You do realise getting more air time doesnt mean you are being used / booked correctly right? Bryan was losing for the majority of 2013 and the beginning of 2014 until WM. And he had one match against Kane. Kane!! as champion.
Yes Bryans one month as champion didnt see a rise so lets never use him as main event again. OK
gotcha pal.
And Punk as champion only main evented when he turned heel to lose to the Rock. When he was champion Cena was still main event. You do realise this right?
Being on TV does not mean you are being used right / getting pushed. Look at Zack Ryder. They killed his momentum to get Eve and John cena over. Yes he got more TV time but he was getting crushed by Kane every week and embarrassed by Eve. lol.
WWE fecked up yesterday. Its quite clear. The backlash isnt just people on internet forums / social media.
Its also WWE fans in attendance and people cancelling subscriptions (which has been worse than they thought it would be)
I do find it funny, because its not bandwagon or anything else. This is 2015 where technology is at a level its never been before and people have more of a voice than theyve ever had and will use it to express their displeasure.
Having Bryan return to lose like he is is bonkers and bad oversight.
Lets be honest, everybody talks about the attitude era but that would not have happened had WCW not been kicking their arse for weeks. WWE had to change. Now the dominance they have is bad for their overall product because they dont give a shit.