Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
That joke about the fat bird starving was fecking hilarious though. Reckon the writers were getting her back for not following instructions not to gorge during shooting breaks.
It's probably 8 hours of Negan smiling, laughing, swinging Lucille and speaking in his weird stilted way "this, show, is, GREAT!"When Dwight is asked by the girl (can't remember the name) how he sleeps at night he says he doesn't and just watches TV straight till morning. What TV? Where do they get the electricity from? What channel is he watching, Zombie Special? Who's broadcasting?
When Dwight is asked by the girl (can't remember the name) how he sleeps at night he says he doesn't and just watches TV straight till morning. What TV? Where do they get the electricity from? What channel is he watching, Zombie Special? Who's broadcasting?
Obvious answerI imagine they have DVDs and a generator.
When Dwight is asked by the girl (can't remember the name) how he sleeps at night he says he doesn't and just watches TV straight till morning. What TV? Where do they get the electricity from? What channel is he watching, Zombie Special? Who's broadcasting?
Haven't watched this for two seasons. Is it still shit?
The baddy is good but pretty much everything else is quite shite.
It's clearly set on a parallel earth where normal rules do not apply. More exercise and less food = fat. Loud growling shuffling dead bodies walking around = deadly silent ninjas.
That would give the writers far too much creditThere's a vid I saw that explain this, the theory is that their constant proximity to loud gunshots has damaged their hearing.
There's a vid I saw that explain this, the theory is that their constant proximity to loud gunshots has damaged their hearing.
I've never seen one of them go 'come again, bit deaf mate'.
There's a vid I saw that explain this, the theory is that their constant proximity to loud gunshots has damaged their hearing.
This should have been played more. Would have made some conversations funny. imagine Negan giving his speech and then they all go "What? We cant hear you"...
There's a vid I saw that explain this, the theory is that their constant proximity to loud gunshots has damaged their hearing.
So carl goes to Negan's lair with the sole intent of killing him, grabs a machine-gun, has Negan in his sights and then doesn't kill him.
Negan thinks he'll make a good soldier? Righto.
This season has basically been
- Look how much of a cnut Negan is
- Terrible episode about pointless character
- Look how much of a cnut Negan is
- Terrible episode about pointless character
- Look how much of a cnut Negan is
With a heavy dose of worst actor ever Carl.
To be fair they did begin to 'humanize' Negan a bit in the last episode when they had him apologise for making Corral cry.
I'm pretty sure that was just Negan being Negan, right?
They've mentioned before that he's killed kids (I think I remember that being mentioned) so I really doubt he cares if he hurt this ones feelings, especially since Carl is hell bent on killing him (until he actually has the chance to do so of course).
I'm pretty sure that was just Negan being Negan, right?
They've mentioned before that he's killed kids (I think I remember that being mentioned) so I really doubt he cares if he hurt this ones feelings, especially since Carl is hell bent on killing him (until he actually has the chance to do so of course).
Not sure if its deliberate but Negan is beginning to be painted as a don't-wannabe bad ass in the wrong place at the wrong time. He's keeping up appearances but just wants someone to put a bullet through his head and end this charade. Maybe that hot wife or her ironed out husband.
That moment with him holding Rick's little girl was as warm as any time I've held my children.
Lol....I read that Carl was sighting the rifle he was using with his missing eye.
If you've seen him play darts with his good eye it was probably a better option.
Two parts had me laughing. The bullet to Lucille and when the fat chick died and Negan said he did Rick a solid given how much she probably eats. It was like a dark comedy moment.
Just glad the hot latina stays alive :P