Thiago Alcantara | Signed for Bayern Munich

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I suspect it is however as we saw from the add-ons that were added to Phil Jones's transfer fee, despite having a 16M release clause, the selling club can still make things difficult if they really want to. I don't have any knowledge of the legal fine print in Thiago's contract, so your guess is as good as mine.

They can probably start claiming expenses for lawyers, agents and tax fees.
Come on guys let's get fully behind our man, he can make the squad.
They can probably start claiming expenses for lawyers, agents and tax fees.

I don't think Spanish clubs can.

If they refuse to play ball then you basically just turn up at the league headquarters with a dump truck full of money and buy him out that way.

It's what Bayern had to do with Martinez.

Las dos ofertas de Thiago Alcántara

The Two Offers For Thiago.
Thiago Alcantara, la estrella de España en la final de la Eurocopa Sub-21, puede abandonar la disciplina azulgrana de un momento a otro. El jugador ha decidido dejar el Barcelona y aceptar alguna de las dos ofertas que tiene encima de la mesa.
Son dos equipos que pretenden al azulgrana, el Manchester United y el Bayern Munich. El club inglés quiere reforzar su debilitado centro del campo pues se encuentra con jugadores de un perfil físico pero carente de jugadores creativos por lo que la llegada de Thiago le iría de perlas.
El club alemán es otro de los que suspiran por Thiago, Pep Guardiola le conoce bien, sabe de su voluntad de abandonar la entidad catalana y no está dispuesto a dejarle escapar. Thiago es un caramelo en el mercado pues solo vale 18 millones de euros. Una ganga.

Thiago Alcantara, the star of Spain in the final of the U21 European Championship, could leave Barca for a moment to another. The player has decided to leave Barcelona and accept one of the two deals you have on the table.

These are two teams that claim to Barca, Manchester United and Bayern Munich. The English club wants to strengthen its weakened midfield players since it is with a physical profile but lacking creative players so the arrival of Thiago will go with pearls.

The German club is another who yearn for Thiago, Pep Guardiola knows him, knows of his desire to leave the Catalan club and is unwilling to let him go. Thiago is a candy in the market as it is only worth 18 million euros. A bargain.

Just posted/
He'd be a fool to go Bayern, he won't get playing time there ahead of WC 2014.
8 pages since the morning eh? There must be something going then.

When are we unveiling him?

Thiago se quiere ir

Thiago wants to go

Hace semanas ya se hizo pública la posibilidad de que Thiago Alcántara abandonara el Barça a final de temporada. Sin embargo, en ese momento se apuntó a que el futuro del centrocampista se definiría tras una charla con Tito Vilanova. Un cara a cara para definir el punto de vista del futbolista y el rol que el técnico le tiene asignado de cara al futuro. Era una cumbre trascendental para intentar buscar un punto de encuentro que evitara la salida no deseada de una de las joyas de la cantera. La cita se llevó a cabo, fue una charla franca y no exenta de algunos momentos de tensión que acabó por no convencer a unos ni a otros.
Thiago Alcántara insiste en su deseo de continuar su carrera en otro club. El encuentro con Tito Vilanova, días antes de enrolarse con la selección sub21 para iniciar el europeo, no aplacó las expectativas de un jugador que está convencido que solo progresará si dispone de más minutos en partidos de mayor trascendencia. El mensaje del técnico no colmó las expectativas del centrocampista. Tito le recordó las experiencias de otros compañeros y le expuso que sería un futbolista clave para el futuro del Barça, aunque también le matizó que en el presente tanto Xavi como Iniesta aún están un escalón por delante. Un detalle imprescindible a tener en cuenta a la hora de distribuir los minutos en la temporada y muy especialmente en los partidos clave en los que Thiago ha tenido poca presencia. En definitiva, en función de lesiones y posibles incidencias, la temporada 2013-14 seguiría un patrón muy parecido a la campaña recién finalizada.
Thiago quiere más. El futbolista considera que ha llegado el momento de dar un paso al frente y asumir responsabilidades sobre el terreno de juego. Una vía para explotar todo su talento y abrir las puertas a su sueño más inmediato: estar presente en el Mundial de Brasil 2014. Su compromiso con la selección española es incuestionable y sabe de primera mano la debilidad que Vicente del Bosque siente por él.
Tito le espera en pretemporada, pero Thiago aguarda a que los cánticos de sirena procedentes de la Premier -en especial el Manchester United- se traduzcan en una oferta generosa o, en el peor de los casos, en una propuesta de 18 millones de euros para satisfacer la cláusula de rescisión. Algunos también habrían apuntado un interés del Bayern de Múnich.
Quedan semanas por delante y tiempo para recapacitar. Tito no quiere prescindir de Thiago y el Barça no desea su marcha, pero el jugador lleva semanas con una decisión tomada y, por ahora, no ha cedido.

