Thiago Alcantara | Signed for Bayern Munich

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That account looks about as reliable as agent187 or whatever his name is, c'mon mate!
That account looks about as reliable as agent187 or whatever his name is, c'mon mate!

I knew people would say that but I have been following for awhile he mainly gets things right he doesn't just post stories.
Maybe it's because I want him to be right.
I knew people would say that but I have been following for awhile he mainly gets things right he doesn't just post stories.
Maybe it's because I want him to be right.

This is not a laughing matter. Quote your source or choke on a rotten Espada wank sock!
An account I follow on twitter usually spot on for their info @712insider didn't want to act like it was super solid :nervous: just posted Neymar has accepted Barca's offer though that is no stretch.

Even Brophs wouldn't quote updates from that account.
Seems too good to be true. You just know City/Chelsea/Monaco/PSG will gazzump us in the last minute with a 250000 per week wage offer or something equally ridiculous.
When it comes to being interested in central midfields Manchester United verge strongly on the side of madness.

Fergie did, but if there's any positive about Fergie leaving is that I don't think Moyes will be so blind over the issue.
When it comes to being interested in central midfields Manchester United verge strongly on the side of madness.

I don't think so we have spent money in that position over the years and it hasn't worked out so I think he has become naturally hesitant. Hargreaves, Veron, Djemba Djemba, Kleberson, Anderson, Carrick who is the only signing who has justified his outlay. He has tried it just kept not working out and we were winning without strengthening the position but I think if he was around Thiago would be a player he would go for.
An account I follow on twitter usually spot on for their info @712insider didn't want to act like it was super solid :nervous: just posted Neymar has accepted Barca's offer though that is no stretch.

Surely anything like that belongs only in the twitter thread?
The press gossip is basically that Barca's management know they've screwed up. If he'd played 60% of matches this season the release clause would be 90m, not 18m. They're now in damage limitation mode - particularly because Real Madrid are sniffing around.

They've resigned themselves to losing him, hence the articles last week. They'd sooner lose him to a PL club. They've suggested to him that if he insists on leaving then if he goes to the right PL club, they can come and rescue him later. United are on their "safe" clubs list. :smirk:

Bayern Munich is the non-PL name that comes up, but they don't like the idea of selling to their ex-manager to strengthen a side that got 7 goals against them this season.
The press gossip is basically that Barca's management know they've screwed up. If he'd played 60% of matches this season the release clause would be 90m, not 18m. They're now in damage limitation mode - particularly because Real Madrid are sniffing around.

They've resigned themselves to losing him, hence the articles last week. They'd sooner lose him to a PL club. They've suggested to him that if he insists on leaving then if he goes to the right PL club, they can come and rescue him later. United are on their "safe" clubs list. :smirk:

Bayern Munich is the non-PL name that comes up, but they don't like the idea of selling to their ex-manager to strengthen a side that got 7 goals against them this season.

Interesting. Piqué recently said that his intention was always to return to Barcelona. I doubt our club will be overlooking these possibilities.
He starting tonight anyone who wants to watch him.
Yep, looked very good. And for those who inexplicably refuse to believe he's a CM... he was clearly a CM. Iniesta and Fabregas in front of him, Song behind/alongside him. The 'Xavi' role.
He could play against Malaga as U21 duty isn't until June 3rd.

Thought he was terrific tonight. Would be a a terrible loss to see him depart. Asspanyol, dirtiest side in La Liga
Apparently if he plays the last game he reaches the quota.
Doesn't he need 30 league games? He's played 26 so far so that can't happen. He's also played in 35 games in all competitions so far so I can't see him needing 36 games instead of a round number for his release clause to go up.
If his release clause increases by the game, surely we want have triggered t (if we are in fact interested) when we first became aware of it and will not have have waited for Barca to play him more for it to increase.
So after all this talk of Barca messing up and missing the window to extend the clause, they can just play him in the next match and nothing will have changed?

You'd have thought someone would have thought of that before starting all this drama.
On a scale of Liam Miller to Xavi, where do you see Thiago's potential?

I don't really like comparing one player to another, it's never quite that simple. Similarities? I think they're both tough to dispossess and have incredible control/touch. Xavi sees the entire pitch better although he's also got more than a decade on the young Thiago. Xavi started out deeper on the pitch as a playmaker ala Pirlo and made his way higher up the pitch over the years. Thiago can play deeper but obviously his strengths are suited to attacking higher up the pitch

I just find him to be an incredibly skilled and ambitious talent, there are several levels of his game that have yet to be tapped into, IMO. We see glimpses of it here & there but hard to really develop when you are used so sparingly nevermind inconsistently. It's been clear that the coaching staff are trying to find the best way to use him although he seems to be 4th in the pecking order for selection which invariably sees him underused.

Strange since Pep used him more when Cesc couldn't fit in - still can't really. I always wondered what Pep was talking to Thiago about for so long at the end of last season - was he telling him to be patient or to not fear leaving the nest? I wonder


BTW, I read United scouts were at the derby tonight

Some fans also took this to mean he was leaving, not sure if there's anything to it

Sounds like you think he is going to be the real deal. If (and its a big if) he should end up at United, how do you see him fitting into our current system and what system do you think would get the absolute best out of his abilities?
So after all this talk of Barca messing up and missing the window to extend the clause, they can just play him in the next match and nothing will have changed?

You'd have thought someone would have thought of that before starting all this drama.

According to Balague (yes yes, I know), the clause is triggered if he plays less than 60% of minutes over the season, and prior to today's game he'd played 47%.
Sounds like you think he is going to be the real deal. If (and its a big if) he should end up at United, how do you see him fitting into our current system and what system do you think would get the absolute best out of his abilities?

