Television The Walking Dead

Thoughts on episode for 11/25/12 enjoyed the eye fecking Michonne gave Rick when she sat up to talk to him.

-Our first Jim Jones reference of the season.

-I really feel like kicking Carl in the head just so he stops wearing that hat.

-Glenn with an half ass Rambo yell.

-This Jack Reacher movie looks shite.

-Andrea is taking Woodbury in like a fat kid in a candy store.

-T-Dawg 2 had a break out show tonight. All of five words.

-Next week, shit is going to get crazy!

All kidding aside, another good episode. This season is turning out quite well.
Has anyone else noticed how Rick always looks at and approaches things sideways? He's like some sort of crab-man.

That's because crabs are badasses.
I've not actually watched any of this outside the first few episodes, but I've just read the first comic collection and it seems like the TV series has nearly caught up with that.

I need to just sit down one day and watch all of these.
Probably both, I just wish they'd stop taking her clothes off like you wouldnt need a brown paper bag and some ear plugs to be interested.

So Glen is able to take out a lineker while in constraints. I guess nobody should ever be scared or unable to solo a walker one on one. Plus there's Rick who only needs an axe to take out a whole army. Why didnt he take the axe with him on this mission? Then they wouldnt have to run from the walkers. Idiot.
Probably both, I just wish they'd stop taking her clothes off like you wouldnt need a brown paper bag and some ear plugs to be interested.

So Glen is able to take out a lineker while in constraints. I guess nobody should ever be scared or unable to solo a walker one on one. Plus there's Rick who only needs an axe to take out a whole army. Why didnt he take the axe with him on this mission? Then they wouldnt have to run from the walkers. Idiot.

Cant wait for the midseason finale next week. Shit is going down.
^ Definitely. Going to be so good.

Great episode again. Season 3 is brilliant thus far, and only looks like getting better.

Question, when will Carl get a hair cut? Looks like a right Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime at the moment, well, more than usual.
Turns out Short Round is somewhat of a badass. I have new found respect for him
Very good episode and one of the best of the season so far. It's built up well and has been a brilliant season so far. Much better than the other two seasons by a mile.

The Governor's starting to look sick and has really began to show his true colours. Morrisey has done a great job at acting the character so far.

Now to the next episode. A lot looks like it will go down; almost earlier than I thought. I expected Rick and his group to find Woodbury first and then eventually get wise and attempt to take it down, but it seems like that angle is almost done now.

So, for what I think will happen. It's nothing I've heard at all; just speculation, but I'll spoiler it to remain on the safe side.

I can see Merle dying. His concern for his brother has been shown a number of times and it's clearly his weakness. I'm starting to get the impression that one of a few things will happen.

1. Daryl will kill Merle. Not too likely, but it could happen. Merle assumes his baby brother will be on his side, not recognising the changes that he has gone through and his alleigance to Rick. Daryl may actually use this to his advantage. Either way, Daryl will not turn to his brother's side. No way they would let that happen. He may pretend, but he won't actually.

2. Daryl and Merle have a standoff. Rick intervenes at the last moment and executes Merle. This may be more likely.

3. My wildcard is that the Governor kills Merle. Merle lets Darly go, unable to kill him. He thinks he's off the hook, but unknown to him the Governor see's it and then executes Merle. It establishes him as the main villain as I don't see him going after only about 7 episodes in the series considering how good a villain he has been so far.

Glenn should've used that to his advantage though; that if he exposed his group, Daryl would be in trouble. It's clearly Merle's weakness.

Anyway, Andrea continues to get more and more annoying. I can understand falling for the charade at first, but anyone who actually knows the Governor can see he's evil. He does a great job of hiding it to the public, but you can tell how sinister he is when personal. How she doesn't know I don't know. On her in the next episode:

What are the odds Rick will come across her at some point and reveal what has happened, with her replying with that smug, condescending, annoying smile to tell him he's crazy and that nothing is wrong. She's always like that. Even in the last episode when she was like that and was actually correct, she was still insufferable. I hope she gets caught in crossfire, or the Governor uses her as leverage and kills her. Makes Carol look like the greatest fictional character of all-time. I thought for a moment he'd kill her at the end of that last episode. Was nearly delighted.
I've not actually watched any of this outside the first few episodes, but I've just read the first comic collection and it seems like the TV series has nearly caught up with that.