For weeks already disclosed the possibility that Thiago Alcantara Barca leave the season finale. However, at that time said that the midfielder's future will be defined after a talk with Tito Vilanova. A face to face to define the point of view of the player and the role that the technician is assigned in the future. It was a momentous summit to try to find a meeting point to avoid unwanted output of one of the jewels of the quarry. The event was held, was a talk frankly and not without some tense moments that ultimately convince no one nor the other.
Thiago Alcantara insists his desire to continue his career at another club. The meeting with Tito Vilanova, days before joining with the selection to start the European under-21, did not appease the expectations of a player who is convinced that only progress if you have more minutes on most significant games. The technical message did not meet expectations midfielder. Tito recalled the experiences of other colleagues and told him it would be a key player for the future of the club, although he added that in this both Xavi and Iniesta are still a step ahead. A detail necessary to take into account when distributing the minutes of the season and especially in the key games in which Thiago has had little presence. In short, depending on injuries and possible incidents, the 2013-14 season would follow a very similar pattern to the campaign just ended.
Thiago wants more. The player believes that the time has come to step forward and take responsibility on the pitch. One way to exploit their talent and open doors to your immediate dream: to be present at the World Cup Brazil 2014. His commitment to the Spanish team is unquestionable and knows firsthand the weakness that Vicente del Bosque feels for him.
Tito awaits you in preseason, but Thiago awaits the siren songs from the Premier-especially the Manchester United-are translated into a generous offer, or in the worst case, a proposed 18 million euros for satisfy the clause. Some also pointed a Bayern Munich interest.
Remaining weeks left and time to think. Tito does not want to dispense with Thiago and Barca do not want their march, but the player takes weeks with a decision and, for now, has not yielded.
If it's between us and Bayern and the reason why he is leaving Barca is indeed playing time, then he is surely ours. No fecking way would he have an easier ride in Bayern's midfield, not even with Pep on the helm. It's on!
Well if he is coming to United, I think we will find out fairly soon. We generally like to make our signings early.
Surely either of Kroos or Muller must be surplus to requirements at Bayern with the players Pep is bringing in?
I can understand the appeal of Bayern with Guardiola, the strength of that team as current UCL winners that just raped Barcelona themselves but surely he'd be daft to think his situation would be any better there.
No, it's not on. It's off. Go away.

If the club lets him leave, I'll cry myself to sleep.
I have to also add that Google are doin a terrific job with Google Translate. The service now is infinitely better than a few years ago and those articles are almost perfectly translated.
Yea. I can't see anyone in the Confederations Cup being dropped atm beside an awful season or injury.

Only change I can see is De Gea being called up to the squad for one of Reina or Valdes. It's pretty ridiculous how he isn't there already, but he should be at the very least third choice, although he can put an argument to be first choice.
If there's one thing we know its that Pep can never have too many midfielders.

Don't think they will go for him, because Sammer is in charge of the transfers there, not Pep, and he already said he wants the team to be built on German, homegrown players, and there wouldn't be room for Thiago anyway.
Oh god. This is going to be another "I will sign for the champions of europe" job, isn't it.
Only change I can see is De Gea being called up to the squad for one of Reina or Valdes. It's pretty ridiculous how he isn't there already, but he should be at the very least third choice, although he can put an argument to be first choice.

I think Pearce would agree with where he is. He's best off playing for the U21s than just being worth the full squad although I do agree he is good enough to play, Casillas is a god.
Only change I can see is De Gea being called up to the squad for one of Reina or Valdes. It's pretty ridiculous how he isn't there already, but he should be at the very least third choice, although he can put an argument to be first choice.

They simply don't need him there now. At least not whilst he's still eligible for the U-21.
Guardiola just signed Goetze as well on top of the Bayern squad he's inheriting. Now, he wants our Thiago.

feck off you bald headed pisskidney.
I am starting to get a bit giddy and positive. Not sure I like the feeling.
I didn't really want him to have any games like this in case it pushes one of the money clubs unsure if they wanted him to have a go.

That said, it ought to show those ridiculous few who've been trying to use Isco's superb form in the competition as a stick to beat Thiago with. There was some silly stuff from the commentators today, 'Thiago hasn't really been at his very best in this tournament so far but he's shining today' etc. But of course that's nonsense - all today's result does is emphasise his importance to the team. In the other games he's been played much deeper, and Spain have dominated possession and territory much more comfortably. Today, for whatever reason, Lopetegui opted to trust Illarramendi to run the midfield more, and pushed Thiago much further forward. As a result, his contributions were more obvious - some lovely bits of play, and three goals.

Also probably as a result, Spain struggled to dominate the ball and the field as completely as in the other matches. One thing people don't notice enough about Thiago is how difficult he makes it for the opposition to find any space in that dangerous bit of the pitch when #10s like to operate, and Spain were missing a bit of that at times today.

He's been excellent throughout the tournament, and just as important to the team as Isco.
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