Yes the commentators are terrible. The match quality is defo good but the booking is what ruins it. Its all over the top and not needed, just let them get on with it and do what they do best.
Bray vs Ambrose was fun until the ending and that was ... flat. Ambrose is losing every match hes in now and is losing to a guy that couldnt beat Jericho and got killed by Cena.
Rollins lost to Cena (with the help of two, and three people) three times in that match. I know they want Brock vs Cena (ffs again?) but how are they not seeing that the current product is translating to the lack of Network buys. Cena defo works hard but his booking is killing new talent. Rollins is now losing matches and has lost his momentum like Bray and Ambrose.
Reigns return was great until his promo. Less is more when speaking for him.
Big show winning, yawn. What was the point? Could have had him lose, be pissed off, come out to attack Cena and then been Reigned on. Instead he beats Rowan who looks like a joke now and has no momentum at all either.
Ryback vs Kane was a bore lol.
Swagger lost against to Rusev, at least Rusev has momentum. Hopefully his first loss is not to Cena (or the Rock).
The only two who came out of last night looking great were Ziggler and Harper. Harper looked good in losing, nobody else did.