself are trash anyway.
But anyone who has listened to his podcast shouldn't be surprised, he's basically a moderately liberal conservative boomer already.

Either way funny that anyone would put any value to the "sense of security" in Germany of a millionaire living in a compound in Madrid.
Meh, he's obviously deliberately quoted in a way by right wing outlets but the statements itself are trash anyway.
But anyone who has listened to his podcast shouldn't be surprised, he's basically a moderately liberal conservative boomer already.

Either way funny that anyone would put any value to the "sense of security" in Germany of a millionaire living in a compound in Madrid.
I’ve not heard his podcast - it’s probably in German for a start but I have heard numerous of his comments over the years and he reminds me a bit of Scholes in that he has very low tolerance for anything you might consider flash or flamboyant and like you said he comes across as a bit of a boomer because of it. Sort of guy in his late 20s who was desparing of how people 6 or 7 years younger act and couldn’t relate.
Does anyone know if these quotes are real?

It was just an inside joke for his close friends who were listening the podcast. He has nothing but respect for immigrants in Germany.
Toni is a conservative guy and always has been but wouldn't say he is "far right". Germany has changed a lot but wouldn't say it's because of mass immigration, it's more due to the government throwing away common sense on a lot of issues. Germany has been multicultural for a long while, with the Turks, Eastern Europeans and Africans predominantly and they've assimilated perfectly in most parts. I've lived in Frankfurt, Berlin and Stuttgart and they were pretty safe but recently it's been a bit of a mess so that's where Toni is coming from. Nothing crazy about saying that. I live in Dubai now and it's the safest place in the world, you can be out at 2am knowing nothing will happen outside. I see women alone out at that time and they are totally safe too can't say the same for modern day Germany or the West in general.
He repeats dogwhistles than tries to qualify them through platitudes

I sort of believe - *want to*, really, let's be real - that he believes in those platitudes, that this is an unfortunate choice of words on his part

But yeah, it looks bad -.-
Why the feck was he talking about a topic he clearly doesn't understand or know at all in the first place.... :wenger:

Really really bad look -.-

Proceeds to judge the nuances of speech in a German podcast.
Explain those nuances then

It's at least like 10 minutes of conversation with the political and and societal situation in Germany as context.
You want me to explain all that to you?
It's at least like 10 minutes of conversation with the political and and societal situation in Germany as context.
You want me to explain all that to you?
Sure, why not. Anyways, so you're saying Kroos comes across as somebody informed, who both knows and understands the situation beyond the barest, most superficial level, expressing coeherent opininions instead of parroting popular right wing talking points and qualifying them with platitudes to make separate them from being right wing rhetoric? Is that it?

If so, kudos to Kross and yes, I'd be quite interested to read a good translation of the whole interview
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