Television The Walking Dead

When will this resume after next weeks episode? Anyone know the rough date when then 2nd half of the season will start?
Season finales always get big viewership so some twat has obviously come up with an idea of having two in a season.

I'd quite like to shit on his head.
it's a holiday break basically, there is less viewing then and traditional seasonal programming.

Plus they've got about 20 odd episodes to spread over 32 weeks of scheduling time, so it's a bit of a trend to do 10 upfront in the autumn and 10-12 in the easter period, so they finish up about May, just in time for the Upfronts, which is when next fall schedule is released.

The vast majority started much later in the year to avoid the reduce the gap.
TV executives are one of the most retarded people on the planet that have a high paid gig.

About the rapey scene, I actually think the Govenor wouldn't do that. You know, despite his crazy evil behavior he has some "morals". It was just all a tactic from him to get her to speak. Rape is mostly about control anyway and he does that through manipulation. He's got no need for the physical act to get his way.

I agree with Cina's consensus. I forced myself through the 2nd season, only watching it when I had nothing else left. I've been amazed how much better it's gotten. Started to living up to it's potential.
I'm thinking of watching this from the start, how good is it?
I'm thinking of watching this from the start, how good is it?

first couple of episodes are good but then it went downhill a bit but still decent.
2nd series you end up hoping a few of the characters get eaten by zombies, a lot of storyline but not enough zombies.
This series is much better, and seems to improve each episode.

Worth watching all the series still
Season 1 was awesome, imo. I loved it, first two episodes were some of the best TV I've watched, but went slightly downhill a bit as said.

Second season was good, but no where near as good as the first, but you've still gotta watch it to find out what happens and what happens to the characters etc etc.

Season 3 is just pure awesome from the word GO, and its getting better with each episode.

Over all, yes, watch it from the start. It'll be worth it.
I still don't understand this American thing of stopping a season half way through, is there a genuine reason for it over there?

I think it's due to the fact that series from other big channels are returning soon and they don't want everything to collide. Series' like Suits and White Collar are on mid season breaks and coming back in Jan.
I'm thinking of watching this from the start, how good is it?

It's very good.

The first couple of episodes were brilliant. It fades a little towards the end of that season with some things progressing too fast and daft character decisions. The other episodes are good, but the problem is that the last couple in the series aren't proper season finales. It suffered from 6 episodes only and had to resolve things quicker than it should have.

The second season gets a lot of criticism but it's still good. It's pacing is too slow at times, but the episodes themselves are good and bar some storylines, arguably a main one which annoyed me, the character development is good and several characters grow. I think it's something that annoyed those watching it week after week more. If you're watching it now though, it probably won't annoy you as much. Some characters, mainly of one gender, are insufferable though.

Series three has been absolutely brilliant though. It's interesting, intense, has great acting and has it's edge back too. It's been the best of the lot by a distance.
Absolutely my most favourite show on TV right now. I haven't liked a show this much in a good while.

I can't wait for the mid-season finale, the shit will most likely hit the fan.
I thought it was a good episode last night. Glenn has grown a pair I have to say.

Can't wait for the mid-season finale next week, especially Daryl & Merle's anticipated reunion.
An entertainment subforum should be created in memory of our fallen friend T-Dog.

Long live the great!
More terrible scenes with the guy and his daughter. New black guy in the show so the old one has to die. He lasted all of 3 weeks. New people running away from walkers, but always found time and space to stop and have dialogue. I knew Andrea would come in and mess things up, just a shame she didnt meet the pointy end of the sword. Carl was alright this week and whats with shoving Merl out with his brother? All this time the guy wanted to keep Andrea from seeing her people and then he goes and does that. Stupid
More terrible scenes with the guy and his daughter. New black guy in the show so the old one has to die. He lasted all of 3 weeks. New people running away from walkers, but always found time and space to stop and have dialogue. I knew Andrea would come in and mess things up, just a shame she didnt meet the pointy end of the sword. Carl was alright this week and whats with shoving Merl out with his brother? All this time the guy wanted to keep Andrea from seeing her people and then he goes and does that. Stupid

I completely ignore all plot holes now. Couldn't care less about them. I'll take anything as long as it's not that fecking farm.
Yeah its just really annoying. Still enjoy watching the show but at times it could be so much better if someone had thought things through.
:lol: once again they kill the token black guy on the episode they replace him.. played by the guy who was Cutty in The Wire though, so that makes up for it.
Random Thoughts while watching:

RIP TDog2.0, Long Live TDog 3.0.

Why the feck is she strangling him, WITH A SWORD!

Ohh right in the old eye, that's his one weak spot.

Way to go Andrea, sympathize with the psychopath, ignore the room full of heads.

Daryl, usually so smart, the olde "I'll be right behind you" trope ... sealed your fate.

Merle you dummy, he knows look at him ... get out bitch!

Fight night.... Brother vs Robobrother ... it's on bitches, Lets get reeeeeeeeeeeeeeadddddddyyyy to CLIFFFFFHANNNGERRR.
Spoiler about next episode preview
Preview totally ruined all the dramatic tension of that moment too gg.
Stop posting unlabelled spoilers about the preview of the next episode. That is the second one in a few posts. Read the spoiler policy if you don't want to cop infractions. I have edited a label into that one because it was just a hint but I'm not going to do it again. It is very annoying and against the rules. It would be even better if people just kept that stuff to themselves if they are silly enough to watch it but don't spoil others enjoyment if you do.
previews fecking annoy me. I never watch them.

Did anybody else think 'uh-oh, kiddy-fiddler' when that prisoner was coming onto whatsername?
What with the ludicrous action scenes, the Shane scene, the Michonne fight, the governor's speech, and the countless plotholes it felt like some straight-to-dvd action movie.

But I'll keep watching, cause somehow it's still fun.
That Shane scene was terrible and pointless.

A pretty neat finale though, looks like its all setup quite nicely now.
Some here will just moan about it no matter what. You complained at the slow pace of last season, but then moan when there's action in this one.

Anyway, it was a fantastic episode and really delivered. I was expecting more than one death, but the way they did it and the scenes between characters meant that having one token black who we'd seen for about 3 episodes die was good in the end, because the governor will become sicker and has his distinctive villain look.

I've really liked him this season. He's a crazy villain and has to be one of the most insane characters around at the moment. Morrisey has been brilliant in the role and has brought a lot to the show. It's needed that.

Oscar's death was so predictable. It's painful how much of a token black he's been. He had all of 5 words this time round though, so it's all good. Tyrese looks like an interesting character though, and the actor is good, so it seems he may actually be around for a while longer.

The Shane scene was stupid. Why did they do it then? Why not sometime back in the prison and see a zombie form Shane? Would've been more effective than at such a random time. If we're going to focus on Rick's torment at all then it should be done well.

The brother reunion became predictable but was still done very well. Can't wait to see how everything unfolds between the two of them now. Difficult to tell whether the Governor genuinely suspected Merle either or if he's merely using him as an example.
RIP T-Dog 2. Long live Cutty, now to be known as T-Dog 3.
Nah, I think he'll probably be around for longer. The fact he's actually the leader of a group, or looked like one, showed he's probably going to be more interesting and influential.