Television The Walking Dead

I'm guessing the barn full of zomos are family members..?

that andrea tart is annoying I agree.

So far the most far fetched thing is a fit bird shagging the Asian kid

Anyone watched 'Hell on Wheels' on after TWD yet...?
What this show needs is less of the soap style melodrama and more stuff like the action that Shane took in episode 3. I want to see people in an extreme situation making extreme and difficult decisions so that we're constantly guessing.

I don't want to see an entire episode of them goofing around in a forest looking for a kid. That whole section was stupid btw. Why did he leave her there in the first place? He only had 2 zombies following him which he then just turned on and bashed their heads in with a rock. Surely zombies are only a threat in numbers? On their own I wouldn't imagine they'd be any more dangerous than a drunken pensioner.
What this show needs is less of the soap style melodrama and more stuff like the action that Shane took in episode 3. I want to see people in an extreme situation making extreme and difficult decisions so that we're constantly guessing.

I don't want to see an entire episode of them goofing around in a forest looking for a kid. That whole section was stupid btw. Why did he leave her there in the first place? He only had 2 zombies following him which he then just turned on and bashed their heads in with a rock. Surely zombies are only a threat in numbers? On their own I wouldn't imagine they'd be any more dangerous than a drunken pensioner.
Spot on. As I said, I do not care what so ever about the missing girl so the whole plot line is getting tedious. They should have sorted out all the farm house stuff in about two episodes.
Poor Daryl...gets thrown from his horse, stabs himself with an arrow, gets his boot gnawed on bt a zombie, loses his ear necklace, gets shot by that stupid cow then gets a kiss from the mingingest bird of the whole bunch.

That scene where he slotted the two zombies was good but the rest of it is just fecking shite. I'm really getting sick of the southern accent too. I was struggling to understand the conversation between Egg and the other bloke...I don't even know his name that's how little I care about these characters. But, he'd be the one fecking the farmer's daughter in real life instead of short-round.

I didn't even know that there was a farmer's son until he tried to go on the search party this week.
I've never seen this before. Lovefilm have sent out first disk of Season 1 to me so looking forward.
Yikes, S2 is like watching a daytime soap. Who's sleeping with whom, love triangles, unplanned pregnancies. WTF - where are the fecking zombies? I like the farmer's daughter though. :p
Last season they didnt develop the characters enough or at all, now this season they are trying a bit too hard.

But I am still enjoying it
Yikes, S2 is like watching a daytime soap. Who's sleeping with whom, love triangles, unplanned pregnancies. WTF - where are the fecking zombies? I like the farmer's daughter though. :p

1 of these 3 are applicable to this season. 1 of these 3 is applicable to the last and 1 is just wrong.

But yes. It needs more zombies. But it's based on the comics and there are a lot of comics. Maybe they want to make many seasons of it.
I'm guessing the barn full of zomos are family members..?

that andrea tart is annoying I agree.

So far the most far fetched thing is a fit bird shagging the Asian kid

Anyone watched 'Hell on Wheels' on after TWD yet...?

You really think it could be his family? There were far too many of them.
They are so rubbish, they never seem prepared for a zombie attack at all. Not that the current episode has anything to do with that. Or does it? Maybe it does? I dont know?

No it didn't but anyway
Not a lot really happened in terms of story, at the moment there are only two characters that I can actually stand being Glen and Daryl. I want to see some zombie wave surviving.
You really think it could be his family? There were far too many of them.

So it turns out the barn zombies are the farm girls mother, relatives and neighbours. I didn't know she had a brother there either.
So it turns out the barn zombies are the farm girls mother, relatives and neighbours. I didn't know she had a brother there either.

I couldn't expect anything other than that scenario. The reasons for it I didn't know but it had to be family. They weren't nutty enough for it to be something else.