Hard to say. I haven't liked how Kagawa has been used so there's always the possibility he will be pushed into a role that doesn't suit his strengths as well.

Of course, Moyes is a different kettle of fish and his approach may differ altogether. Does anyone really know how or what tactics Moyes will employ? Personally, I think he'd start in any midfield tomorrow barring perhaps Bayern
He is a quality player I have been saying I think he is the best young midfielder around. Barca my fight to keep him I expect them to he is too talented to let go. Xavi needs to be phased out but I doubt that will happen while he can still contribute. Plus the Fabregas situation he must hate playing the false 9 he kept coming into midfield.
He is a quality player I have been saying I think he is the best young midfielder around. Barca my fight to keep him I expect them to he is too talented to let go. Xavi needs to be phased out but I doubt that will happen while he can still contribute. Plus the Fabregas situation he must hate playing the false 9 he kept coming into midfield.

You saw how quickly Barcelona scored when Xavi came on today?...Phase him out? :wenger:
You saw how quickly Barcelona scored when Xavi came on today?...Phase him out? :wenger:

They where playing Espanyol with 10 men :lol: He is not as dominant as he once was against the best teams when your watching i'm sure you have picked that up also and at his age surely he will only further decline. Thiago should not replace him quite yet but he should be playing more.
BTW, I read United scouts were at the derby tonight

Some fans also took this to mean he was leaving, not sure if there's anything to it


Interesting. I assume that means "Thank you for the moments" or something like that. Why have that unless you were planning to leave, hey?

I'd be pissed if he ends up elsewhere.
You saw how quickly Barcelona scored when Xavi came on today?...Phase him out? :wenger:

This is the hardest part. How do you phase out a living legend, who on his day is still one of the best players in the world.

Xavi is probably the best playmaker ever, if we look at stats he's definitely number one. Just like Scholes he's starts to decline, not much but a few extra yard here and there, not the same sharpness and most important at all he's becoming comfortable. His stats are close to the same but he don't deliver the killer pass as much as he did before. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Thiago needs games against the best oppositions as the main man. The clock is ticking for him and next summer its the WC and he's almost 22 years old.

Maybe in a long term perspective it would be wise of him to stay and bid his time. Im the middle term perspective its 50/50 but in the short term perspective it's a no brainer. Among the top clubs it's only United and maybe some more team who can offer him that. Bayern are stocked with world class players, Madrid is not an option, City have Yaya, Chelsea maybe, PSG and Monaco seems to look for matured players. Dortmund have Gündogan and what is left is Juventus and maybe some more team.

United world suite him perfectly. We desperately need a top midfielder, especially a offensive one. We have a good reputation of nurturing young talents. We are probably ready to give him a pay rise.

What would you do in his shoes FCBarca? Not an easy choice.
According to Balague (yes yes, I know), the clause is triggered if he plays less than 60% of minutes over the season, and prior to today's game he'd played 47%.

What an odd type of clause, I haven't seen anything like that before.

And to that shirt thing, that's definitely some muppet material to sink our teeth into.
I feel very similarly, 7even. I think that's why many fans like myself won't hold it against the player if he were to leave. If it were me? Obviously, I'd fight for my place at the club I love but Thiago has been quoted before as saying his dream isn't necessarily to succeed at Barcelona but to succeed in football. I always took that to mean, he aspires to greatness, irrespective of the shirt. I think the Cesc thing has to hit him personally and, frankly, it continues to irritate me so I can imagine what it does to a competitive player like him.

Where do you go though after years of plying your trade at a club that has showcased your skills for so long? Like you, I thought of Dortmund, Juve, Milan or even the new kids on the block, Monaco. He's Italian by birth so maybe an Italian club but Serie A has lost it's allure, IMO. City makes some sense, especially with Txiki there

Pain, it would be physically painful to see him leave but I'd understand it. It's wrong how he's been treated even if Xavi came out to try & ease the tension. Mazinho has been a pain to deal with but I understand his frustrations. Still, he's not going to get into Del Bosque's WC squad, I seriously doubt it - regardless of where he goes. The midfield for La Roja is set (Again, unless there are injuries).

As for United, much rather you lot took Cesc. Plus, I think he'd serve you guys better than Thiago
I feel very similarly, 7even. I think that's why many fans like myself won't hold it against the player if he were to leave. If it were me? Obviously, I'd fight for my place at the club I love but Thiago has been quoted before as saying his dream isn't necessarily to succeed at Barcelona but to succeed in football. I always took that to mean, he aspires to greatness, irrespective of the shirt. I think the Cesc thing has to hit him personally and, frankly, it continues to irritate me so I can imagine what it does to a competitive player like him.

Where do you go though after years of plying your trade at a club that has showcased your skills for so long? Like you, I thought of Dortmund, Juve, Milan or even the new kids on the block, Monaco. He's Italian by birth so maybe an Italian club but Serie A has lost it's allure, IMO. City makes some sense, especially with Txiki there

Pain, it would be physically painful to see him leave but I'd understand it. It's wrong how he's been treated even if Xavi came out to try & ease the tension. Mazinho has been a pain to deal with but I understand his frustrations. Still, he's not going to get into Del Bosque's WC squad, I seriously doubt it - regardless of where he goes. The midfield for La Roja is set (Again, unless there are injuries).

As for United, much rather you lot took Cesc. Plus, I think he'd serve you guys better than Thiago

When I first saw Thiago I felt in love with his style. He owned the game against England U-21, whenever I saw him for Barca he showed tons of talent, it was a matter of when will he break thrue.

He has always been my dream target. As it looks it was a match made in heaven. I never thought he would be on the market but here we are. Cesc is a world class midfielder but seven days out of seven I chose potential, apart from that I think his style suits us better. Fabregas have become to offensive for my likening.
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