Just got this press release. I guess the Kennedys know a thing or two about conspiracy theories. I'm sure people would've noticed 12,791 deaths from the vaccine though.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. urges journalists to do their own research, report the truth about COVID vaccine risks, injuries and deaths
Washington, DC - Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Board Chair Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. today is calling upon mainstream media to investigate and report on many issues central to the COVID crisis that have either been mischaracterized or suppressed altogether. This type of journalism at the same time embraces the Pharma/government agenda which silences those who criticize or even question that agenda, all while obscuring the totalitarian impacts of proposed vaccine mandates and passports.
“The cornerstone of any democratic society is freedom,” said Kennedy. “The people of this country should have free speech and the freedom to decide what medical interventions they do or don’t want. Never in our nation’s history have those freedoms been as threatened as they are today.”
Some of the facts that have been inaccurately reported or swept under the rug include:
Viable and readily available treatments for COVID have been withheld so that vaccines could get Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). The only way experimental vaccines could have been granted this status was in the absence of
treatments. That led to the media-endorsed idea that no early and effective treatments were available. People have died because of this fallacy that has been relentlessly presented day after day to the public by the media.
No healthy individual should die or be injured from a vaccine. We are now approaching a time when the injuries and deaths from the vaccine will likely surpass those from the virus. Between mid-December, 2020 and August 5 of this year,
571,831 total adverse events including
12,791 deaths have been reported to our government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), yet the media maintains a blackout on the topic. By comparison, when it became known that an estimated 50 people died after receiving the
swine flu shot in 1976, that vaccination campaign was immediately shut down.
The COVID vaccine does not prevent transmission. As stated in the documentation upon which the FDA granted EUA status to COVID vaccines, and as the CDC recently
acknowledged to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, COVID vaccines do not stop transmission of the virus, one of the chief goals of any vaccine. Shaming the unvaccinated for new COVID cases is baseless and dangerously divisive.
Children are at extremely low risk of death or hospitalization from COVID and there is no justification for recommending this vaccine to kids. The COVID survival rate across all age groups is
98.23% and in
children, it is even higher at
99.985% calling into question the need for widespread COVID vaccination of any age group but especially for children who are at such minimal risk from COVID.
COVID vaccines are not helping society reach herd immunity. It’s becoming increasingly apparent that the vaccinated are spreading the virus
just as easily as the unvaccinated. And while the vaccinated are still getting COVID, they will become sentenced to a lifetime of booster shots that will continue to cause injuries and deaths as we’re currently seeing in the VAERS data. Yet the media perpetuates the falsehood that more boosters are the way out of the epidemic—especially now that it’s becoming apparent that the original COVID vaccines are
The origins of COVID-19 remain shrouded in secrecy by the media. Even though Congress has launched an investigation, the media is still providing guidance on the epidemic and COVID vaccines based on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s recommendations. As Dr. Fauci may well be responsible for
funding this dangerous science at the Wuhan Lab, and his vaccine conflicts of interests have come into question, his ability to lead the response to the epidemic has been compromised beyond repair.
“Human rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are being decimated,” said Kennedy. “Mandates are morally and spiritually wrong for America and the world. No human should ever be forced or coerced by their employer, school or government to have a medical procedure, including vaccines, against their will. Where is the outcry against this travesty from our leaders and the media? It’s time for the media and the public to break free from the Pharma-backed vaccine paradigm and instead embrace the liberty upon which this country was founded.”
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Children's Health Defense is devoted to the health of people and our planet. Our mission is to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards to prevent future harm.