I've just ploughed away at single player and not gone near DZ, so I'm Level 21 now. Cleared all side missions/echoes/phones etc up to Gramercy.
Using a superior AK-47 now, was using specialised Scar-L but the AK is brilliant and works well for my gameplay. I find it had less recoil than the Scar-L too, works a treat from range and less jumpy. Still have my Specialized M1A as my secondary, but I picked up a level 19 one in a mission so I deconstructed my level 7 I used previously. I'm picking up absolutely everything dropped in missions or even just street interactions, deconstructing everything I don't need. I bought the AK alright as I had a shitload of money to spend.
DPS 19k, 9k health and 5.5k skill. I am able to balance it out more as I have kept fear that allows me to change my ways. As I went through the story mode on my own, I went with gunning power. Worked wonders in Amerhests Aparment mission, sweet Jesus I lucked out there right at the end!
I also had a weird glitch in a Bounty side mission. The first Lieutenant encounter (can't remember which), I got a bit blitzed so ran for cover, all of a sudden he is gone off the map along with his few merry men, and my mission is updated to Lt 2. Brilliant for me but just a weird glitch. Anyone else experience similar?