I need to just sit down one day and watch all of these.

Not even a mention of the comics in this thread please.
Andrea is a fecking shit character

As I said, in one of my spoilers, she's terrible. Incredibly smug and ungrateful to those around her, plus the zombies would be able to tell the Governor's evil from more than two minutes with him. Makes Carol look like a great character. This show has been absolutely brilliant lately, but Andrea seems to be trying to single handedly drag it down.
Anyway, what I really like about this series is the writers have realised what sort of show they want it to be. They seemed to be too worried about it becoming a typical zombie action thriller in season 2, so slowed it down and focused on the drama a lot more. In turn though, it lost it's focus and started to turn into a soap with zombies. I didn't mind season 2 and still thought it was good TV, but it was way too slow to watch at times nevertheless.

Now though, they've realised that making it a zombie thriller isn't a bad thing and have quickened the pace. Because of that, they still have the character development, but it's got that edge that anyone can go, fantastic villains, and an intense, gripping plot. They've managed to balance it and it's becoming a fantastic watch. I don't think there has been a bad episode this season. They've balanced it well between the slower episodes and the very good ones. I'm glad this has become so much better though. They've clearly taken the problems of season 2 on board and worked on them.
Calm down on the Andrea hate. She's got a great ass.

Was anyone else really disappointed when Daryll said to Rick at the start - "You've got to see this" and then showed him Carol? I forget they'd even found the insipid crone.

Governor turned a touch rapey. And what was the deal with that loonwad in the shack? Is he the worlds heaviest sleeper? :lol:

Yeah, I'm also interested in how whole Merle arc is gonna turn out. Should be a good mid season finale. I doubt it gets resolved next episode though. Probably form part of the cliffhanger if anything.

And no Carl. Judith is a shit name.
I just wish we would have seen a shirtless Maggie in a less hostile situation. Bummer.
The rapey thing was very creepy.

If it wasn't for AMC's holding back on that sort of stuff I wouldn't have betted against them going ahead with it. If this was HBO we'd have probably seen it.
Well they didn't have to show it. They could've implied it if they'd wanted to.

I honestly thought we were going to get a governor undoing his belt shot then a cut away.

Although to be fair I think that would've been a bit out of touch with the tone of the show.
Well they didn't have to show it. They could've implied it if they'd wanted to.

I honestly thought we were going to get a governor undoing his belt shot then a cut away.

Although to be fair I think that would've been a bit out of touch with the tone of the show.

They could have, but they generally seem to like to show most of what's going on in this show as opposed to simply implying it. Would've confirmed his status as a sickening villain though which he's fast becoming.
Becoming? He's already murdering innocent people to take their supplies then lying about it. What does it take to be sick?
Another great episode. I think that bar Homeland this is probably my favourite TV show right now, which is quite a turnaround given how much of a struggle I found season two to watch. It's one of the first shows on my priority now, where as I used to go weeks without watching season two until I had nothing else left.

Morrisey is great as the governor, he does a top job of being charming one minute, and then a creepy, sick fecker the next. I think one of the things this show was missing was a good villain, cause the zombies don't really count, so I hope he's around for the remainder of the season anyway.

I knew there was no way we'd see Maggie boobage so the hand bra was a pleasant surprise for me. It's quite comical that they can show peoples throats and intestines being ripped out, their legs being cut off, a C-section, yet they can't show any nipple at all. Welcome to America.

Although what the feck was with the crazy hobo in the shack, how the hell could he possibly have survived that long? Seemed a really weird inclusion cause it served absolutely no purpose to the plot itself either, just a way of filling up the episode and throwing in a few zombie kills.

Anyway, I thought the 7th was the mid season finale and was very happy to see at the end that it's not. Next weeks should be an absolutely cracking episode!
I can't believe the turnaround in this show, what happened to the show I used to love to hate, I've found myself watching episodes multiple times.

