The idea seems to be that Roman needs to be a badass, which is exactly how he comes across without Vince's scripting. I mean, everyone could see it was the best thing to do, and they seem to have realised now. Bryan is collateral to the main story.
He does - but it could do without Triple H and Stephanie having a snigger at how much of an idiot he is to give up his shot (if anything, he could have been the one to offer it?) - the bit where he was shouting at Bryan to get out of his locker-room was weird too, felt more like a whinge then him being a badass.
The run in on Show at the end is the shit that he should be doing - got a great pop and easily the best reaction he's had in months.
Bryan wasn't much better either - again, at times he seemed to be more whinging then actually being a fighting hero/face.