Perhaps this show doesn't have enough budget for them to make up a bunch of extras so they have to be picky on the zombie scenes. Maybe Mad Men has taken all of their budget. Or god forbit, Vampire Diaries:nervous:
The ambient soundtrack on this current series is really annoying me, LOUD cricket and insect noises!!!!! that vanishes when they speak. Other than that I'm enjoying it.
Why am I even bothering with this shite? it's spectacularly awful. I hate the old man - wise old man, my arse...and Rick's missus is annoying as feck. The East Asian lad's bird's fit though...but she's not enough to save this tripe.
Yup. Too much trite, manufactured irrational emotion.

The problem for me is that it doesn't really seem like that bad of a life. Sure it's pretty crummy having creeps stumbling around trying to eat you and all, but on the plus side, there are fewer folks on the whole bothering you. Things are quieter and you get to live where you want. Food doesn't seem that hard to come by. I reckon you could eat the zombies if you put you really put your mind to it.
Break those feckers out the barn already, they should eat the cast just to end it all.
Has there ever been a cast with a more annoying set of characters? The only semi-decent ones are Daryl and Glen. The women, oh the women.
Has there ever been a cast with a more annoying set of characters? The only semi-decent ones are Daryl and Glen. The women, oh the women.

Glen? You mean the chinese kid punching well above his weight? You must be mistaking him for Shane because Glen seems rather superfluous to me.
If that stupid girl stayed where she was told to begin with then they wouldnt be in this shit situation. They would of been on their travels long ago to find answers.

It's not even a shit situation, they're making the wrong choice in an easy decision. Just leave the little shit behind, she's been missing for ages now in a zombie fecking apocalypse. I mean shit, in that situation I'd leave my friends behind if they couldn't keep up, let alone some stranger's kid who decided to run off instead of fecking listening, I'd have given it 2 days tops.
I have to agree that this season has been shocking at times. The story is boring and the acting isn't great either which makes a lot of the characters not very likeable. Rick's wife and kid are annoying as feck, as is the little girls mother.
Fairly big spoilers in these 4chan pics, fair warning:




it's quite an achievement to make a zombie apocalypse this dull
If anyone has read the comics then I hope its going in this direction

I can see the last scene of the season will be the group discovering the prison. They are going pretty slowly with the show but I'm hoping they will pick it up for the run in. I'm sure some of the group will die and they will introduce new characters(govenor, prisoners etc) and bring back old ones (meryl and Morgan). Im going to keep watching this and be optimisstic that it will pick up

Yep, my sentiments exactly.

It took 7 episodes for something to kick off and then when Shane finally blew up, it last all but 15 minutes and it wasn't anything unexpected either. Now we have to wait until February for another seven slow and uneventful episodes
Just finished Season 1. It's good but didn't "wow" me in any way. And I usually love zombie related stuff.

I dunno, I found the characters a bit....meh.
Yep, my sentiments exactly.

It took 7 episodes for something to kick off and then when Shane finally blew up, it last all but 15 minutes and it wasn't anything unexpected either. Now we have to wait until February for another seven slow and uneventful episodes

You've got to be kidding me.

I thought it was a good episode this week, built up nicely to the end with the girl coming out. Wonder what kind of arc its going to follow in the next seven episodes, Shane and Rick power struggle perhaps.
Just finished Season 1. It's good but didn't "wow" me in any way. And I usually love zombie related stuff.

I dunno, I found the characters a bit....meh.

Agree with this.
Was a good episode and at least things are back on track post that awful season finale last time round
Right, how the feck does the little girl end up in the barn? If the farmers knew she was in there, why did they let the others keep going out to look for her? If they didn't know, how the feck did she get in there? If she sneaked in when she was still human the zombies would have torn her to pieces.

This is just tediously bad shit. Why do I keep watching it?
Right, how the feck does the little girl end up in the barn? If the farmers knew she was in there, why did they let the others keep going out to look for her? If they didn't know, how the feck did she get in there? If she sneaked in when she was still human the zombies would have torn her to pieces.

This is just tediously bad shit. Why do I keep watching it?

Official line is that Otis captured her and stuck her in the barn, and was dead before he realise who she was.