The Maggie hand bra was soo much more frustrating the second time round, it would have been nice to see Bella's tits. That said, the whole rapey vibe of the scene might have ruined it. Christ it was cringey and sinster, I had to fast forward bits, even though I knew she'd be alright, well for now.

That Guy in the cabin bit makes zero sense, we've seen how militant the governator has been, I don't buy them letting this guy live like 6 feet beyond their fence.

I'm not sure of it this next bit is spoilery as I'm going off the 'next time on Walking Dead' bit

They showed a full on assault of the town, seems like such an escalation of conflict.

I'm surprised Rick didn't even try to parlay his people back, alright he has no leverage and nothing to trade, so it's the smarter move and considering the Governor they'd be all killed anyway.

But it just seems so OOC for Rick to not be a bleeding heart nice guy, emphasizing with the villagers, are their moves so different to ones I would make. For example, consider the parallels with the 'rescue' of Scowly McSamurai, the only real difference between the two camps is that Rick was a lot more upfront about his intentions and instead of subtle metaphorical jail cell, it was you know, an actual one.

I suppose we have to see how it pans out, but this new Post-Lori Rick is almost competent and sensible.
Yeah good point, I'd say you're right in that it's just a plot device. Although it's not like she says a lot anyway. It seems she didn't really know who these people were but surely in the eight months her and Andrea spent together she would've told her about them in detail, especially with Rick being a police officer and all.
Also the fact she heard about where the prison was, but somehow missed Merle asking about his brother etc...
It did seem odd, she doesn't seem very forthcoming most of the time, she found it difficult to express herself even with Andrea, someone she's spent a lot of time with, so it might just be in her nature.

Just read an article that Lenny James (dude with his son from the pilot) could be coming back, he's a badass actor.
That's great news lastwolf, although you may want to spoiler it to be on the safe side.

Another good episode this week, the govenor is turning out brilliantly.

My thoughts on his future.
He can't die next week, we surely need to see more of the little girl and the heads in the boxes.

Andrea is the most optimistic pessimist ever, she moans about everything but once she made up her mind about Woodbury it's the greatest thing ever and is blind to its faults. Then again Andrea doesn't annoy me half as much as she seems to others, I quite like her naivety and her milfiness.

No sign of the zombie full of Lori this week, hopefully his arc isn't over.

Carl blatantly chose Judith as a punishment for the baby killing his mum, at least there won't be many other kids around to tease her.

The scientist guy is intriguing, I'm not sure whether he is deep down a good guy or completely bat shit crazy.

Merle and Darryl are going to have to face off at some point, I don't want either to die though.

I hate hand bras and sideboobs, we don't want a sexy but ultimately frustrating schrodinger's nipple all the time.

Check out Van Wilder 2: Rise of Taj for more of Maggie, but get it on BluRay and make sure you're quick with the pause button if you want to actually see anything.
That's great news lastwolf, although you may want to spoiler it to be on the safe side.

Another good episode this week, the govenor is turning out brilliantly.

My thoughts on his future.
He can't die next week, we surely need to see more of the little girl and the heads in the boxes.

Andrea is the most optimistic pessimist ever, she moans about everything but once she made up her mind about Woodbury it's the greatest thing ever and is blind to its faults. Then again Andrea doesn't annoy me half as much as she seems to others, I quite like her naivety and her milfiness.

No sign of the zombie full of Lori this week, hopefully his arc isn't over.

Carl blatantly chose Judith as a punishment for the baby killing his mum, at least there won't be many other kids around to tease her.

The scientist guy is intriguing, I'm not sure whether he is deep down a good guy or completely bat shit crazy.

Merle and Darryl are going to have to face off at some point, I don't want either to die though.

I hate hand bras and sideboobs, we don't want a sexy but ultimately frustrating schrodinger's nipple all the time.

Check out Van Wilder 2: Rise of Taj for more of Maggie, but get it on BluRay and make sure you're quick with the pause button if you want to actually see anything.

There's a gif of that somewhere but I can't post it here anyway. Damn you Google.